Create a chameleon. Violetta Ugra

by Violetta Ugra
25th July 2018

Create a chameleon. Violetta Ugra

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I invite writers for business friendship: I will translate your novel into a good Russian language, you will correct my mistakes in English.

 The spacecraft crashed. Sisters Andronikovs, his blonde-owners, should save him from an accident. Two captains instead of one and a team of not skilled repairmen are all people who are ready to cope with a difficult task. Stress after a disaster does not pass. It is necessary to spend some time to calm down. Lovely girls know that they will be helped by good English manners and friendship. They are united by the desire to blame all menfolk, on whom the beauties hoped. But who is really to blame? The men they deal with sometimes speak in the manner of a real person, the Prime Minister of Russia, whom President Boris N. Yeltsin publicly recommended to citizens as his successor. Russia laughed at his special speech. Now it can be appreciated by the English-speaking reader.



Part of book:


A misfortune


Good English manners considered a visit card of programmers the Solar system, the goddess of resisting the commercialization, even if people are  just honing theirs. Bad manners, too, often do not bring profit, they predetermine evil, but their power is limited if professionals from the opposite camp join the battle. Skillful maneuvers and tricks of polite people give a best way out of the most difficult situations first, improve comfort of personal growth and helping to dissolved to withstand the test.

Pandora in space exploration is rarely able to show the inexorable force of talented engineer, but this time the case was fatal power. A stone larger than a walnut and raced among others, like shooting star. Its speed is exceeded neighbor of exactly one third of the magnitude of the first cosmic. Cotton at that time no one heard. The signal came two hours later. Bolid, because of which there was damage to the spacecraft, did not break the nodes responsible for the performance of the space truck, almost by accident. Around a trucker, usually traveling in the solar system, now there was too much dust and small stones. Even more dangerous than the former components of the planets of the solar system were considered Those that detached from the comets. Vyslezhennye by astronomers they quick a meteor entered the circle around the Sun. Almost insignificant fragments flew slower than the parent, a frightening medieval knights, but did not lose acceleration. The thrust of power came from the flying tail between the stars. Under the influence of such force, tons of stone overcome parsecs.

Through the distance in the light years to the Sun traveled not only carrying evil, but pleasant surprises remained a rarity. The only miracle that was waiting for earth scientists, are called a piece of a diamond star PSR J 1719-1438. Catching a stone in a few dozen carats was an incredible success. But the charming myth had nothing to do with what was happening around the Andronikov sisters. The pilots of the spaceship knew that in the list of checkpoints of the route sector, where diamond rain was not expected. Instead of peacefully lying under the microscope of the probe of the future diamond, the ship "Saratov Wolf" collided in the literal sense with a stone, which because of the speed any earth armor will not withstand. Such cases in the solar system were much more frequent than the findings of valuable large diamonds or ores.

- I thought you promised that drag it on the course, even a balloon with a cargo compartment, if at it will be our engines.

- Did I swear or support you, as it should be for a respectable sister? By the way, this box was called safe by Abramson's reports.

- A privater. Forecasts bought for a quarter of the cost.

- What disgust these menfolk are!

Two blondes, the commanders of the wrecked "Saratov wolf" had to decide what to do next. In a few words, they discussed the cause of the accident. Traders and their desire not to rest in the sitting-room of slender blond representatives of the aristocracy, even the poor, caused expressive grimaces. The dialogue ended with the phrase:

- Men are terrible.

Even with the most pleasant pastime comes an end. From a just anger it was necessary to return to sober calculation. Sisters feverishly thought what to do first.

- I flashed a crazy hope that you will find the opportunity to immediately improve the atmosphere.

- Here, in the cabin and by a psychological impact?

Scientific stations superstitiously avoided places with meteorite danger. Heads of institutes in the circles of engineers are considered more talented than their colleagues from the companies-billionaires. The opinion of university geniuses are the most serious examination. Those who were not considered qualified at all, chose the direction of the route versus with a state reports on the stone rain. They existed around major international laboratories, predicted by a surveillance system with hundreds of cameras around the city with robots. All space researchers had a dozen of their own cameras and computers for protection. Medium-sized firms, for all their unrestrained naivete, still knew how to choose routes away from difficult places or to hide robots in a bunker at a dangerous time. The pilots of the Saratov Wolf belonged to the caste of twenty percent of businessmen from the bottom of the profit ratings. The walls of the kitchen, divided by the Tradescans, where they sometimes discussed financial well-being, looked quite presentable in their native penates.

- You see, the troubles will soon be over.

Silence fell in the office. Nothing promised a successful outcome. Everything that managed the commander's ship, testified: problems are just beginning.

The shapeless blot came by urgent mail to report the danger, no more. The ghostly light of a pair of shots from the observation deck confirmed the opinion of the computer that harvested the harvest and sent it to the wheelhouse. A spot of gray-black divorces with low resolution showed a rickety hull. The bulges from engines, probes and robots attached to the Saratov wolf were floundered with the light of the stars behind them. It was clear that a misfortune had occurred. And the managers of the control center were reviewing the images, but they did not know what the ominous blurred lines of contours were. The on-board computer still did not understand at what speed the damage was increasing. His systems tended to not lose the ability to draw conclusions.

