Companion Mist

by Philip Overton
25th April 2019

On a shuddering ramshackle train, I enter a land I do not know,

Travelling through a hazy kaleidoscope of defying dead ends

Towards the conclusion of my destiny not chosen by myself.

My angelic orchestra has been obliterated

By screeching curses that rattle then echo in the wind.


So distant, extinct, they nearly are,

My family and my morals that I wished not to leave,

Seeming they do, alike a past life

When I longed to wake and breath and tread barefoot in moistened sand.  


On this dark dismal journey with no going back,

I think deeply, very deeply, as intense as I can,

As I gaze into the foggy carriage window pane,

Briefly, I reminisce, as…  

Wonderful, mesmerizing memories appear,

But they fade so quickly, so does my smile.


Speed diminishes, the train disappears,

And I visualise…

Mountains of snow that no longer do glow in the moonlight,

I observe ruins of castles and trees with no leaves,

Now taken away is my honour and beliefs,

As well as my home which I thrived on, built on the ground I was born on,

I want, I long, yes, I yearn to return,

And what my fingers touch, they will no longer burn.


Beyond I recognise no shine from the sun

I just see a map of another voyage unknown,

But this hostile trek I must cross alone.

I reach the peak of a rocky terrain and look down on

The hills that I trudged being devoured

By a tyrannical wave of scolding demonic blood   

Which penetrates the clenched eyes of frenzied burrowing moles

That squeal out in agony before it buries them beneath it.   


The ferocious ocean of blood spins upwards towards me.

There’s no way back, this is the end,

But suddenly, I feel no fear, as…

Heavenly mist floats over my head then engulfs my body.

My torturous thoughts evaporate, I no longer yearn to return.

I hold my arms aloft and close my eyes then yell with vigour,

“Linger and hear me until I go, companion mist,

hover over me, and encrust me with love, my friend, my saviour”.

