
by Libby Bovell
15th October 2013

Since Scott was five years old he’d been learning mixed martial arts. It was important to Scott’s father that Scott learnt self discipline, self defence and respect. Scott was brought up with set certain and strict beliefs. By the time Scott was nine years old he had already completed the basics and earned his first three belts, including travelling to India and Asia with his fellow mixed martial arts comrades to learn new techniques and cultures. Those were how Scott spent his lower school years, which were now way behind him.

Apart from Scott’s best Philip all their friends went to the same school. This got to him briefly before it dawned on him that friends come and go and that people change.

Now twelve years old with three national champion trophies to be proud of and working on his fifth belt. When it came to school Scott always completed any school work straight off the bat to focus more on his mixed martial arts. Mixed martial art was a place of sanctuary for Scott the feeling of mutual respect amongst student and sensei, learning new techniques, the trust between comrades when sparring.

After Scott gained his fifth belt, he showed an unnecessary interest in school even though he was already in the top classes for math English and science. Considering he was doing really well at school, Scott was eventually allowed to take up four classes a week instead of two in mixed martial arts. By the time it came for Scott to take the test to get his sixth belt, keeping up with school projects became more taxing. Unfortunately Scott had to pros pone getting his fifth belt. “Scott you know the deal no summer at martial arts academy unless you get certain marks on your test papers”

As the years went on Scott was already half way through middle school with so many teachings under his belt, the ones Scott always went by were the ones by Bruce Lee, and quotes with relevance. To commiserate the schools last year leavers the school arranged a days outing to Alton Towers to Start leavers on the next chapter of their lives. Now that middle school was over.

Where as Philip had known from the age of eight what he wanted to do when he grew up, to draw and work in the film industry. Scott too knew what he wanted to do, he had set achievable goals to gain his last belt, and travel different parts of the world return home become a professional mixed martial artist then set up his own squad/gym. With all the things that were now new to Scott “Oh the joys of being fourteen” such as (girls, partying, drinking, having a much later curfew, leaving home someday) they all sounded awesome. It is said that when one reaches their mid teens that they are meant to be some of the adventurous times.

With the summer dawning that will lead into the start of upper school. “Scott up and at em, you may be on your three month half term, however you can’t just spend it all under the covers” Rolling off the bed grabbing his watch in the process gradually opening the door “I wasn’t under the covers I was on top of them” blatantly squinting 8:45am sends his eyes rolling back, tilting his head to the side in astonishment, at the fact that he can’t get a simple two to three hour lie in. His mother looking back at him as if to say your fathers at work I’m awake and therefore so should you. Scott knew that was exactly what his mom was thinking.

Waving a slice of toast at his mum to say goodbye, with that the house was all his, at least until six! Only two weeks in to half term and Scott was already feeling his mother’s harassment aggravating him to the point of doing something that he could not be held responsible for. Feeling the pressure escalating out of control not being to stay lying down he flopped out of bed, retreating to the spare room to work out the suppressed aggression in their home gym. That became something of a routine however once 6pm approached Scott always made himself scarce. It didn’t matter whether it was at Philips house or just roaming around anything was better than being told how to spend ones day or not being told how not to spend ones day.

Spin the coin, flip the coin, both sides the answers are always the same. Hassle and Drama, both could be done without. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but can’t wait to finally start upper school in three weeks time” Scott watches Philip at his drawing table doing some graphic novel sketch, which coincidentally he had been working on none stop since he was ten. Almost three years later he was still adding more to his graphic novel it was thick to say the least. Just like it once was for Scott, this was Philips passion.

Whenever Scott was depressed it was always quoted to him “Anxiety is the hand maiden of creativity, Scott you know who said that? T.S. Eliot!” Spinning his high chair round to look at Scott curious to his response, unfortunately he got no verbal response just a facial one that said “end scene” Surprised and annoyed that his best friend had joined the campaign to ride him 24/7.

Needing to escape all the people bombarding him, spending some face to face time instead of phone time a surprise visit to his cousin Samuel would make things better. Never really understanding the childish family feud between his cousin and favourite Aunt, which was caused by Samuels inadvertently never ending persistence and superiority complex, that made Samuel the black sheep/ lone wolf of the family. Considering it didn’t involve Scott he never fanned the fire. Scott didn’t let that ruin his relationship with his cousin or aunt.

Scott was inspired and motivated by Samuel who unlike the rest of family had accomplished so much considering his harsh up bringing at least according to Samuel. Samuel had become an entrepreneur in real estate and other ventures. Considering all the times in the past when they talked on the phone Scott was lifted. Which was not often when Scott would usually refer to the teachings of Bruce Lee.

