the confusion of shoots in U.S.

by Zhenye X
27th June 2016

  A few minutes before the tragedy happening, Omar Mateen is in a white shirt, holding an AR-15, moving at a gay club called Pulse steadily as a strategic move…

  According to a young man involved: Have you ever seen those marine guys holding big weapons, shooting from left to right?  That’s how he was shooting at people. PS: Fires blazing at gunpoint as peach flowers blooming, those cartridges rainy.

  In fact the event is very common in American except broke the record for casualties, such a thing owns the profound cultural background in American after all, with a long history and known far and wide.

  OK, stop… before we discuss the confusion of politics and society behind the shooting, let’s stand in silent tribute in those victims first, they were innocent after all.

  Before this thing happens, I think Omar’s life must was rather hard. Social pressures, people without morals, unavoidable homosexual in confusion at daylight… those pursued him, squeezed crazily his pure muslim spirit. But it still his fault, he was too serious. Now in this world, many people without spirits and morals, but they living well, it seems at least.

  Trump the Mouth of the Abyss talked right after the affair, said that Obama the Purifier is supposed to refer the event in connection to radical Islamic terrorism, or immediately resign in disgrace, that would have been a dog in the manger.

  Of course Obama the Purifier didn’t listen, they both making a living at Summoner’s Rift, the Mouth of the Abyss can’t dictate the Purifier to do anything, moreover, the Purifier has always pissed on the Mouth of The Abyss.

  Obama’s final words for the slaughter: an act of terror and an act of hate. I’ve directed that we must spare no effort to determine what if any inspiration or association this killer may have had with terrorist groups. PSOh, futile remakes… You can do better than that, Obama the Purifier :)

  TrumpI think you’d better resign right now!

  In his remarks, he disgracefully refused to even say the words ‘Radical Islam’, refused to give an answer about this to all Americans who focus on.Trump said.

  In fact, if Omar was exactly in connection with ISIS, that is good to US in international politics. Since there are some always say that ISIS has been helping by US, by doing so, US could say: Look, now you still believing in that ISIS is my dog? 

  But why the Purifier hasn’t used the opportunity to say that Omar must in connection with ISIS? Perhaps himself just in some connection with muslim. Or he is only ashamed to bullshit like Trump, that’s bad for his political influence power, he doesn’t want the reputation after abdication just as Clinton.

  However after the Orlando shooting, I’ve always thought if it was too free like ahead the time 100 years in US? The qualities of its people don’t deserve the freedom it gave. Like people in China can’t mix in politics, because most of people know nothing about politics, including me, so it would be better to avoid causing any trouble.

  In current US, if you live tiring to the hell, you can completely get a big weapon and play piquancy before you meet the Goddess of Liberty. I bet there are many people got the idea, too less with the idea ‘To die with nothing’. As for why these deadheads would kill many others? Since they living alone in the world which seems busy, so why don’t push the boat out when they are dying?

  It’s easier and happier in guns than wielding blades anyway. If you using a blade, that’s bad to fight against a hard-boned man. But however, it would be perfect to get certain bigger weapons, like a rocket shell. Imagine this: you’re sucking a Crafted Candy, driving a van in the Wall Street. The rocket shell right behind your back, that makes you very contented. Listening Nothing Else Matters and found a nice place in the end. Light the fuse in the rocket shell… Finally those leeches have understood your power…

  Hope US government amend the constitution quick as spit to legalize the sale of big weapons as rocket shell, holding big weapons is the basic right belongs to Americans after all. It would be better to sell in food markets, have people know big weapons is a very important part to form their life, that would stimulate the economy very well.

  When a homemaker seeing a rocket shell set among a pile of pumpkins as she buying food in some market, who would thinks: that whore living next to them has always threw garbage into their yard. Last week she had shot at the cunt’s house, but it seems who didn’t learn the lesson. Now she can totally get this back to teach whom a great lesson… That dirty cunt…

  See, that’s the US in happiness.

  My advice is free, but if it adopted, it would be better that the Goddess of Liberty came to bring US away.

  Some people said trump is simply a clown with encephalasthenia, but once I had a thoughtIt seems some people said the similar words for Hitler before who became the fuehrer. It was just a thought had crossed my mind quick as a hare, but when I was searching Trump’s personal data, I read some people had already make a compare between Trump and Hitler: Both them use racism to rise to power. Hitler opposed Jew, Trump opposes Muslim…And I thought they both in a similar situation, what is their economy are very bad. Probably that’s very the main reason makes Mateen had this madness.