- I for thousands of years have not seen how brave captains save a ship from the Sargasso Sea, a direct report from the scene.

If the gray matter does not bubble under the duty, but quite pretty hairdo, a fan of conquering space, even himself can not count anything at all.

- Start photographing, Dasha. In the camera call - the fifth button on the top and right of the phone. But "We are already back on the safe road" sounds more pleasant.

- Do not abuse words.

- The decline of strength from the stress leads to prostration.

- We should have coped with ourselves.

Thoughtfully pulling a curl, Daria resisted frustration and oppression. The charming head recalled ancient ways to cope with boiling waves. Through the veil of numbness, she led the mind make to a tempting defense against extreme danger. Without doubt, the inner voice should have suggested a way to save the trash electronic devices that three hours ago were counting the spacecraft. The on-board computer of the Saratov Wolf had not yet given signs of life. The pilots knew that hurrying him now meant ensuring an increase in the queue of assignments. The lack of power would only deplete the capabilities of the system and its will to live. That is, the time to response can be endless if the questions overload the emergency systems of automatic equipment rescue.

- I lack divine pity.

The healing charms of the magic amulet give hope when money is laid out on the counter for a spirit-blown delusion. Later their strength goes away, like the air from a children's festive ball. Self-confidence, in other cases considered undeniably insulting, promised misadventures.

- Fortune has not yet remembered how to serve a decent and fair.

The thirst for complete transfer of the rescue measures to the computer was burning in my chest.

- Mobilize your own abilities, Valya, you will see the coming weakness .

Lovely at more appropriate moments, the woman turned on the chair, looked up. She mentally drew a line from one corner to the other on the ceiling. Then glance slid on the wall, drew three lines from the picture to the corner of the cupboard, went to a bouquet of artificial flowers on the curbstone. Trivial thoughts about the seashore of the resort on a picturesque canvas did not stop thinking. A laggardly educated woman was considered, and Valentina Andronikova even knew how to use a robot to make hot cheese with toast.

- Useful talents are shown at the competition of dexterous geniuses.

- I'm full of vivacity, although I have to admit: I have to gather strength to withstand the dances of uncontrolled robots.

- Trivia. We will see their strength.

Darya's truthful blue eyes are accustomed to the purest aristocratic manners typical of space programmers. Their appearance and magical metamorphosis humanity was obliged to the style of life created by the same as it is under the cover of the invisible hand of the special services. Knights direct the great minds of mankind on the path of good.

- Report Details accident personnel?

- To the players?

- Yes.

Valya raised her eyebrows, showing by her appearance a rare courage and a mundane mind. So the Martian programs transform people, extremely busy, who gathered only for the sake of the opportunity to have interlocutors with a huge personal charm.

- Wait. We do not have a women's salon, where we serve wishing to wash our hair and go on a date with an officer, a good figure, but an adept who is alien to our heart of religion. The holiday should start at home.

Fear of saying a superfluous word and jinxing did not strike Dasha dumb. She, as a best friend, continued the deplorable business of liquidating the consequences of the catastrophe, which was little known so far, diluting the afflictions with positive emotions.

- Now I want the company so much!

- Yes, of course, - Valya looked like a lady, staring at the approaching storm clouds.

- So, for this we can put our girls in touch with the space ship on the air.

- Them?

- It's still pause anyway.

- Are you serious?

- And what? Forget about them the most terrible. We'll chat about business, we'll discuss the events.

The most of scary from sinister prospects until it was hard to even choose. To the mind came only nightmarish thoughts. Fortunately, the trouble began at the square thirty-six eighteen forty-two, next to the next, forty-third, which the navigators rounded. There were small pieces of substance and a meteoric hazard there were more. Those who consider themselves to be people, to whom fate has challenged, lose interest in everything that requires an unfair exchange. The obvious gifts of fate Andronikovym seemed worthy of a trash can.

"Saratov wolf" because of the accident, is trapped with a valley of stone rain. He waited hundreds of gigabytes of data from the place. Only fragments of reports of control measurements came . Calculation of the computer in the commander's control center showed: in the event of a stop, gravity will slowly take the ship to a dangerous place. A vivid graph of the risk assessment showed the time before the transition. T Aimer promised a month of slipping to the border. The captain, who does not throw the helm of the ship in this position, is very clever.

Valya clarified in a silvery voice to distract her sister from the disastrous undertaking:

- Do you know if there is anything new in the politicians?

Daria understood, although her mind was now resting from the pressure of the robot interaction recorders.

- There is nothing about investing where we get something.

- Why?

- They do not want.

- Do not want they?

- And they are unlikely to want in the near future.

- Maybe they want, but hide, where did the subsidies take place?

