Cassia's Adventure (I need a better title) Chapter 7

by Emelia Spargo
16th October 2017

“Morning.” I replied, a little warily. Lucy bowed and then left.

“You can sit where you like.” said Sennen, even though only the place opposite him was set.

“Are we to expect anyone else at some time?” I enquired, sliding into the chair.

“Not this morning.” Sennen answered. “Tea or coffee?”

“Tea please.”

He took up the silver pot before him and set about pouring two cups.

“Help yourself to anything you like.” Sennen indicated the covered dishes before him.

Feeling self conscious, I lifted the nearest cover to find scrambled eggs. My favourite. I uncovered a small rack of toast too, and then a platter of crispy bacon. All my favourite things, placed nearest to me.

Sennen slid a sup of tea towards me. Exactly how I liked it. Strong tea, not too much milk, without sugar.

“There's, so much to choose from.” I said, as Sennen uncovered a platter of sausages.

“You don't have to eat it all?” he smiled slightly.

“It seems, strange.” I said, spooning eggs onto my plate. “From outside, last night, I saw that this is a huge castle. Yet, all these rooms, they're so small, so modest.”

“That's because this is a sort of annexe to the larger part of the castle. Six bedrooms, a lounge, this room and two studies, plus the staff area. Intended for guests who want more privacy.” Sennen explained as I buttered some toast.

“Is that why you're in this part? You want more privacy?”

“Not exactly.” Sennen put bacon alongside his sausages. “When I arrived, I wasn't really...well, after all that happened, it was clear some peace was needed. But the people here didn't trust me, so they restricted my access.”

“And, me? Am I restricted?”

“I was told that if I found any others to ask they keep to the same restrictions. Until the Board can make their own decision.”


“The official Board of Governors for Delarna.”

“Where?” I was totally lost, my fork suspended above my plate.

“Didn't I tell you that's what it's called?” Sennen looked up from his food. I shook my head. “Sorry. Terribly neglectful. But yes. This place, this world, this reality, is called Delarna. The land is anyway. The castle is known as the House of Peace.”

“And, this Board?”

“It's effectively the government here.” Sennen glanced at my plate. “Aren't you going to eat that?”

He stared at me for a few moments, and it occurred to me he wasn't going to continue until I ate something. So I took a mouthful of eggs and a bite of toast. The eggs were the best I'd ever tasted, fluffy and buttery. The bread must have been freshly baked and was toasted to perfection.

“Is there a royal a family?” I pressed, before taking another mouthful.

“There is currently a queen, yes. She is part of the Board.”

“Are they all...human?”

“No.” Sennen's tone was careful. “The Queen is the only one who is. The others are varying...species.”

“You mean creatures.”

“In a sense. Yes. Elves. Faeries. Dwarves. There are also Naiads and Dryads to represent the land itself.”

“You're kidding.” I gaped.

“No. They are a mix. Some of them live here.”

“How many are there?”

“Twelve of the main Board, including the queen.”

I tried to process all this new information as I scooped more food into my mouth and sipped my tea. It was the best tea I'd ever tasted. Rich and smoky.

“Earlier, Lucy called you Lord Sennen.” I said.

“A silly title.” Sennen sipped his own tea. “Merely provided so as to give me a little more standing. It doesn't really mean anything.”

Lord though.” I said. “That's normally a big deal.”

“Different world, Cassia.” Sennen shrugged. “Different meanings.”

I couldn't help but feel he was skirting around the subject and not answering me properly, withholding information. I chose not to push it, yet, just shovelled more delicious food into my mouth. It had been a while since I'd enjoyed my food this much.

Sennen was mysterious. My first encounter with him, he presented himself as being dangerous. He quickly switched as soon as we arrived in Delarna, becoming somewhat moody. Then he changed again and seemed genuinely concerned and caring when I had a panic attack.

Before I pushed him, on anything, I had to learn more about him, get to know his nature and when he should and shouldn't be pressed for answers.

“What exactly am I meant to do here?” I asked.

“What is it you want to do?” Sennen replied.

In answer, I blinked. It had been a while since anyone had really asked me that. It was always what everyone thought I should do, never about what I wanted to do.


“What do you do at home?”

“I read.”

“Perhaps then, you would like to see the library.”

I perked up.

“Could I do that? I mean, is it allowed?”

“There is more than one. A smaller one at this end of the castle that we're allowed into. The main library is enormous. If we'd like anything from it, we'd need to ask a member of staff.” Sennen smiled a little. “Before you lose yourself in books, I think we should try and figure out your magic first.”

“You really think I have magic?”

“I'm certain of it.”

“Then, what do I do with it?”


“Once you've eaten enough, I suggest we go for a walk in the grounds and discuss it.”


There are other chapters on here! Have you read them? It explains everything about how Cassia ended up there and a vague refererence to the whole Lucy Narnia thing.

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Emelia Spargo

Perhaps if you explained a little bit more about the actual plot it would help. From this piece of text there is very little to go on - sorry . Where is it supposed to be? How did the heroine/hero get there? Is it about another 'magic' country or just a castle?

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That’s s lot if text about food! Erm, sounding a little like Narnia with all the creatures and especially ‘Lucy’ as a name...

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