Billy Boy vs Mutant Vaxx.

by Adrian quinton
23rd February 2017



Billy Boy, it is only a forest, it has trees and bugs and dirt. God made dirt, and dirt is not gonna hurt. Keep telling yourself that Billy Boy. He walked along the dirt track, The wind was hitting the trees hard, giving them a good beating, slapping them in the face. The purple sky was hanging over the forest like a veil of doom. Billy started to imagine. Would the trees come alive and swallow him up, Would the twigs and branches turn into knives and slash his jugular? Would the dirt swallow him whole? Suck him down and chew him up. Billy had a bright, if not different imagination than most of the kids. He was weird and “persona non grata” in the eyes of many, and that was just the teachers!


But the walk through the forest was not all bad, no, there was a place that fired up Billy, it was the gorge. It was a place of wonder, what secrets did this place hold. This evening, Billy was going to find out.


He walked off the path, slowly made his way down the hill. He was standing in the middle of the gorge, surveying his surroundings. This was his special place, he picked up a rock and through it, it bounced off the ground and hit the rock face, Then the rocks moved and there was what looked like an entrance. Billy Boy was curious, he made his way towards the gap that appeared, Billy Boy walked through and came to silver winding stairs, He walked down slowly, one foot at a time. No going back now Billy Boy thought to himself. He carried on walking down the stairs, He came to a rusty door. He slowly started to opened the door. To his astonishment it was huge. The room had bright yellow walls, the floor was a shiny light blue colour. There where lab tables and in the center of the room there was what only can be described as a swimming pool - Billy Boy walked over to it, He was expecting clear water but it was thick green goo, It had the smell of bile and baby vomit, it looked boiling! Billy Boy started to slowly step back from it when all of a sudden a hand clasped his shoulder


Billy Boy turned swiftly- Standing there was a man in bright blue spandex, a bright yellow cape and red boots. On his chest he had a bright yellow “V” - It was slowly flashing. His mask was also red, it was like captain Americas.


Green Sludge started to seep from his mouth – he then started to screech! It was so loud Billy Boy fell back on his rump.


` He stood over Billy Boy, The Mutant Villain started to talk.

` You`re a very clever boy,

I do not know how you found me, and I do not care

` I just found an entrance`

Clever Piggy! Vaxx shouted. `Tell me Boy, would you like to have friends? Would you like to have a family that loves you? That protects you? That keeps you safe? - I can give you that boy! I know your type. The Piggy in the middle, yet still, no one sees you.


` Are you a superhero`

` I am Vaxx, Dr Vaxx, I have saved many lives, but to some I am what is called a villain.

` I hate being ignored Dr Vaxx, sir`

`AWWWWW, there there Boy, I can make you like me, a God. Vaxx raised his fist in the air!! Would you like that...?

`Ye..yes, Billy Boy said with hesitation.

`Then come with me to the pool!

` Vaxx pulled out a syringe and plunged it into the Green Boiling Goo.

`Give me your arm boy!

`No sir, please I have changed my mind, I want to go home!

`Give me your arm boy! The syringe was pulsating


`With his back hand the mutant slapped Billy Boy in the face, Billy fell back and landed hard on the floor


`I am running out of patience with you, and you`re starting to piss me off!


Billy Boy Stood up – The Mutant Grabbed Billy Boy boy by the throat and elevated him from where he was standing.

` How about I stick this in your eye?

` Are you going to play ball? - I know where you live boy. I no everything about you. The walk from school- I would hate to come over and execute your little Bitch sister!

`Okay please I will do what ever you say, just don`t hurt my family!

`Goooooooood little piggy`

Vaxx dropped him.

Billy Held out his arm.


Vaxx Grabbed Billy Boy by the arm. Vaxx grinned, Billy Boy could see that the Green slime had stuck to his teeth – Quickly Billy Boy charged at Vaxx , The mutant dropped the syringe In surprise and The sudden Rush towards him.


`You little fucker! Vaxx cried out

Billy Picked it up and stuck it right into the Forehead of Vaxx.

Vaxx Cried out in pain, Green goo spirited from his eyes mouth and forehead – Vaxx lost his equilibrium - With a splash he fell into the pool of boiling hot Sludge.


Billy Boy did not look back. He ran straight to the Rusty door, up the stairs and out of the rock entrance and back home.


10 Minutes later Billy Boy made it home. He slammed open the door to his house


`Zoe!? `Zoe!!

`Hey Billy What is your problem?


`Zoe you`re okay thank god. Billy Boy grabbed her and hugged her tight - He then felt a damp seep through his shirt and onto his shoulder. It was green Hot Goo.


My tribute to the Movie Vaxxed - Del Bigtree plus all the Whistleblowers for coming out and having the guts to stand up against the CDC.

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Short stories
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
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Adrian quinton