Body Parts

by John McAvoy
26th February 2019

Getting the job at the hospital had been key. Without it he would never have been able to continue his experiment; his Grand Design. In the beginning he thought he would be able to build his creation rapidly, that the parts would become available within a couple of weeks. Unfortunately this had not been the case and he had lost an excellent pair of footballer’s feet by simply storing them in the refrigerator and not freezing them as he had learned to do later.

It was a month before the next part had become available. An Italian opera singer had tripped and fallen into the orchestra pit while attempting an extremely complicated aria. She had banged her head and died instantly but fortunately her lungs were pristine and so were liberated in the evening while he had been working overtime.

At first he had been concerned that there might be an investigation into the disappearance of so many body parts but he learned quickly that limbs, organs, even whole cadavers were often misplaced. The hospital staff were extremely proficient in juggling the necessary paperwork and more importantly at covering their backs.

Of course he had no chance to be idle while collecting the necessary pieces for his creation. As well as working forty hours a week at the hospital he also had to construct his machine. Without it the parts would be no more capable of life than the cuts of meat in a butcher’s shop.

He had acquired most of the components; the nuts, bolts, blades and drills from the local B & Q. Other items he had acquired online. The solar panels required to generate the power had been imported directly from China at a very reasonable price.

The machine was now constructed and nearly all the body parts were collected.

They had mostly become available by natural means. He had procured the calves and ankles of a ballet dancer who had been murdered by her jealous boy friend; the thighs and pelvis of a rugby player who had died instantly when he had purposely collapsed the scrum and broken his neck. There had been a plethora of well proportioned, flat stomachs available due to the high membership at the local gyms.

The head had required greater consideration. In the end he decided it would be more pragmatic to take the whole body than just the part he required. The rest he kept in the chest freezer in case it became necessary to have spares available.

The body was that of a much revered and extremely handsome cult religious leader who had tried to prove his immortality by having a bullet fired at his heart. Although he had signed a waiver declaring the user of the gun free of all culpability she was currently being tried for murder and was expected to spend the rest of her life in prison.

When the body disappeared the man’s followers believed it was the Second Coming so it did not present him with any problems.

The feet proved more troublesome. After losing the first pair he had set his heart on another footballer. Unfortunately, dead footballers don’t grow on trees. However, there is an abundance of those with a reckless streak and limited intelligence.

It was straight forward to hack into the computer of the garishly coloured Maserati and to instruct it to disable the brakes at a hundred miles per hour. He felt a small prick of his conscience but reasoned that if the driver kept within the speed limit he would survive. The feet were available the next day.

Of course the brain was the final cog and the most important part. There was only one person he knew with sufficient intelligence and intellect to power his creation. He also was aware that to freeze this most delicate and essential of organs would possibly impair its efficiency. It had to be fresh and it had to be alive.

Now everything was ready. He sat in the specially constructed seat and closed his eyes as the blades began to saw into his skull.
