Application for Heaven ; Chapter 1 and 2

by Irina Borshcheva
29th March 2019

The following material was released with the permission of Mr O. Alpha and comprises part of the personal file of Mr Thomas S. – the Client. The name of the Client and the start date are partly omitted in order to comply with the internal Personal Data Protection Act of the Company.


Ms Holly S

External Affairs 

PA to Mr O. Alpha



Chapter 1


The traffic seemed not to have moved even an inch during the last hour. Tom’s shoulders, back and the hand that was clutching the gear stick became stiff and painful. 

The air conditioner stubbornly refused to work; Tom swore quietly, knowing that his previously dazzling-white shirt and crisply-ironed trousers were utterly ruined by these large and unsightly wet patches under his armpits and knees, which kept on growing. Smell of his heavy body odour overpowering the air around him was making him sick.

The radio, which had mumbled something for a while now, suddenly choked and spat out that the traffic would not improve for at least another two hours. Then shortly after broadcasting a whole series of convulsive chokes, blips and mutterings it became silent.

Tom was groaning with frustration; his presentation would start in half an hour and at this point he should have been there doing the rehearsal instead of being indefinitely trapped in the middle lane surrounded by other prisoners of this gridlock.

He wanted to call to the office and kept on checking the phone which lost the reception an hour ago. His wet, meaty fingers were poking its keys randomly, trying to revive it. His efforts were hopeless - the phone was dead. Tom threw it aside; his restless ambition to conclude the matter today ebbed away.

The day was about to pass noon; the temperature outside was inexorably creeping up.

The heat became unendurable after sweat began dribbling down Tom's forehead, burning his eyes and blinding him.

Panting like a dog, he slid the window down to get fresh air from the outside but had to give up as it was intoxicated with the smell of petrol and exhaust fumes. 

Locked in his car, drowning in perspiration, Tom felt a boiling rage was rushing through his veins and was itching to take it out on someone. He was aware that there were too many witnesses to take that risk, however the urge was too strong not to be indulged. 

He began to pinpoint a suitable victim. On his right he spotted a young woman – the driver of a small, older car, smiling and crooning along with the music she had on.

Tom quickly lowered the window and shouted to her that she was a stupid cow who should not be allowed to drive this heap of scrap because they always cause havoc on the road, that there are other people around and her music is too loud, and she should switch it off.

He went on and on until he achieved the desired result when the girl looked deeply upset, biting her lips and trying very hard not to burst into tears.

With blatant satisfaction, he watched her distress for a while, but soon became bored and started his search again. Tom looked to his left - nothing new was there and he knew too well what was happening on his right.  

He looked up at the sky and practically wowed with amazement before descending into “what the hell”.



Chapter 2


Up above his car, there in the azure, cloudless sky was a giant promotional banner drifting towards him.

Its size and presentation were mesmerising, however Tom found that what it advertised was even more astonishing.

The banner read:


“Why wait till it's too late? Book your place in heaven now! Get your afterlife sorted today at competitive prices! 20% discount available for groups! Children under 7 free! Do not miss your chance and call us now on 666 333 999 toll free! We are open 24/7! “


All this was written on white, furry clouds which formed a circle around a woman in the centre of the banner. A flock of smartly dressed, cute cherubs was peacefully resting on these clouds pointing their small child-like puffy fingers at the catchphrases - “ why wait”,” in heaven now!”,“ sorted today”, “20% discount”, “Children free!”,” don’t miss “, “toll free!” and “open 24/7!”.

The woman on the banner looked quite innocent, except that there was something intimately inviting in her eyes and lips, and her dress seemed to be too tight and too revealing around her luxurious breasts to be appropriate for the nun she was posing as. 

Despite her being probably three times normal human size to match the size of the banner, she looked very alive and Tom could swear that he saw her breasts were rising and falling as if she was breathing deeply, looking directly in his eyes, and he could read her full lips moving saying his name. Tom also noticed that the cherubs stopped pointing at the catchphrases and now were watching him with sweet smiles, their golden curls swaying in the breeze.

Hypnotised by the vision of the hidden pleasures promised by the suggestive smile of her moist, poppy-red lips and her sparkling, alluring eyes, he gaped at the woman until suddenly the radio yelped hysterically, making Tom realise that now it was him who held up the traffic. Without any further delay, with his face burning, honking at everything which was in his way, Tom managed to move the car onto the hard shoulder. He looked at the sky again. To his disappointment, the banner had disappeared.

Trying to rearrange the presentation, Tom dug the phone from under the seat where it had fallen. He looked at the screen - the reception was back; however, there were no missed phone calls from his agent, only one voice message. 

