The Bird Watcher - Revised

by Karen Hedges
21st September 2016

Thank you to all those who commented on the earlier version.  I have revised the story and aimed to improve the grammar and punctuation.  For those who asked, it is loosely based on the practices of East Devon District Council who do indeed take a draconian attitude towards rubbish.  It was a relief to move to Exeter where the City Council is less so.


The Bird Watcher

- who is watching your house?

380 words

Karen Hedges


     “It’s there again.”

From her vantage point at the front room window her daughter shouted through to her in the kitchen.

     Elaine joined her and watched as the seagull cocked its head on one side before looking up and down the road.

     “I’m scared, Mum.”

     “Don’t be silly, love, it’s just scavenging for food, that’s all.”

     “Then why is it just looking at the rubbish and not pecking at it as usual?”

    Elaine was just relieved not to have to go around later, picking up all the detritus after the birds had pecked open the well-wrapped rubbish in the black plastic sacks.  Whatever the reason, it was simply great that the rubbish had not been attacked.  She had so much to do.

     “It does look as though it’s listening and looking straight at us and….”  Sophie stopped as a council van pulled up and a smartly dressed official got out.  He looked at the seagull before walking up to their front door.  Even so, the sudden sharp knock made them jump.  Elaine opened the door and was handed an envelope by the suited man.

     “A warning letter.” he said, “Next time it’s a £1000 fine.”

     “But what for?” she managed to ask.

     “Too many bags out, luv.  New regs, didn’t you read the notice?  Only allowed one black sack per week per household.”

     The seagull put back his head and let out an almighty screech.

     “Well, I must be off,” barked the official, glancing uneasily at the gull, “loads to do.”


The End or another paragraph?


     Closing the door Elaine rejoined her daughter at the window.

     “Look”, her daughter pointed at the bird definitely eyeing up the rubbish outside their next door neighbour’s house.  There were several black sacks awaiting collection.  They watched as their new neighbour opened their door to the council official who handed them a brown envelope too.

     “Oh, but that’s so not fair”, she muttered, “there’s always a lot of rubbish when you move.”

     “Eeeoooweeeow” screeched the seagull, now outside their house again and eyeing it unblinkingly.  Head cocked again, listening – or was it reporting what it saw to the council.  How else could the council know about excess rubbish so soon?



Entertaining. Concise. Definitely the shorter version. Well done!

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