Book Title: Mythical Legend of Ancary + Book Title: Ryborandia

by Daniel Fux
19th June 2018

Hello. I am a young, new Czech writer. I'm just starting out and that's why I am writing to you. I want to go with my books farther.

And I would like to be part of the whole world, and yours. That is why I am writing to you. Much of you and I care about all of this. Even about sales.

I have only 26 years and decided. I will write books all my life.I enjoy it and I like the pleasure of others when my books are read. Like writing alone. I have 100,000 fans on my official non-professional site, and about 15,000 fans thanks to my public profile and site on social networks. For start

There are requests for me to start selling so that the books are in the shops for sale. And they often talk to me about making movies.

I chose this direction of life as a younger one, and I have been doing it since I was 5 years old. Where, right now, it looks like real art, good to the whole world. I have more and more books, not just these, in the long mythical ANCARY story. Which I love to share. I want to use my little age to write the books as much as possible. Where writing and creation make me entertain and fill more than anything else. That's why I'm writing in free time, just so, but at other times.Shortly invariably.

Now I have written and almost finished 6 Books. One great mythical novel of friendship and magic, the Black Moon, and the time of miracles of nature. And I'd like to start working with You.

I really like to move to England. And learn your language better. To make a better communicate. As I wish. And next then I could make more things in my life. 

This is why I would like to apologize for my English. But also because my books are written in Czech. Where do I want to translate them to english, adn all languages.

At the moment I'm still working on them. ...proofreading.But the storyline is just as it should be ... I prosecute for my time 5 books a year. And I dare say that they could be another way of selling the best-selling books in the world. Like Ancary ... Totally New Greate Story.

It's the story of more heroes, and the magical journey of the big world. Among the Dragons who have their own land, but also the forest mythical kingdom of Melforks, Fairies and other oldnations and nations. Where my main heroes, Fairies Sniu, and the young girl White Oracle Raybeam (Vědma in cz), will meet with other friends and embark on the greatest magical pilgrimage, in the mythical nature, and the magical ancient places.


Book Title: Mythical Legend of Ancary

Book 1: The Birth of Oracle Raybeam

Book 2: Spells and Arrows

Book 3: The Way of the Black Forest

Book 4: Pestez and the Road of the Swamps

Book 5: Sea and Magic Oceans

Book 6: World Dracaria and Heroes

Book 7: Royal Zany and Purple Card (prepared)

...It's the way through the magical village of old-time wizards. Mythical Forests where no elves still exist and there are older Tauriels instead. The way through Dragon Forests and these worlds, where there is more in books, as well as true love and bond between the heroes themselves ♥  it is True love ♥  ♥

Such a fairy tale also for adults. To the book I write the original Dragon Language, and I'm going to go to the books of Elixirs, Plants, Magic, Animals and everything in this world of magic. I write to History into this magic Story. I make the story as big as it has everything. And I compose poems and songs that are part of the book and the story as well. To pick up the great nations too. And the book literally had its spirit.


Book Title: Ryborandia

Book 1: First Book of Water Ryborandia

Book 2: Red Ryborandia and Heavenly Gods



...But my English is not really so developed so I can tell you more directly. Where I will definitely need translators from the beginning. Like the book. where can I ensure her spirit 100% =) I know that yes. That's why I'm so attracted to England, not just for English and writing. But also for my bond inside me.

Please your feedback and thank you, and I would like to show you the first Ancary books. I believe that when they are to be the new bestseller of the world. So they will find your way to you. I've been thinking about it for a long time, and my decision is already clear. In the Czech Republic, with something so beautiful I do not see why to stay.

That's why you. If you already know everything.. ... Thank you in advance if you will make time for me and give me the opportunity. ... I just really apologize for the fact that I will need to translate the translations between us in the beginning. That's one of the reasons I want you to give me the chance to start living with you. And English to handle very quickly. I know that I will have the time to write and teach myself. As always on . =) its my true, for you. 

I wish very nice day

Daniel Fux
