by Helmut Wagabi
28th December 2016


By Helmut Egesa Wagabi.

“I am utterly amazed that you, Rt. Rev. John Sakwa, can make such a statement. Yours is an honourable position in this diocese and I don’t understand why you have spoken those words,” said pastor Grace while seated in Bishop John’s office.

“My position remains unchanged,” replied the bishop who was now in his fifth year of widowhood. “I expect women to follow the teaching of scripture that prohibits them usurping authority over the man. The best I expect from them is to marry and raise up children. What’s more the job of church administration is such a stressful one and they can’t stand up to the pressure,” he added. Pastor Grace sat upright in the chair, looked at him straight in the eye and said, “Reverend, all I want is an opportunity to prove that your view is outdated and even my credentials testify to that.”


Pastor Grace left the office and went back to the Common Room where the rest of the pastors were having a cup of tea. Pastor Bill was seated there with sister Milly, the vicar’s warden. When he saw pastor Grace, he said, “Were it not for the assignment I was given in Indonesia, I too would be bishop by now. It appears the administration of Bishop John was interested in scuttling my plans for further education. I wasted three years in that parched land and came back to the same position.”

“Hey pastor, you talk too much and sometimes it is your big mouth that denies you the promotions,” replied sister Milly. “You already are senior pastor and entrusted with huge responsibilities that other pastors can’t handle. Take it easy and carry on with your job,” added Milly. Pastor Grace sat quietly in the corner of the room and listened to his tirade. When he saw that she did not respond to any of his remarks he said, “The bishop has allowed incompetent pastors here who lack the experience to handle serious marital issues such as those that arise in this church.”


Pastor Grace was assigned the Children’s department but was to work under Pastor Bill. He told her to ensure the children could recite the catechism and bible verses flawlessly and account for everything they did. She was also to ensure that all the children attended singing and Sunday school classes regularly. A few weeks into her work, some children missed the classes and Pastor Bill was pissed off with Grace’s performance. He asked her, “What kind of a pastor are you? Why aren’t the kids warming up to you? What exactly were you taught at college, to hanker after titles even when you cannot perform?” Pastor Grace was so shocked that she could hardly concentrate on what the little ones were doing. She went through the afternoon session in a distraught manner and even the slightly older children could notice that she was not happy. She left her work station dejected. Pastor Thomas, her boyfriend called into her room that evening and she told him all that she had gone through during the day. He consoled and encouraged her to remain focused on what she was called to do and ignore Pastor Bill. He said, “Pastor Bill is known for his authoritarian style of administration and once you understand him, you will get on well.”

“I wonder why he behaves like he is not a man of God. Is he really called into ministry or did he go to Bible College by mistake?” asked Grace.

“Don’t mind, dear,” replied Thomas, “he will stop his threats once he sees your firmness and inability to buckle under the pressure of work given you.”

“You mean I have to follow all his instructions to the letter? Some of those demands are almost impossible to follow. Does he expect me to visit all the children in their homes and find out why some of them missed classes? Isn’t that too much?”

“Just do what you can manage. Do not overwork,” replied Thomas. There was a phone call in the staff room and Pastor Thomas rushed to pick it. “Hello!” he said. “Hello! Can I speak to pastor Bill please?” responded a male voice from the other end. Thomas told him that Bill was not available but his assistant, pastor Grace was present. He immediately called Grace and handed her the receiver. The caller wanted her to administer Holy Communion to a terminally ill member in the nearby church in that parish. She obliged and left the room. The following morning, information about the exercise reached Bishop John and he wanted to know why pastor Grace conducted Holy Communion all by her self, contrary to diocesan protocol. Pastor Grace thought of stating exactly what the situation was but restrained herself because she imagined the consequences of such a report and simply told the bishop that pastor Bill was not available at the time. The bishop reminded her of what is expected and warned her against administering Holy Communion in the absence of a senior pastor.


On her return from the bishop’s office, Grace found Pastor Bill lounging at the entrance to the staff room and he asked her, “So you think you did the right thing visiting the sick on your own?”

“What could I have done now that you were nowhere to be found?” responded Grace.

“I hope you did not tell the bishop that I refused to administer communion. Never make a mistake of reporting such an issue. It may lead to an inquiry into my conduct as pastor and that will not go down well with you either. Everyone will know you as the whistle blowing pastor and it will appear in all your recommendation letters from here, a real draw back on your church administration career.”

“Who says I sold you out to the bishop? Are you guilty because what you did was wrong?”

“There is nothing wrong with what happened, Grace. Just make sure you don’t make any negative remark about me to the bishop. You might live to regret it. Remember I too have covered up a lot of financial issues involving your boy friend.”


Sister Milly overheard the heated conversation and went immediately to the staff room and asked, “What is the argument about?”

“The holy communion I conducted the other day,” replied Grace. Milly walked up to where Bill was and said, “Pastor, will you stop driving Grace crazy? Can’t you appreciate what she did for you while you were doing your own things? Engaging in private business when you were supposed to be serving the faithfuls? Could you please go to the Common Room and have some tea instead of sitting here and getting irritated over minor issues?”

“Woman, will you please leave me alone? I wonder why you want to treat everyone around you like a kid. It beats logic why you cannot all go away and have your own children instead of competing for positions with men.”

Please take a break and walk down to the Common Room; I am sure the tea is getting cold, replied Milly. Bill left the staff room reluctantly.


