Blissful Ease: a poetry collection

by Sharon-Elizabeth Walker
14th August 2012

Copper Liquid

Quicker than the speed of sound

Gushing torrents, deafening sound,

Birthing twirls, dancing foam

Cracking whips,

are horse-drawn waves.

Down the mountainous boulders brave

Past each cove and inlet go,

‘til spread-eagled wings aflow

Onward out and forward flow

Does this river, rain-stormed go.

© Sharon-Elizabeth Walker, 2012

Forest Fires

Forest fires roar out life

Intensity of heat, they blaze

Through trees,

Fuelled as wind doth blow

Blackened earth to cinders go.

Forest fires, powers destruct

of every living thing.

Blackened earth –

Forced to hide away, in shame

It’s quality of beauty give.

As death gives way to birth of life,

Springs forth each bud as Springs’

Excitement strengthens burst of life

Conquers through blackened death.

Love in life, is but the same

For out of death doth grow –

New strength of life, encouraged by

The birth of beauty bountiful-

True Love!

© Sharon-Elizabeth Walker, 2012

Time Flown Love

Love escapes the slide of time

Encompassed unity of souls,

As heart meets within ones’ heart

Celebrates the lovers’ dreams.

Time flies past ones’ heart-felt pleas

As in each other’s’ lovers’ arms –

So strong, do dream

Drifting out beyond times’ expanse.

True lovers’ wishes often floats

As passer-by caressed emotions high

Space cannot, dare not hold back true love

Time dare not tie golden thread

Tie knot that loves so pure, do not fly

Loves and Lovers dreams surreal

Escape expanse takes time,

Holds on soo tightly on to life

But loves’ strength always wonders on.

For as loves dreams is dreamers love

N’er matters what true life brings

For as the heart, with heart unite

True love of soul stands test of time –

In strength of love supreme.

© Sharon-Elizabeth Walker, 2012

Moonlit Dreams!

In between Moonlit shadows,

Do souls entwine in love,

Bedazzled starlit skies,

Serenaded by the Call of Owls,

Guardians of the Night.

Lovers dream of paradise

Of ancient times, long past

When fields were still unkempt

With mountain heathers, filled.

Now sitting in a corner

Filled with dreams of old

Lone, yet not of wonder

What if, love had won.

For Lovers winged

Through Moonlit Skies,

Whilst Owls stood, Guardians by,

With Love so Pure

So Beautiful!

Love Entwined still beautiful,

Lovers still in heart,

Though sitting in that corner

Hand in hand, ne’r part.

With Look of Love, still delicate

As in those lover days,

Are Grandparents, still guarded?

In Honour, do we praise!

© Sharon-Elizabeth Walker, 2012

My First Little Tooth


May I have a finger please?

I need it right away,

You see,

I have this little problem now

And it just won't go away!

A finger is no real use

It's hard,

Yet squidgy too

But best of all it doesn't hurt me

Now I've got to chew!

May I have that finger now?

I've really got to chew

For if I don't have it now

I really shall turn blue!



It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

Please I beg,

I really do implore,

May I have that finger?

It really is quite sore!

A finger, is it really worth

The agony I'm in

The pain, the hurt, the sorrow,

But now I have a grin.

You see,

I really do not need it now

The finger I mean.

Because it hurts,

Not now so much.

But that finger now

If it should enter in

Would feel a pain.

For now I have my own white stuff.

But really,

If you want some proof

I have my very first

Tiny little tooth!

© Sharon-Elizabeth Walker, 1997/2012

(Our Son got his first tiny little tooth!)

The Song of the Blackbird!

The Songs of the Blackbirds

Encompass my soul,

With joyous rebellion,

now winter has gone.

Explosion of colour,

Blankets our earth

Celebrations for Christ’s -

Resurrection to Earth.

Blackbirds now thrill,

at Christ’s very name,

Rejoicing, excitement

Their blessing of sound.

Christ, Jesus our Saviour

He gave His own life –

For love of his family

Can’t we do the same?

Blackbirds, how special

Their thrill doth create,

Blessings remembered

Of that hour,

Number eight!

So let us remember

At the sound of those thrills,

The reason for rejoicing

Christ’s Love for us all!

© Sharon-Elizabeth Walker, 2012

My Mother’s Love!

You showed me how to walk, and trust

To hold my head up high

When all around me, things went wrong

You held me tight, ‘til all was calm.

You showed me how to grin, and bear

When in despair I went.

You taught me how to smile again

When death rolled in, and took a soul.

Now life’s moved on, and toll it’s took

On how you lived your life,

When all you gave to us, your heart

Your love, so sweet divine.

A year’s now past, and through it’s taught

Me how to carry on

With such sweet love, my family for

In honour of your love you taught.

I’ll always grow my own

To show my family how to smile

How to carry on.

How to love, when things go wrong,

And how to hold a hand.

I’ll always show that God is Love

In Him we trust, and walk.

© Sharon-Elizabeth Walker, 2012

To Be Held

To be held, and know that someone cares

Simply helps the world go round.

When all it feels like is one lost soul

A spirit surplus to all needs


Why, when you’re asked to help

Should the globe of peace be still?

When all you want to breathe

Is how much love you have.

Love unquainted,

Love denied

Surplus to their needs

When all it takes is, yes, we care

Oh how you love us so.

Circle, gravitation pulls

The heart strings now ablast,

For show of strength united

Can love begin, at last?

Time has flown, and age now grown,

Your precious little souls

Independent, help denied

Love unquainted, all alone.

Sun continues from winter’s harsh

Handle, and take on life,

Does Summer, Spring

Decline their hand

When sight, the remnants’ found?

Love divine, just conquers all

No matter where it lands,

For love, there is no final touch

It simply never grounds!

© Sharon-Elizabeth Walker, 2012


Hi Sharon

I don't often read much poetry which is silly really because when I do I always enjoy it.

Good luck with your book of poems! Sounds like you had a 'Blisseful'? or maybe even 'Blissful' time writing it.

cheers for the read


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I have entitled my book 'Blisseful Ease: a poetry collection' (c) 2012

I hope that all you my friends who read these do enjoy them x

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Sharon-Elizabeth Walker