Dark (Chapter 3)

by kashaf noor
28th April 2016


I wake up from the unconsciousness to the sounds of loud thuds and stumps; the room is dark and bright around me. I open my eyes softly until I am accustomed to the blazing light and darkness.  It’s weird to have a room so dark and blazing at the same time but after a moment I realize that the room is not dark but my heart, my thoughts, my mind is. I scream and try to let go of the chains which are tied up around my wrists.

The room is filthy, and damp. The moisture on the wood of the floor is uncomfortable to sit on. I scream again for someone and scream until I know there is no one to help me. My throat is sour after all the screaming. I buckle my knees, cross my arms around them, and put my head on my crossed arms. The precious pearls from my eyes fall down on the wooden floor, softly.

“Is someone there?” I try to scream but it scarcely appears like a murmur. The tears continue to fall on my already moist cheeks. I close my eyes firmly, trying to clear my off from everything. I exhale softly and doze off.

“Are you dumb?” Someone shouts in an inimical voice. My eyes flutter open. The room is cold now, dead cold. I look around the room. It is dark now, completely dark. I shiver, more in horror than cold. My breath comes out into a cloud of mist.

“I am talking to you!” the same person yells gain and I try to see clearly from the darkness ,who the person is but I can only see a tall thin dark shadow of the man.

“Your fate will be decided at 6 pm in a meeting, today. It’s 5 pm right now.”

“Let me go.” These are the only words I manage out of my mouth.

“Brace yourself.” The man says into a whisper and walk away.

“Wow. Perfect. Now there is a damned meeting to resolve my destiny. Cool, I am a bigwig, right? They are conducting a meeting, for me?” I mock to myself.

The hour seems like 365 days of a year. I keep sitting, staring at the grills, as they are the only thing, I can clearly see in this room. My arms are crossed around my knees, motionless. The chains tied around my wrist are dangling down the either sides of my legs. My knees are surged into my chest as to foil from the ice-cold waft, passing through the grills. Every breath I inhale is sore and every breath I exhale is distrait. I try to concentrate on everything that brought me here, but remembering only begets my pain. A pain that no one can see, a pain that I cannot feel, but the pain that streams down my placid little eyes. I plunge down deeper into the darkness and melancholy with every passing sorrow moment. I climb up the steepness of my life with every passing intense moment and I fall down into the dump of pain with every passing tender moment. Those mountains of happiness, those chains of moments and those circles of joy of the past time I have spent, I want those times back so much that it hurts, it hurts to the core of my heart and lungs, which makes me unable to breathe and live. What about my future, my fate? I don’t understand the fall that has taken over my happiness and the tenderness that has taken over my pleasure. All my future decisions, my aims, my life goals. The things I always wanted to do. I am not even sure if I am going to live long enough to spend those happy times. After all the thinking I realize that I can blame no one for my soreness and tenderness. But it is my life which has betrayed me and dumped me. It is my life which has taken over my time and it is my life which killing me from the deepest of my hearts to my skin. I can’t get over the betrayal of my life.

I hear soft footsteps coming towards my cell and I am relieved to know that an hour is over. I will get some fresh air for my lungs and I will be able to use my legs after such a long time. The thought makes me laugh softly, even though I know that it’s weird to laugh at this time but after all it’s the weirdness of life that makes us weird. The tall black figure appears in front of the grills and opens the door with a soft clip of the lock. The door of my cell opens and the figure walks in with keys dangling in one of his hands. I stare at the tall man as he kneels down by my side to open the chains which have been tied around my wrist for days. After several seconds of clattering of the chains the person stands up, which states that my hands are free. I brush the steel material off my hands, and bring my hands in front of my face to look at them closely if they are still there. I know that there are bruises around my wrist but I am unable to see them in the plunging darkness. I look up and realize that the tall figure is waiting for me to follow him. I stand up hoarsely, and almost fall down because of the queasiness that has taken over me. My body feels heavy and frantic. The person turns around and start walking, me stumbling after him. We pass through several dark corridors, and at the end we reach the staircase that leads up to the open air. The person is tall and fast, which makes it difficult for me to follow him. He takes two stairs at a time and I hurry after him to catch up with his speed so I won’t get lost in this labyrinth.

The moment I enter the open air, I feel like I have entered heaven. The basement was suffocating and smelly but this beautiful night sky with sparkling stars and the perfect cold air which is brushing past my slim figure, makes me want to stay here for the rest of my life. The outside is a plain ground there is only a plain ground on my left and right but there is a large, traditional mansion, a few miles away from where I am standing. I look up at the place, it looks like one of the place which have come out of a magical fictional book or movie. I don’t remember seeing this place anywhere I have been to in my life. The man continues his walk and I notice that he is walking towards the large building. I think about running away from here, but if I am not tied up in weird stuff over here, it probably means that there will be guards and soldiers all around the place, so I drop the idea of running away and continue walking after the tall figure.


The main gates of the place are large (twice the height of the man and twice the width of an elephant) and traditional; the door is made up of wood, which is carved into old traditional style you kind of see in castles. Surprisingly no one is standing as guard on the door and the door opens by itself as the figure continues towards the hallway; the door is leading to. 
