Christmas 2050

by Brigitte Browne
5th December 2017

 Christmas 2050

Will there be a Christmas in 2050? What will Christmas be like in 30 years?

This question came into up in recent discussion and the overall picture is very bleak.

Look at us now: The trick and treating is just over and the Halloween decoration is fading. And boom the shops have the Christmas decorations for sale, Santa is coming to town is blaring from the loudspeakers or jingle bells is on its way in the aisle of the supermarket between the vegetables and milk. Christmas cakes, biskuits and sweets are swelling out of the shelves already. Roses, Hero’s, Celebrations and Ferrero Roche everywhere.  Our brains are getting lolled with buy the best ever present and making Christmas Super. If you don’t have your Christmas tree up by Remembrance Sunday you are really on the road of being called a Grinch. So you better get out there and buy, buy, buy. Of course you will to your bit for charity by giving 3 Euro to the DSPCA and 2 Euro to Trócaire and 5 Euro to Concern for the poor children in Africa. And maybe you will give something to SVP too, as it is the time of giving, isn’t it? As long we keep buying and supplying businesses with money, money, money our Christmas will be great and cushty.

But what about the 8000 homeless people which include 3000 children? According to our government they ok as they are all sitting warm and dry in a nice hotel rooms and why would there be a need to build houses as they made themselves homeless. And the once who still sleep rough only have themselves to blame if they freeze to death, as there are plenty of hostel beds available. Who needs a home if you can stay in a hostel or hotel?

No room in the Inn and keep buying, as holy night is near while somewhere some people are taking offense by the name or statues of saints in hospitals or schools, so the names are getting changed and statues wrapped into blankets, like the cold damp weather will harm their stony faces and Saint Anthony may stop us from spending even more money we don’t have.

Christmas has become one big commercialisation race while the spirit of Christmas got lost in the run and the prognosis for 2050 will be very bad. Future generations will not know how anything about Scrooge or Grinch, how to bake some Christmas biscuits or cake, how to write a Christmas card or even how to write at all as you tip your card and push the screen, everyone will know everyone on social media without leaving the home. Families will no longer exist, Robots will be doing household chores and cars are now amphibious and flying around driverless on electric vapour. Water will be the Gold of the Day and Clean Air will be only available in bottles which you have to be paying for with bitcoins. People will no longer communicate with each other or even know how what love is. Nobody will know what a hug or a kiss is as that been declared unhygienic around 2020.

During the nuclear war in 2025 the earth population got demised to half a billion, as only the once with the most money and bitcoins where able to buy themselves a small pot in the sea. It is constant winter on the land and nothing has survived.  Luckily enough some bright spark thought of bringing some bee hives with them into the sea pots and fed them on artificial genetic grown flowers of genetic food, but in 2046 the last bees have died out, food is running scarce and people notice that they can’t eat bitcoins

To be honest Christmas 2050 will be very dark without any hope.


We can turn around the tide and safe the Christmas spirit.

Instead of buying another present and giving another few euro to a charitable cause, open up your home to one homeless family from a hotel and you will find out that they didn’t make themselves homeless, but are hardworking people in a low paying jobs like the baker, the cashier and the delivery driver. The house they were renting was sold off in auction to a vulture fund, as the owner had not paid the mortgage on it for month because he had lost his job during the restructuring of the economy and was unable to find another job. The new owners increase the rent by double and our family was no longer able to pay. Unable to find another house they could afford to rent they became homeless. They went to the homeless organizations who finally were able to provide them with a hotel room for all 5 off them. Mother, father and 3 children. Don’t rent out the spare rooms to Airbnb, give a family a home. Share your food and life with them and they will provide you with laughter, warmth and belonging.

Hug more and put the electronic devises away. Talk to each other, tell stories about real life Scrooges and Grinch, and enjoy a walk in the park, country side, wood or beach. Just breathe. Visit your neighbour or friends and spend time with them, instead of feeling offended by names or statues. You will discover how comforting that is.

Stop consuming stuff in plastic which will be discarded after one usage and finally will kill off the air we breathe and water we need. Leave the plastic in the shop and reuse or upcycle.

Grow something naturally in pots, plots or gardens so the bees, insects and birds will have enough food to sustain themselves and in return they provide us with food, song and beauty. Remember even a weed has a purpose.

Love more and be at peace with yourself as that will show others that they no longer have to be afraid and need to defend themselves with weapons of any kind.

In doing all this we will find the spirit of Christmas again and in 2050 the world will be full of love, laughter, song and peace.

Let’s Safe Christmas!!




