The Blog Test...

by Paul Nevard
6th May 2014

The Blog Test...

"Six hundred words.. That’s all I have to do is six hundred words?" Confidently and somewhat arrogantly I stared back at Mel, almost in disbelief that she didn’t realise that I often spoke at length about absolute rubbish to many friends, family members and sometimes even strangers in the street. However, upon waking up the next day, my mind was blank! What was I going to write about? I mean it had to be funny right? Mel was an intelligent and witty girl who would want something decent. Mel was also quite an intimidating girl that I wanted to impress. Being the best friend to the girl I had recently fallen head over heels for, impressing Mel was of up most importance. I mean she was the one who ultimately would give “approval” to Jemma. I guess it sounds crazy that approval is necessary but it really is. If I was labelled as weird, rude or socially inept by Mel the “bestie”, I might as well pack my bags and go and hide with Colonel Gaddafi. Being accepted by a girl’s best friend was vital. I had seen it all before. Growing up with five older sisters I had seen many good guys fall at the way side because they hadn’t realised that they need to impress not only my sisters but also their best friends.

I don’t think I will ever forget the first time I met Mel. Trying to act cool, I remember striking some Miami vice style pose on the sofa as she entered the room. Trying to find a balance between being seen as a “cool” and maybe even “gangster” style character who was confident and self-assured. This feeling lasted for a matter of seconds as Mel declared “oh.. So this is Paul the boyfriend”. Not a hello, not a nice to meet you.. But a declaration that she knew about me, she had heard the stories and I had already been labelled the boyfriend. Was this good? I mean I wanted to be the boyfriend, but I had only seen Jemma for a few weeks. Nevertheless the thoughts soon vanished as I realised by Mel’s facial expression her comments were directed in sarcasm. Jemma had pre warned me that Mel was direct but I was already concerned Mel had formed an opinion and dislike for me. But I wanted her to like me. To see that I was a good guy that had been through enough bad relationships to not want another one.

However before I knew it weeks and even months had passed and I had never really spoken to Mel. We had seen each other but I guess I had always avoided talking at any length. If I didn’t say too much.. She couldn’t dislike me? If I didn’t crack any jokes, I wouldn’t crack that bad one?! But it also meant that I never got to show Mel how I felt about Jemma, the type of guy I was and what I was all about. All Mel would see was me pull up outside and in some military style operation see Jemma stuff clothes in bags so we could go back to my house. Mel must have thought I was stealing her friend when really I just couldn’t get enough of seeing her and spending quality time with her. But I knew this probably came across badly to the “bestie”.

I knew I had to speak to Mel more and I needed to impress. Maybe I could cook her and Jemma a meal like I had originally planned to do weeks ago? But before doing so, I knew I had to talk to her again and my opportunity came on a night out. Although I was still nervous, we talked about her interests, holidays, her own complex love life and her blogs…

"So you think you could do it eh?" Mel said.

"Six hundred words.. That’s all I have to do is Six hundred words?" I replied confidently and possibly arrogantly..

…. But what was I going to write about?