Tom pressed the key and a flat female voice informed him that there was a message left for him a couple of minutes ago. Tom chose the option “listen to the message” and there it was, a soothing and affectionate female voice saying: “Our dearest customer, we have noticed the interest you have shown in our advertisement today and are delighted to inform you that your appointment with one of our best consultants has been already arranged for today at 16:30. 

We would like to assure you that we are providing the best service in this field and take pride in the fact that none of our customers have ever been dissatisfied. We believe that you will be pleased to know that at that point you will be given discounts on certain products which unfortunately might not be on offer later; therefore we would strongly advise you not to miss the appointment so that you will get the best deal with us. Please press “1” confirming that you will be visiting us today at 16:30” 

Tom pressed “1” immediately and the same voice said:

“We are grateful to you for considering our advice and would like to maintain that you will not be disappointed with our services. To demonstrate to you our readiness to keep our promises, we have already sent our escort to you to make your journey to our office easy and pleasant, so please remain where you are. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.”

Tom rubbed his eyes and pinched himself on his nipple, thinking all this was a dream. The pain was very real and his nipple was sore and aching, proving to him that he was not sleeping. 

Becoming convinced that somebody was playing an elaborate prank on him and he was watched closely without him knowing, Tom looked around, but all he saw was the fast moving traffic and endless fields. Although his common sense told him no one would come, he decided to linger for a few minutes to satisfy his increasing curiosity to meet their escort.

Expecting the escort to come with the traffic flow, Tom was thoroughly observing his right side, when he heard somebody or something gently but insistently knocking on the left. Startled, Tom swung around and exhaled, pleasantly surprised: “Oh, my…”. 

To his joy he discovered that it was a woman, dressed in a tight, white military uniform trimmed with shiny golden lace, trying to get his attention. 

Tom, who always found women in uniform irresistibly sexy, chuckled and lowered the window to have a good a look at her.

“Hi, gorgeous,” purred Tom slowly checking her out; “It is me you are looking for?”

The woman dazzled him with a smile which showed her perfect snow-white teeth and said in a velvety voice: “Dear Tom, first, I would like to apologise for my abrupt intrusion and would like to inform you that I was sent here to help you on your way to our office. All our customers are offered the two following options of assistance: the first is when the customer wishes to drive his or her own vehicle themselves following our guide. The second, and the more preferable to our customers, is when the guide drives the customer to the office. Please let me know your preference.”  

Tom laughed.

“I’m truly impressed at the speed your services have been delivered. I wouldn’t mind you driving me, but what I would mind is you crashing my car. You look like a nice girl but it wouldn’t be a good enough excuse for my insurance company unless I can bring you with me …” said Tom finishing his sentence with a meaningful wink.

She replied, with an understanding and friendly smile: “If such an unfortunate accident occur we will then either replace your car or pay you either the full original price of your car or its current market price, whichever will be higher. Here is a contract, please read it and sign it, so that you feel confident and comfortable with this arrangement and of course you can still choose the other option.” 

The contract she gave him was surprisingly short and clear, plainly reiterating everything she just said, and to make it even more convenient for Tom, it already had all Tom’s details which might be required if a car accident would take place.

Tom’s decision was instant; he signed it. 

With thanks, she took her copy and managed to put it into her pocket without spoiling the line of her tight jacket, after which she got into his car, flashing Tom her sublime legs on her way in.

The sight of her legs prompted Tom to notice that he was beginning to feel less heated, as though the temperature inside the car dropped with her splendid entrance. 

“Would you like me to put music on? If you do, then please tell me what song or tune you would like to listen to?” she asked. 

“Well, let’s put it on. I’m not bothered with what to listen to, so you can choose.” said Tom abruptly. He felt aroused and was burning with a lust for caressing the radiant silk-like skin of these legs.

She switched on the radio. Tom recognised the song - it was his favourite. She asked him again if he was ready for her to start driving; Tom just nodded. He didn’t want to speak, feeling greatly piqued after she adjusted her skirt to hide the thighs he drooled at. 

“I hope you feel comfortable and will enjoy the journey, it won’t take long.” she reassured Tom, smoothly driving off the hard shoulder

Tom leaned back into his seat. Soon the feelings of loathing, confusion, and suspicion, which he had harboured against her, were washed away by that freshness in the air, the music and serenity she appeared to have brought along.

He gazed at her face, thinking that she reminded him of somebody he saw or knew from before. He spent some time trying to recall who, but left it after a few fruitless guesses, deciding to relish the ride, which became more pleasant since her skirt was steadily moving up when she was changing the gears. Tom realised that this whole adventure was surreal and peculiar, yet, he felt strangely relaxed and carefree.

He watched her with his eyes half closed, through his eyelashes, while he was gradually slipping into a reverie.

