Dark (Chapter 2)

by kashaf noor
28th April 2016


I am running on a damp path. There are tall trees all round me, blocking the only light of the moon at midnight. I can hear Karrie’s words echo in my head. “You are one of us, you have to believe it”. I see the flashbacks of Dad’s body and my dream rewinding at the back of my mind and I can I keep on running until I reach the end of the street blocked by a large gate. I yelp and try to push the gate open, I can feel that there’s a large river at the other side of the gate. But at this time it’s better to jump in than face what’s coming.

I struggle with the gate, too busy to notice the hissing sounds behind my back. I wail as I push the gate harder and I succeed.

I take a step further but brusquely, someone strangles me up in something metal-hard, pushing me back from the river. The person towing me back firmer and the metallic thing I realize are the arms of the person. I scream and tussle to untwine myself from the arms but the grasp is hard real hard.

“You stupid girl, stop screaming. No one is going to hear you in here”, I realize, surprisingly that the voice is of a girl. I stop struggling and the arms let go of me. I whip around to face the person, and see a girl staring at me. The girl is probably the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life, with deep blue eyes and perfect plump lips, her blonde hair made into a messy bun, curls rolling down her face but the skin so pale that I can see her face glowing clearly even in the mist moon-light. I stare down at her dress; she is wearing a long black dress which is touching her ankles and with a stun I see that she is bare-foot.

“I-I am sorry to meet you in this way, I am Clarissa Jacobson, I know what happened to your- to your- father, and I am sorry about it and I know how your mother just disappeared-”, I cut Clarissa in her mid-sentence.

“Wait” I snap but I can still feel the hoarseness in my throat from crying, “How do you know that my father died? And MY MOTHER DID NOT DISAPPEAR-”.

“You are the most idiotic person I have ever seen” She barks “C’mon! You lived with your mother for whole of those 16 years and didn’t even notice her hand-writing! And why the hell is she going to ask you to go to Lisa’s place when she knows whose lying dead over there and why in the hell is she going to leave you alone in a hollow house without telling you where she is going or when she is coming back. And with all the weird stuff happening at one time your mom disappeared and your father died why in the hell are you trying to jump out into the stupid lake rather than finding the truth, where have you lost your senses little girl? You need to come back to your senses!”

There is a lot to respond and there is a lot to take in, I feel a wave of frustration and anger flush through my veins. I fumble with words for a second but give up and sink to my knees. I start to cry silently, I have never been through this much ever before. I’m not even sure if my mother is alive. I called the police before I left Lisa’s place and informed them about body.

Clarissa drops down on her knees to calm me down. I didn’t see it coming but Clarissa puts her arms on my shoulders and hugs me tightly. Why the hell is she doing it? It’s all so weird right now? It cannot be truth. It’s a dream. It IS a dream. Wakeup Theresa, you need to wake up from this nightmare, but it is only a beautiful lie to believe. All my life I have read those interesting books and those stories, the way I got trapped into them so easily, and now my life has also became a story, the story which other loves, the story which other think is tragic and emotional, and the story which I would love to read but never want to be a part of.

“I don’t understand. I don’t know what’s happening. I want answers” I whisper pushing away from Clarissa’s hug.

“I’ll give you the answers! I will tell you everything. Only, if you follow me”.

“I can’t really follow a stranger. You might be an axe-killer”

“You are a stupid girl, Theresa. You are just like they told me about you” I try to cut her but she continues, “You are afraid that I am going to kill you, so what about the time when you were nearly gonna jump into that river, Why? Why are you so stupid, little girl?. Just follow me, Okay? If you get lost, you will be on your own with 100’s of Wanon roaming around the forest looking for homeless Darks, like YOU! And now you will say what Wanon is and what Dark are. That IS WHAT I WANT TO TELL YOU, YOU STUPID LITTLE GIRL, NOW FOLLOW ME OR DIE!”

The walk to where Clarissa is taking me is quiet and suave. I walk behind Clarissa. The soft crunching sound of autumn leaves and from the woods come the gentle Hoots of an owl, setting off on his night’s hunting. The wind shrills softly past me, making me shiver. I look up at the sky the stars are bright and immense in the darkness of the night. I admire the beauty of the forest as I stare at the sky while walking and bump into Clarissa’s metal body. “What the hell!” She breathes. “They know we are here”. She turns to face me. “You have to extremely careful. Don’t talk, breath softly and take smooth inaudible steps or the vampires will know we are here”

“Are you insane? There is no such things like Vampires-” She cuts me off again. “You are INSANE. Shut your mouth. Okay? And don’t ask questions. Or you will get both of us killed, it’s only a few steps until we reach headquarter, we are going to reach there alive only if you shut UP!”

We take the last steps softly making less sound of our footsteps, Clarissa is totally inaudible and I know she is waking on her tip-toes. We take a few more steps and I bump into her again, harder this time.

“Can you learn not to bump into people?”

“I am sorry”

“Apology accepted. Well we are here”

I look closely but only see a track continuing through the misty forest, and then I look sideways for a sign of a building, but only see large trees covering the path.

“But I cannot see anything” I stutter, knowing that something is wrong in the environment.

Clarissa turns to me with an ugly smirk on her face. “You are a stupid girl to believe me aren’t you? I am a stranger to you, a complete stranger and you followed me into this deep forest, especially at night”

“Clarissa. I don’t understand-” I take a step back but stumble and fall on my back; simultaneously I throw my hands on the ground, to surrender my head from hitting the ground. I try to get up but Clarissa starts to laugh in an evil way, and unexpectedly two fangs slips out of her mouth, which is the last thing I expected.


“I am a vampire you stupid, little girl. And now you have entered the vampire territory and there is no way back, you are a stupid dark, like others. When I said to stay silent or vampires will follow us, I meant the dark would follow ME and save you”, I try to speak something but I am too shocked by everything, that my breath is knocked out of my lungs. Clarissa kicks my so hard in my gut that I fall back harder this time, and this time I can’t resist my head from falling on the ground. I feel the whole world go blurry in my vision as I lay on the ground. I hear voices in my ear and I am not sure if it’s an illusion or reality. I see some blurry shadows hovering over me as I fall into oblivion. 
