
by Tonio Galea
3rd September 2012

This is Just a piece but I wondered what anyone thinks about it :);

Chapter 1: Genesis

Life is one of the strangest journeys ever known by men, led by destiny a book of unknown stories and inexplainable mysteries. Destiny is mostly affected by what happened to our ancestors, we think we are a new book, but actually, we are only a new chapter of a book that has been already started by our ancestors and with the pen in our hands, we write every word, sentence and paragraph... But sometimes someone else steals that pen from us and starts to give our story a new turn.

In the past, during the second world war the germans were testing a new chemical invented by a team of scientists led by Carl, a british scientist which worked with the axis (an alliance, made up of the german, italian and japanese forces) in exchange for the life of his wife. This chemical was tested on maltese soldiers captured by the axis, many of them died since the chemical was too strong for their bodies but a few lived, the results of it were super powers, which the axis badly needed to defeat the allied forces but fortunately it worked against them. The group of maltese soldiers who lived after the experiments have been done, formed a new alliance called Axil which secretly worked with the allied forces which led to the defeat of the axis and the end of the second world war.

The life's of my ancestors were deeply affected by these events since my great grand father was one of the few who survived the experiments and the one who fought side by side with carl to fight against the enemy and win the war for the greater good, Carl and my great grand father decided to eliminate the chemical together with any list of ingredients so that it won't fall in the wrong hands, but then there was an accident which saw the death of Carl's wife so destiny took a wrong turn.

I've always had strange dreams or better referred to as nightmares about the axis and the second world war, which involved experimental labs and people dying, but I never knew what these nightmares meant. On the first anniversary of my fathers death I was dreaming that a soldier dragged me in a laboratory, I was scared since I heard people screaming to their deaths from outside, suddenly the soldier put me onto a stretcher and a doctor comes up, I felt my whole body trembling with fear, I didn't know what they were going to do to me, my first thought was torture. The doctor put on a breathing mask onto my face, after a few minutes I couldn't move it was like my limbs were there but I couldn't control them and with no warning at all the doctor hits me with an injection right through my heart as if he was trying to kill me with a dagger and I screamed as loud as lions but no one heard me, no one came to help and then... I felt the sun ... The heat of the sun without even seeing it and I hear the alarm noise my mobile does - "louis, Louis wake up!", the nightmare was finally over.

Since my father's death, my mum felt the need that every morning she comes into my room, opens the black-out curtains which I really adore when I'm asleep, switches off the alarm and sits on the right hand side of the bed until I wake up. After some seconds trying not to wake up I finally wake up, "Good morning ma" in the morning I barely speak, and when I do my voice is very low pitched and low volumed so I always thought in my head, mum, your ears are blessed and they surely are! Mum gets up and walks near the door, stops for some seconds to see me waking up and let my hands go through all of my face, "breakfast's on the table I have to go down to my office, Adriana has your lunch ready as well, if you need anything just call me" , and I just replied "ok ma". Every day is like a new paragraph, a new beginning but since my father died... My life just stood still on the same day, although I moved on and although I went through the 5th stage of death (which is acceptance) I still feel that a part of me got stuck.


Hey gilly!

Thanks for finding to time to read it I Reallyapreciated it! Also thanks for pointing out the mistakes :D

Profile picture for user tonio.ga_23393
270 points
Developing your craft
Tonio Galea

Hi Tonio,

Thanks for sharing your work. I read it but was distracted by things that need correcting, such as capital letters for British, German and Carl for examples. Also the grammar perhaps needs looking at more closely as some of the sentences don't seem to flow, such as in the final paragraph.

Good luck though

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