The Banana Peel.

by Adrian quinton
17th February 2017


"Time Flies like an arrow, Fruit fruit flies like a Banana"

Dan Saint Patrick had Five minutes to brush his teeth have a shave take the dog for a walk and then open the door shut the door lock the door and walk to work all in the space of 5 minutes!

He set out on his way, it was a cold icy morning, the birds were starting to scream there happy song - It was a long straight walk to the end of his driveway. He sort of had the walk of a fresh zombie. His glasses were not straight but he was to tired to notice. He did however notice a banana peel, there in the middle of the path, Right in the center. He thought nothing of it, steeped over it and gave it another thought.

The next morning. Ten minutes late and I need to brush my teeth have a shave take the dog for a walk and then open the door shut the door lock the door and walk to work all in the space of 5 minutes!

He rushed out! Glasses were straight, (that is what you call progress early on in the morning) There again in the middle of the path, That Banana peel. He kicked it to the side, and went on with his work that day.

The next morning. Twenty Minutes late!! I need to brush my teeth have a shave take the dog for a walk and then open the door shut the door lock the door and walk to work all in the space of twenty minutes!

He darted out of the front door - ` will that darn darn Peel be there? as every, it was, It looked fresh! ` no brown, As if it had just been dropped. Again, he kicked it in the side ditch - and did his work.

Thirty Minutes late! to brush my teeth have a shave take the dog for a walk and then open the door shut the door lock the door and walk to work all in the space of 30 minutes!!

He rushed out the door, did not even lock it, there again -That Banana Peel. Right in the center of the path ` Okay! Jokes over pal! with all his might he steeped on it with his right foot,  and proceeded to work.

forty minutes late!!!! He rushed out the door, no teeth, no shave, not even time to lock, or close the door, He ran straight down the path, there, yet again, the same Banana peel! ` get out of my fucking way! - I`M LATE FOR WORK! He picked up the Banana peel and started to slam it, he jumped up and down it, he punched the floor with it he jumped up and down on it ` Just Die already!  - He gave the peel one last mighty stomp- But His feet gave away and slipped on the pulppy sludge that was left. He fel back hard, and with a mighty thud hit his head, his glasses bounced off his face as if he had been slapped in the face by a angry lovable whore that had been short changed- Dan Saint Patrick did not make it to work that day.


He awoke to Darkness, He must have been out for a very long time -  His glasses were smashed and his head  was throbbing. With caution he picked himself up from the floor, a groan here and there,  as he eyes started to focus  there in front of him was the Banana peel, Fresh as as daisy -  All Dan could do was stare at the thing in shock and amazement. 
