The Blanket Effect

by Keith Cashin
6th August 2015

The story is set in a dystopia future where 80% of the population is controlled by chips in head.

They chose to have them there but did not know they would be controlled.

The premise is on the fact that technology is advancing so fast how long before we have chips in head in reality, they act the same as smart phones but instead of carrying the phone around, it’s now part of us and our system.

The background story is, this new tech was announced, everyone went mad for it and got them installed.

When enough people, 80% of the worlds population had them installed, a shadow organisation, known as the, The Corporation, switched on the real reason for these chips.

This event was known as, The Blanket Effect, as it happened at once, for everyone in the world.

These chipped people where now slaves to the will of, The Corporation, they would tell them what to buy, what was in fashion, what to like and what not to like. Controlling the world from the background.

Wars stopped, murder stopped, all crime was pretty much non-existent at this point. However this was at the price of the worlds freedom.

The other 20% of the world went into hiding. They formed towns, destroyed any advanced technology they came across that they couldn't use against The Corporation. Eventually the 20% joined up and formed the Resistance to fight back and free the people who have been chipped.

Our Hero in this story is a girl named Veronica. She is a spy for the Resistance who sneaks into the Super Cities built by the Corporation. She mainly deals in espionage and sabotage but she also steals tech to use against her enemies.


HI Toni, sorry for late reply I can add the first rough draft chapter or two if you would be interested in reading?

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I'd really like to see the first chapter of this.

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