Cathy Carter Smith And The Maid.

by Adrian quinton
16th February 2017



It was the late summer of 2016, Pine Avenue, St Knives Maine. It was a very windy street, the leaves started to dance off the trees as if saying take us now. But on high there was a lodge, a lodge with a very old spinster woman, she was quite insane, or so people have said, but then they have never talked to her so what do they know, but sometimes, people just have that feeling.


She did not live alone, she only ever let one person into her lodge, and that was Maggie the Maid. Very young only 18, a short girl with short brown hair. Big blue eyes. She knew Cathy but never spoke of her to the folks on Pine Avenue. The lodge was old, or looked old, but then again she was the maid not a Historian. She did what was needed of her and that was everything. Cathy carter smith was a very strict..Firm but fair. The room that Cathy lived in was full of clutter and dust that Maggie had to clean to the point of having a gun pointed to her head, sometimes she would wish it was true and paint the room with brain red! It was now time take Cathy her Breakfast. Two fried eggs and one fried tomato, on the DOT! 9AM!


Cathy? Are you decent? Of COURSE I am decent dear, what do you take me for, a whore!

No not at all Cathy I was..Oh just give me my Food dear!

Yes Cathy.

Are the eggs cooked just the way I like them dear?

As always ca...NOT as always, two weeks ago my eggs were over easy..Easy like your fool mother..The whore!!

Cathy please..Oh Dear I am only joking with you my sweet dear. I am sure she was a fine woman of good stock.

Sit down dear and take a seat. Maggie sat down, she never wanted to stay with Ms Smith for two long, she smelled of perfume and Piss...The piss she could tolerate, but the perfume..DANG! She wore Brown fur. Every shade of cock ah do do, The Fur was the real deal, animals had to die for beauty. They not long had Brexit over in the UK dear, do you follow politics? I do not have the time Cathy. When will they learn that you need a ruling elite! The EU called them the Englanders, the stupid Englanders with bad teeth! ... Peace must come at a price after all my dear do you not think? Yes indeed. The British have never know what is best for them, How dare they really dear!


Cathy Carter Smith was in her late 80s, she could pass for 65. Life clung to her like the white on rice, Over boiled, hard and sticky. She defeated Cancer Twice. She said Cancer was just another arm and leg trying to break free, why discriminate? She also said that in the end we all commit suicide, our bodies turn on us, pulls the trigger on our 2nd self...(Brain red Maggie thought)


There was times when such talk like this drove Maggie to breaking point, Glass in her soup? A quick grab of her neck? It would snap like a twig, the sound would be so exhilarating, A Trip down the stairs, Again a snap even more exhilarating! But there was a line most never cross, and for Maggie killing someone was not one of them, no matter how insane the cantankerous the cow was. No, she decided to talk to her.


Cathy, what ever happened to your Husband?



Oh that old sod, he died the selfish black heart. Funny as that was his final complication, But do you want to know the real truth my dear? Okay if you want to tell me Maggie said with caution. I killed the old bastard! Before you say anything my dear let me tell you there are many ways to kill a person, a gun I did not use, a knife I did not use, nor poison, No no my dear, many years of grinding the sod down. Time for me dear holds me not! I may be old in your eyes, but late 80s can eat my cake in the gutter! You see Heaven and Hell is in us all, You can choose any one you so desire dear! I am Hell and know how to unleash it. I can see you have a lot of Heaven in you my dear Maggie, But I also see the Hell that you wish to unleash on me. Be frank with me dear, a snap of the neck, Let me eat glass. Ring any bells dear, But..But..Maggie gasped, No need to explain to me dear. Now fetch my tea, Wont you have one with me dear?
