Beautiful legs

25th January 2016

Beautiful things have their ways, ways to dazzle and capture us in a world of bewilderment which is hypnotically pleasurable and soothing and those things would keep us in their spell until an almost unwanted distraction yanks us out of our rather inscrutable world of fantasy much similar to Newton’s first law of motion – THE LAW OF INERTIA.

Something similar happened that day in coach C1 of the express train that had just started rolling making its departure from one of the platforms of the Rourkela station when she entered the coach, starting a mysterious spell with her first step inside. Starting from her looks to the way she appareled, her undulating hair and that slender lissomely waist to every step she took, summed up into a magical incantation that was aggravating the trance created by her esoteric grace by every passing second. Her looks had that unparalleled elegance and sweetness with big and beautifully carved eyes, a cute little nose, soft pinkish lips supported by two cheesy cheeks and a cute chin, and all of this crowned by million strands of straight, silky and pitch black hair falling over her partly showing shoulder a few inches below them. Her white sleeveless top with a neck large enough to reveal her bosom was a trendy and suiting contrast to her dusky complexion. Her physical stature was somewhere between curvy and slim, perfect would be the word for it. Other than a silver chain with a cube pendant dangling around her neck she had no other jewelry on her.

Everything mentioned above is just 20% of that occult trance she created, for that another 80% I had to drift my eyes from the elevated angle to an angle of depression going down by the length of her white top which was around an inch below her waist covering almost half of her shaded blue hot pants long enough to cover her thighs exactly till their half. The part of her legs from half of the thighs till the ankles was all bare and exposed thereby emitting a flaring essence so strong and mystical as if an age old hidden master’s piece of art has been unveiled thereby lyophilizing the souls in its proximity whilst she walked down the aisle with those two beautiful piece of art. As she passed the rows, hearts broke of those who had an empty seat beside them whilst giving hope to all sitting in the succeeding rows that she might come and occupy the empty seat beside them. All those preceding three hours that I had been on the train, I had been cursing myself for taking up this irksome journey which would kill my entire day as I boarded the train early in the morning and would reach my destination late in the evening, but all that curse now transmuted into praise for myself; firstly because of the sudden delighting outbreak caused by our orphic lady’s equally orphic legs that was highly analogous to a sudden heavy rain in a drought hit land and secondly because I too had an empty seat beside me and my row hasn’t been passed yet. And then after a few seconds later the most unexpected yet most hopeful thing happened, dragging her green wheel bag behind her, she finally halted at my row and said “19 “, she lifted her bag up on the rack, looked at me with a slight smile and adjusting her way in the gap between my legs and the sit in front of me, she finally sat down beside me at the window seat with me on the aisle one. As she settled on her seat I heard her breathing out from her mouth trying to relax whilst tucking her hair falling in front of her face behind her ear.  The next moment I could feel the air inside the air conditioned coach getting warmer being heated up by the envious flares projecting out of all those, who had fantasized the possibility that had eventually got real for me. By that time the train had gained its actual speed and the aggravated atmosphere inside seemed to be settling eventually.

But soon enough the real picture started becoming evident to me when I realized how precarious and deadly my seat had become from the moment she sat beside me. As the saying goes, “Excess of anything is bad” , the same had become true for me, it were my eyes the more I wanted to divert them the more they wanted to stare at those legs given the fact that her hot pant had gone a inch higher the moment she settled on the seat. My consciousness told me it was wrong to stare and hence the restraining from my side but my eyes had gone way out of control, poor things I would say. In the midst of my constant battle with my turned demented pair of eyes, I suddenly heard a voice from someone really close; it was her; perpetrator of the dramatical battling ground I was in.

Her: - I know it’s hard!!!

Me:- excuse me!! What??.......she could probably see the embarrassment on my face bulging out.

Her:- I know it’s hard to look away……looking at her own legs she raised her eyes to look at me while completing the sentence.

For a moment my tongue failed me realizing the fact that I had been busted. But then suddenly my reasoning powers got kicked inside me and I don’t know how those words came out of me

Me:- Do you blame me???

Her: - No, I don’t blame you…..this is a very common and natural phenomena.

Me:- hmm!! So according to you it is okay to stare??

Her: - no not stare….it is okay to look….staring is not allowed.

Me:- O!! Common ….that’s absurd.

Her:- why so???.......on this question both her eyebrows got joined while she looked at me.

Me:- The only factor that differentiates between looking and staring is time, its unit being a few seconds, looking lasts for a second or two and a few seconds more you call it staring.

Her:- what do you mean??

 Me:- It’s very simple; a person staring might just be appreciating rather than developing some outrageous thoughts about it.

Her: - So in a way you are implying or rather suggesting that it is okay to stare!!

Me:- I am neither implying nor suggesting anything, I am just saying that the minute time gap between looking and staring can’t be a parameter to differentiate right from wrong, it may sound preposterous to you but if you try to look deeper into it I hope you will find logic.