Two weeks later, Bishop John sent pastor Grace to minister in one of the neighbouring churches and the members responded very positively to her sermons and teachings. They were delighted to see a female pastor who sounded kind and loving as opposed to the rigid males they had. They requested the bishop to allow her to pastor them and he promised to looked into the issue. One Sunday afternoon after the bishop had ministered with pastor Grace, he asked her to dine with him. She was a bit reluctant to go to the dinner table with the bishop but after some persuasion, she agreed. The bishop commended her for her sterling performance in the church and told her that many in that congregation admired her preaching. He was impressed by her determination to excel in spite of the odds against her. He said, “You are aware of the new position in the diocese, aren’t you?”

“Yes Reverend.”

“I could appoint you to it if I wanted.”

“But you don’t want because you don’t prefer women in such positions.”

“Are you aware that pastor Thomas has applied for the same position?”

“Oh no, I have no idea!”

“What do you mean? Haven’t you discussed it with him? He is your boyfriend, isn’t he?”

Who said Thomas is my boyfriend? People in this place simply imagine and frame up things.” They finished their dinner and drove back to the main church.


Pastor Thomas saw the bishop drop Grace in the church yard and approached her as she made for the staff quarters. He asked her, “How was church over there today?”

It was okay, she replied coldly.

“Wasn’t there any excitement this time round,” he pressed on reaching out to hold her hand.

“I have told you it was alright,” retorted Grace as she pulled away from him.

“What is wrong, dear?” asked Thomas perplexed by her reaction. “Are you still troubled by Pastor Bill’s harassment?”

“Nothing. I just want to be left alone for some time.”

“Alright, if that is what you want, I’ll give you your space.”


The senior pastor’s position was finally advertised in the Church Weekly and Thomas had applied for it. The bishop called him into his office and asked, “Are you interested in this position, gentleman?”

“Certainly,” he replied. “This position is for a male pastor I believe,” he added.

“Are you aware Grace is vying for the position too?”

I know it but I think it is up to you to decide whoever you will give it. I believe it is a challenging position that a female can hardly handle.”

“Would you consider stepping down for her?”

“Oh, no! Just give it to whoever you feel is better qualified.” Thomas left the office wondering what the bishop might have discussed with Grace about the position and the relationship they had.


During another visit to the small church, both Rev. John and pastor Grace ministered to the congregation and had lunch together in the church hall. The bishop thanked members for the delicious meal and the warm welcome they had given him together with pastor Grace and then prayed for all the sick in the congregation. After lunch he said to Grace, “Daughter, I have appointed you and Pastor Thomas to the position of senior pastor in the diocese. Your appointment letter is already in the mail and you should receive it as soon as you get back to your staff quarters. Meanwhile, I will leave you here and visit another sick member of our congregation who needs Holy Communion this afternoon. I expect Pastor Bill to come and pick you shortly.” Pastor Grace was not impressed when she heard that she was to share the position with Pastor Thomas. She was so upset that she could not sit there and wait for Pastor Bill to come. She decided to walk to the main church, some five kilometres from where they were. The road was solitary and after walking for twenty minutes, she grew so tired that she began staggering. A fast moving car came along and knocked her down. She rolled into a nearby ditch where Pastor Bill found her. He had been driving carefully behind the speeding car and when he saw her he called out, “Grace, Grace! Are you the one?” She tried lifting her hand but was too weak. Bill got out of the car, rushed to where she was and lifted her to the passenger seat in his car. He took her to the nearest hospital where she was admitted and attended to cautiously by the doctors and nurses. She had only sustained minor injuries and all her colleagues visited and prayed for her. The bishop also prayed constantly for her and wished her a speedy recovery. Back in his office however, the bishop was expected to explain what happened and why he left Grace behind that Sunday afternoon.


After three days in hospital, Grace was to be discharged and fellow pastors and church workers were planning to go as a team and console her as she checked out. Pastor Bill, however, was not on the team. He went to the hospital on his own and took her away hours before they arrived. Upon arrival at the hospital, the team led by Pastor Thomas was disappointed to hear that Grace had been discharged already and a man named Bill had taken her away. Thomas called the mobile numbers of both Grace and Bill but could not get through. He informed the bishop and the matter was reported to the police who launched a manhunt and blocked all the main roads in the area. The bishop also convened an urgent meeting in the office to plan how the church was going to conduct its own search for pastor Grace. Before his team could set out the following morning, police reported that Bill’s car had been found abandoned near a sheep farm, fifty kilometres from the church. Bishop John knew where Pastor Bill’s rural home was and thought it would be wise to drive to the farm and see what might have become of the two pastors. At the farm the team was greeted by the bleating of the sheep and Bill was heard saying, “I told you that you would live to regret why you ignored my instructions. You can now see what I meant. This is my ranch and I can shut you up inside here. You won’t do anything. Would you?” Thomas and the rest of the team moved quickly and arrested Bill. Bishop John took Grace to hospital while the others handed Bill over to the police for prosecution.


Grace felt at ease in the presence of the bishop and went on to explain to him all that had happened to her. She was visited regularly in hospital by many including the bishop’s son and as she recovered gradually from the trauma, fell in love with the bishop. Pastor Thomas was transferred to head a different church and Grace realised that there were some heartless people even in the church. She resigned her pastoral duties and married the bishop.



Helmut Egesa Wagabi

