Creative writing competitions (Success and Scams)

by Natreema Adjaye
10th April 2013

For many aspiring writers across the globe creative writing competitions offer an opportunity for individuals to exhibit their literary talents. For the winners, a cash prize is a rewarding incentive for their efforts.

The competitions may also provide a writer with enough exposure and publicity to gain credibility amongst their peers and the attention of a publishing agent.

In the last few months I have written a number of short stories that I have entered into competitions in hope of these ambitions. Regrettably, the rejections are pouring in as I learn that I have not been short listed for these prizes. For those who don't win, we can take comfort in reminding ourselves that 'it's the taking part that counts' and we can at least develop a portfolio of stories, to be recycled and used at a later date. However there are monetary disadvantages for participants. In the UK entry fees typically range from £5- £15. This becomes expensive if you intend to enter multiple competitions. In turn, writers can spend hundreds of pounds without any success.

Should these competitions be free as an entry fee could restrict those who can't afford it? The profit generated from the submission fee may well be used for the winners cash prize, however free entry would possibly enable a wider range of creativity as everyone would be able to participate.

Perhaps I'm just a sore loser?

For its organisers, creative writing competitions are a profitable business idea. However there are some who take advantage of a writers determination to see their work in print. One particular UK based company springs to mind for me. They distributed leaflets about a poetry competition, the winner's prize was to be £1,000. Months later I was informed in writing that my poem would be included in their anthology. I was told that if I wanted a copy of the book I would need to send them £14.99. I sent the fee by postal order. After three months I had yet to receive my book, yet the organisation continued to send me emails relating to working in schools as a poet and sales promotions selling more of their work. A relative advised that I be persistent in my pursuit of requesting the item I had paid for.

The anthology (with my poem included) finally arrived. I examined the item suspiciously. 'Never judge a book by its cover' I reminded myself but couldn't help but think how cheaply made this book appeared to be.

I searched the publishers name through 'Google' and found articles and forums referring to people's experiences of being 'scammed' by this organisation.

Imagine, they have potentially retrieved £15 from hundreds of writing hopefuls.

When it comes to entering writing competitions, we must proceed with caution!


When entering writing competitions it is very important to read the terms and conditions. Some of them say that the organisers of the comp have the right to publish your story even if you don't win a cash prize - ie you are in effect giving your work away.

Another way of looking at this is that publication - in a prestigious magazine - is a form of prize in itself.

I don't see most writing comps as exploitation - what about the ones run by this site?

I can't agree that there should never be entrance fees. All you need to do is look carefully. I prefer competitions that a) are free to enter b) not too restrictive as to who can enter c) say clearly when the results will be out so that after that date you can send your story elsewhere. d) allow you to enter online

Remember, even if your story is included in an anthology you have no obligation to buy a copy.

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Most are scams..... shame

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I agree. There are those out there that just love to exploit peoples dreams. However, we should all learn from our mistakes and know better for the next time we send off a piece of work for a competition. As for the fees, I don't believe you should be charged for entering a competition at all! Certainly, you should meet certain criterior, but I feel one should never pay to enter a contest.

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