Valya agreed, but Dasha, with the serenity of the child, was pondered the outrage.

- How?

- You know, I heard about one site. There for a small fee watches the officials, when they put up for auction property at bargain prices.

- Ah, probably, it's not pleasant to tell how to intercept a lot from a police chief at an auction, and then escape his whole life from persecution. - Dasha cut off a slice of bread and smeared it with bloody jam.

- Then why do they offer at the auction to intercept the property from the chief of police or another important cone?

- Well, maybe ... Maybe they do not help anything intercept. They only promise and take money. Then they throw up the information that everything is sold and they offer to wait for the next attempt for a monthly fee.

Valentina was frightened of the intrigues of financial scammers in much the same way as she was now afraid of bad news from the ship . She sometimes looked out the window of the control center, trying not to worry because of an avalanche of incomprehensible lines.

- When Sveta, one of our first assistants, ran into the first fraudulent site and clicked on a button, it began to withdraw money. I've been looking for a whole month to disconnect. Supervision of the quality of customer service received complaints only on Wednesdays, and then sent them down to those who, without its control, did not track down the scammers. A сourt asked for the opening of the case a considerable amount.

- Money often comes to someone who deliberately causes suffering for those who want to get their back.

- The cost of turning off the service makes you think about how to cry to a friend after every unsuccessful step, - Valentina realized that she had not given the idea in vain.

- We can ask our girls where else they would like to work on the ship.

- True? - Valya accepted her support, but cared about the future . She resisted the sister's desire to go with the flow and immediately find himself in an environment where no one can repair the ship. - But we do not yet have programs ready which we can give them to buy. That is, where they are all buy, but not for real. To do this, you need to work for several months.

- Yes, there is no program. So, there is no program for fake purchases when working in flight?

- We have not enough strength to write them.

- Bad.

- And there is nothing left to order a decent programmer. Moreover, I'm afraid to order. That his brilliant lines have pumped all our cash to his secret pocket. Too many of them take extra.

- To support your numerous children?

- Yes, most likely they release programs with a million users for a monthly fee to keep their babies. Much less buyers spent in those days, when they paid once. Probably, the Chinese programs ... although I will not talk about them, China is really an overpopulated country . It's good that they do not know anything about the state electronic document management or about the reduction of criminality. The head of Russian intelligence would shoot himself, if such programmers were to go for a state purse in the distribution of industrial zones or for profitable science-intensive developments.

- Our intelligence chiefs often shoot himself?

- Well, they are trying to protect the country in the first place.

- They are doing their duty very well.

- They do it, but we must protect ourselves. What if all foreigners are at war with us, preferring in the battle of women, old people and children? I, for example, think that for the moral support the team of players is very helpful. Let's teach them to do anything when the spacecraft is on the road?

- We have already taught them to entertain us and each other, without switching off monitors tracking the Saratov wolf. It ended in an accident in which we almost lost our ship.

- They learned how to keep the ship clean. Timely cleaning makes bad housewives the subject of ridicule. But our do not always cope perfectly too. You saw, once Marina was in the general virtual cabinet, when she was in bed, covered only with a blanket. The knoll near with her could have been a man. The camera almost instantly showed how her body was completely covered. You do not know where there was a strange hillock!

Dasha almost said: "Where?", But another thought occurred to she. This was in the film about the pioneers of Mars, the old tape, which was played on the channel "Illusions" two days ago.

- Let's show how to put a tow for fixing luggage.

- To them?

Valentina was sure that both could not show ways to manage the girls so as not to harm an any thing. Of the two responsibilities of space businessmen for a license, it was necessary to fulfill at least one: maintaining a life in the style of the best houses in London and Paris or using third-party people for any small or serious work in the flight control center.

- We will not widely publicize the fact of the accident, if you do not mind. After each case our scores in the ratings of the pilot are falling .

- Secret grief is better than the mass of obvious oppressors. People too carefully sort out other people's mistakes.

- They choose between buying at the ideal, usual and keeping the contents of the wallet.

- Justice rarely help the lot of people of hard work, - Val introduced an exotic country with responsible civil servants and smiled.

The idea has won approval, but the demands of women often do not suit those around them. Daria, her sister, was a woman, and not one of the spirit of fate that hung over both women. The most secret of them now crashed the ship "Saratov wolf" and was afraid only of the intervention of experienced commanders. He prayed to the sky that it would give him more time and laughed at the enemy when his hopes came true.

- Mystics choose ideas, painting general trends, but do not notice the rules for small ones. About sorrows they tell the first person they meet, but the pain dwarfs the analytical abilities. Fortune with angelic patience supports even the cleaning of the office at every firm in the world . Many people clean the floor good. I hope she will not forget your hope for the future.

Dasha looked at her with a piercing glance, reminiscent of an indisputable intention to tackle the technical side of dealing with the consequences of the accident. The unhappy creature hoped to do not hurt by a soul, but to create a sober business atmosphere.

- It would be good if fate did not reach us before instants of the point of boiling.