Her:- tell me than, what according to you can be a parameter for the same??

Me:- how would I know!!....I can only reason……okay tell me something….why do you wear such a short pant…I mean what is the need to expose??

Her:- okay!!..I get it…now you are blaming me.

Me:- No…please!! I am not blaming you, what am saying is, if you do not wear such a short pant, there might not be staring. You see this has a cause and effect relationship and in this context you are creating the cause and as long as there will be a cause its effect will keep following it. Counter me if I am wrong.

Her:- I understand all you are saying and yes I agree but let me put it this way. I wear something so short because I like it; it’s as simple as that, and after all; these are my legs and they are beautiful so why can’t I show them. I know I am creating the cause which would have both good and bad effects but just because there are a bunch of ravishers waiting outside, I won’t stop doing something I like. But again, I must know my limits when I am out in such an apparel i.e. to be within the boundaries beyond which I may become vulnerable to those lusty monsters waiting to pound on me.

Me:- hmm!! No offence but do you ever intend to agitate people by appareling this way.

 Her:- (laughs)…….You tell me that ……am I agitating you???

Me:- No you are not……simply because I know this is not a place to get agitated, my Id is in full control of my ego and super ego.

Her:- hmm!! So what you mean is….your testosterones are kicking in full throttle but somehow you are controlling them, and in case you had been in a room with me you would have got agitated!!

Me:- pardon me!! But honey, tell me what can possibly be your only purpose to walk in a room with me appareled this way wherein your voluptuous and super provocative legs would continue fuelling my testosterone level aggravating it by every second.

Her:- (nods)…..because I want you to get agitated!!!

Me:- So that is your answer, of course I would get agitated inside a room with your bare legs in front of me as a titillating delight because that’s the reason we are in the room rather than to chant the name of God and ask for inner peace.

Her:- (laughs)……inner peace of course but in other ways. Tell me something, if I invite you to come to the washroom with me where you can have a treat of my legs, would you come??

Me:- After a slight smile, I would rather decline the proposal, because it may start with taking a treat of your luscious and toothsome legs thereby those spasmodic movements getting so intense as a result of our increasing excitement and agitation that we would eventually end up in having sex, which is again a natural phenomena I guess, an inexplicable nature of testosterone.

Her:- So I don’t see a problem in ending up having sex.

Me:- No for me having sex demands more comfort and increasingly more space.

Her:- Why do you need space?? I mean it’s just about adjusting our bodies to get into a suitable position and I guess there is enough space in there for it. After all it’s just a matter of attaining a super height of pleasure and gratification which lasts for less than a minute.

Me:- Exactly my dear….that is my point, just after attaining that height of gratification from the next moment itself we would start regretting having sex, we may start hating each other because there would be nothing around us to neutralize the mood. An air conditioned room with a cozy bed and a smooth quilt over us would certainly neutralize our moods to a considerable extent.

Her:- Why to a considerable extent??...and why we would start hating ourselves after sex in the first place???.....this makes no sense!!

Me:- This makes complete sense my dear, we would start hating ourselves after sex because there is no love between us, the reason we had sex was a temporary liking we developed for each other that is bound to terminate after our having sex without the interception of love between the two.

Her:- I am getting you, you mean to stay that there are two kinds of liking, one which ends just after having a fulfilled gratification of our sexual organs and the other which multiplies thousand folds after the same and the only differentiator between the two is LOVE.

Me:- Very true and why do you think it, the liking increases after sex in case love is present??

Her:- Simply because it leads to the inception of a sense of comforting and protecting the one you love. In other words the feeling is not temporary rather it is permanent and you want it to linger on till as long as it can be. You know something I guess in every walk of life, in every relationship we have, big or small it is always love which is a differentiator, with love it is something sweet and desirable and the same thing without love is like nightmare.

Me:- True!! Love is the reason that God still answers our prayers without it there is nothing much left in this world.

Her:- How do you think a person who is in love with me, would look at me if I walk up to him appareled like this??

Me:- (with a slight smile)……he will look at you exactly the way you want him to look at you, you don’t need to tell him, he will just know.

After that she smiled at me, her big bright eyes reflected the delight inside her heart. It was 7 PM our train had reached Howrah its final destination. In the midst of all our discussions and other activities, we really didn’t notice how the hours passed, the curious case of the sands of time I would say, with nothing to do it feels like ages of ho-hum, on the other hand with something exciting at our disposal it slips away so meteorically that we always end up desiring a little more of it. Anyways we got down from the train still as strangers, the way we were when she entered the coach not knowing each other’s name or the place we came from, we looked at each other one last time, shared a smile and nodding to each other we went our different ways.

I don’t really know why we continued staying strangers but whenever this thought occurs to me I like to think that the purpose of our meeting started when she came and sat beside me and it ended with the train reaching its final destination and there was no need to elevate our relationship from strangers to something else. However that’s my way of attaching a fair justification to it, the substantial reason is still unknown and I guess it would stay that way.