Not bothering to tell anyone instead just leaving a note and sending the odd text saying “Sorry it was a last minute thing spending a few days at Samuels” Raiding his bank account for coach and tube fair to London.

In the short time together they had spent Samuel had talked none stop about his endless future ventures including the family feud what Samuel didn’t know was that he’d even been repeating himself constantly. Psyched never the less Scott had been with Samuel only eight hours, when they approached the tenth hour things starts to blaze between the two.

Everyone including Samuel knew what Scott wanted to do with his life and Samuel had strongly and deeply encouraged Scott. Yet out of nowhere Samuel turned on him “Scott you have the physical stature what you don’t have is the state of mind or drive, what you are is weak and naive and I feel sorry for you because I don’t see you ever over coming that” And the hits just kept coming right up to 4 am. For years Scott was impressed with the things Samuel had done but almost ten hours together Scott FINALLY saw the reason why the entire family was sketchy where Samuel was concerned. Scott was used to physical blows he’d learnt to take them harness them and reflect them back ten fold, what Scott had not experienced was an extensive amount of emotional of hits. “Call me when you got home” Scott never did contact Samuel again after that, in fact he cut off all ties.

Things were never the same for Scott after that! His technique was slowing being devoured by his wavering confidence in his ability. Scott stopped using the home gym and exercising, shortly after Scott completely lost focus in his mixed martial arts class. He got hit when he could have more then easily blocked the hit, loosing his temper, for the first time in his life Scott lashed only stopping when Sensei Kai stepped in front of Scott and protecting the other student. Quickly stepping back Scott lowered his head to apologise to both his Sensei K and his sparring partner. After what happened Scott only went back a further two more times before completely quitting. “You WHAT, You QUIT after nine years, fives belts and three national champion tournaments why?” With only a year and a half left of school before college.

It’s said with age priorities tend to change with some people; this was set in motion in the last year and a half of mandatory education. Throughout upper school Scott had slowly loss interest in mixed martial arts, not putting as much effort into school work as before he became remote/ aloof from everything and everyone except his best friend Philip. Scott had not fallen, but ran and leaped into a bottomless canyon with no harness or intention of ever climbing out.

As the months went by whilst Scott’s fellow classmates were prepping for GCSEs and deciding on what to do after all the cramming whether they’d be staying on at school and what courses to do whether it be at college/university or if they’d decide on looking for employment straight out of school.

Still in a downwards spiral all Scott did was laze, openly drinking illegally and get into fights in and out of school, never affected by Scott’s undecided state of mind Philip stuck with Scott.

With GCSEs only two months away getting Scott to see the consequences of not doing them was a must, however that there’s still time to revise and possibly get good results. Getting them off his case Scott falls for the reverse psychology played on him, Scott proves his teachers wrong and some how catches up in time to be listed to sit his GCSEs.

Feeling a little more Zen Scott slowly reverted back to his old self, just not enough for it to completely stick. Scott stopped lazing he restarted using the home gym. With every weight lifted, push up, sit up, every step forced to run and every push down of the bike peddle, Scott harshly regained his physical fitness similar to what it once was.

Four months later GCSEs are well and truly over knowing that if Scott went to college or university it would be very much ill-advised. “A solution is still needed” Glancing over at a picture of Scott on one the tours he took with the squad years ago that caught the corner of Sensei Kai’s eye. Sensei K recommending that Scott spend the next three years travelling that it should! Set Scott back on track. “Scott It’s for the best, doing this will help you rise above your problems and will reconnect you with your passion once again”

Coming close to drawing a tear, at this point Scott’s been feeling the never ending pain of rage and confusion on both an emotional and physical side.

Locations picked currency sorted travel partners awaiting Scott’s arrival on the other sides of the world. With his passport in hand Scott, turns round to look back his friends, family and sensei.

Smiling with such compassion tightening his grip on both ticket and passport psyching him up Scott inhales deeply slowly turning round to hand both ticket and passport to the woman at the threshold. With his passage sorted Scott raises his hand, with that Scott said goodbye and was no longer insight.


Libby Bovell,

The story content is somewhat appreciable. But the style of story telling needs a lot of improvement. Please try "Spell check" and grammar-check options in Word before publishing here. This is a site frequented by Westerners whose mother tongue is English. So we should be more careful. My best wishes to your efforts and congratulations.


Profile picture for user ravi815@_24737
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Thank you for your input, I'll work on that. Please let me know what you think to the follow up story.

Profile picture for user keats007_12796
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Libby Bovell

I think this is a good story and it did suck me in as all good stories are supposed to do.

It lost its way a bit when ever the Agents are not in the story. But it picks up again to end where it should end. A strange story indeed. Even if the main suspect is a bit to smug at the end for my liking.

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