Bulwer-Lytton Fiction contest 2018 entry

by Ralph Cutting
13th July 2019

Further to the previous post, I would also like to share another entry I submitted to the 2018 Bulwer-Lytton contest which received a 'Dishonourable Mention' in the Crime category:

Inspecteur Rollin of the Paris murder squad lit a cigarette as he stood over the body of la prostituée engorgée (to those readers who don’t know French, a prostitute with her throat cut and, indeed, how else would one describe her - la pute, la fille de joie, la vendeuse de sexe, la travailliste de la rue?) which lay on the Voie Georges Pompidou under the arches of le Pont Neuf on the rive droite of la Seine which flows through the most beautiful city in the world.

