Touch me not with hands nor lips
But with words that might eclipse
Sorrow experience thus far
Tell me man, where goes the love?
Does it wither does it break
Fade, escape no longer take?
Bend or shake or past delete
Nonetheless I fight to keep
Memories were once so sweet
Yet you imply you lost a beat?
No no no my dear lost lover
Lies aren’t artful enough to cover
Betrayal build upon muck mess
You lack the backbone to confess
And here, a fool, I kneel before it
Slaughter outcome must be boring
To such as you who bares no guilt
I must seem a helpless wit
But who if not a wise shrewd shrew
Could determine that you yes you
Hide behind false debauchery
When inside a scared lottery
A winning ticket so you are
If one might hold on thus far
A cretin true but with gold heart
If one may peel away crude layers
One may find a gentle layer
Of devotion, love and friendship
Even innocents can’t fake it
So I face pretense massacre
Until I flay last layer, classical
Love story of the ages
Boy meets girl and then she saves him.
Good work.