  But Trump is still Trump, the fuehrer just a legend, that can’t be copied completely. So probably Trump’s bullshits are from he knows that he can’t compare against Hilary on political practice, Hilary had been Secretary of State, but Trump? And another possibility is that Trump’s bullshits are simply good for US, didn’t you see that many politicians standing forth to denounce Trump is betraying the stones of American foundation—— the human rights, the equality, the freedom of religion… What great and honest people these politicians are.

  And there’s also a possibility is that Trump’s bullshits is really amusing people, what if they voted him in the end? Just like that Bush Junior before, who made capable Kerry depressed for ten years, then so later becomes Secretary of State. What if that really happened, would Trump the Mouth of the Abyss be exciting to the hell?

  Now the point is, Trump’s strategy is utterly right, he said something and complained for those independent people, that making his high supports. Also it made Obama as a raped grumbling woman on WHCA to complaining media have had give Trump too much attention to got this term of presidential election became as a reality TV show. He accuse that Trump is simply attracting eyeballs by presidential election in order to max the fame of his hotel, and the media coming with a bonus for Trump.

  I also think this term of presidential election is rather unserious, just like another WHCA. As for why a person with a big yap like Trump would get a high level support? Surely it’s not because he said something for most of Americans, but just as the subtext from Obama: this term of media is terrible to the hell.

  It’s ridiculous that Obama blaming Trump, is he the one who wearing in the halo of righteousness? Bah… It’s six of the one, and half a dozen of the other. The one with a big month to bullshit and irresponsibly promise, whose words are even less value than a fart, everyone smells novelty from a fart, isn’t it? Vowed to ban muslim from entering U.S., didn’t care if it would offend the entire muslim in the world. But before I count clearly muslim population is a quarter or one-third in world population, he had already corrected himself, said that’s just an advice.

And the other who cost more than a million dollar for a holiday. But it’s all right, the monies is not he earned anyway… THEN YOU MUCH LESS CAN’T WASTE AS YOU LIKE! Yeah, Trump the big mouth said some words, but that didn’t cost money from taxpayers, Trump is in a costless self-recreation, and you?

Well, we don’t care you Americans’ business indeed, but it seems tending to bring disaster to other people.

In China, our culture is when our lives are hard, we cut away our unnecessary pays and going to be more hardworking, we always keep our morals. But Americans is not, when you living hard, you start to blame government, even blame that Obama encouraging students to study hard. I think Obama is right, how would US competing with factories which mass produce learning machines like China and India if you don’t study hard?

  Would you answer: We do not sow?

  Bingo, that’s your culture in recent dozens of years. In a bad word, your culture simply is in gangsterdom, borrow money when you’re got no money. And because dollar is a kind of international liquidity, most of countries in the world need to keep some dollar for business, so you could print dollars more than the market needs, and the loss from dollar depreciating, every country who owns dollar will bear. That’s why Putin said you just like a leech who mounts the world. Putin is really a leech identification professional.

Now it’s not only hard in US, it’s hard around the entire world. So wake up, your leech-lives is running out. As time goes on, the dollar will get more and more unimportant, it’s the goal most of countries want to achieve and the business they are doing. Because it gives too less but asks too much as a tool for trading. As for Obama said that the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years, I want to say he is good at nothing but two talents speech and costing much for holidays.

A huge system will break someday after been running a long time if it lacks ability to fix itself. Now your political system and social need has you can’t ban guns, can’t rally manufacturing, vote in a president really with an independent brain…

Some people think that muslim are dangerous, I want to say that’s just a small fraction, they are a part mutated to do thing against their faith. But who twisted them up in fact? Who confused Middle East in order to stabilize the binding for dollar and oil? Who broke up Afghanistan? Is it a karma to US

Now you can’t ban muslim from entering U.S., that would betray the stones of your country foundation, then you will continue to reap what you have had sow, until the debt was paid off. That’s whatever happens, happens for a reason. You can’t stop it, because it’s the rule from the universe.


Recommend Americans read the story called Flood Control by Gun and Yu, understand what is kick against the pricks and adroitly guiding actions according to circumstances. In the end, I hope US is gonna be better and better if you don’t hurt others, and with less shootings, common people is innocent after all.


A very curious read!

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