Bottled Youth

by Bethan Grylls
2nd September 2016

And then I felt my soul crumble...

the pain worse than the shatter of my heart

age takes us all

the once smooth skin

replaced with wrinkled lines

like the creases of an old shirt

thrown in the corner

the places that once stood, sag

the bones start to ache

present turns to past

and memories fade like old photographs

worn like the wick of a burning candle

such an obsession we all have

to be forever young

and this idea

to bottle such a thing

should never have been done

but delusion possessed us

but this gift, as they called it

came with a hefty price...

to polish out those lines

put the lift back in to our skin

mend these aged bones

you must rip apart

the thing that should never be ripped

and swallow it whole

and as I watched them lapping like pups

at the red puddles of the girl before me

I closed my eyes and waited

for a fate worse than death to take me

they took it greedily, snapping, pulling, devouring

there was nothing left of me...but look at you

At your beautiful, young shell

rotting from the inside out.
