Dear God: Thanks for the Ride!

by Kelly Quinn
22nd February 2014

Late one night, I was in the passenger seat of a car parked at a rest area with my mom (Mary Belle) in the driver’s seat. Through the windshield, we were both looking up in awe at the midnight blue sky seeing a stunningly beautiful, white, snow-covered, planet earth spinning slowly with life and surrounded by stars scattered all over like a heavenly mantle with the sky as it’s lovely canvas. This snow earth was so close we could almost touch it with a whisper. Yet we knew what we were seeing – well, it just wasn’t logical. Feeling many things, among them excitement, love, infinite curiosity and adventure, it was as though we were in a different dimension that was quiet and calm with no one else around. We remained curious and seated in the car, and continued looking up at what life (or even death) might look like from another perspective and physical location. Was this real? I found myself asking, “Where am I right now and what is happening? What dimension is this? Do I exist anymore?”

Raising my newly gifted digital camera and real or not, I wanted my latest adventure to be captured on film! So I began to take a picture of the shimmering, spinning, snow planet earth! I wanted to share it on Facebook and send out pictures to all of my family and friends! Then my mom put her hand on my arm and said, “No Kelly! Don’t take a picture of this beauty! It would be sacrilegious!” It reminded me of the Biblical story of Lot’s wife: “Don’t look back or you will turn to a pillar of salt!” To paraphrase, do not look upon another’s suffering or intentionally witness something Godly that you were not meant to see. It will not work out well for you.

Mary Belle was convinced that if I took the picture, it would go against all of the unspoken, as well as written, laws that God has in place and thus, disrespect Him in some way. I would never do that! Well, not intentionally, but I am human after all. I was simply too drawn in to even acknowledge my mom’s requests to sit still and enjoy the beauty of it all. I was instantly captured! Unbeknownst to me, being “captured” was about to become two-fold. Sort of.

Although I wanted to honor her opinion, and the last thing I ever want to do is be disrespectful toward our Creator, but I was being beckoned it seemed - called upon without words. My spirit was being summoned so to speak.

Innately, there was a knowing and a sense that my experience would be significantly different than my mom’s. So, ignoring her requests and being completely drawn into this miracle I was witnessing, I stepped out of the vehicle and began attempting to take the forbidden picture of the spinning, snowy earth and began questioning our mere existence in that moment.

Gazing in awe upon this Heavenly sight, I thought to myself, “If that’s earth, then where am I standing right now?” I then found myself floating toward the midnight sky and feeling as though a light anesthesia or a sleeping aid of some kind took over my senses and was causing me to fall into a very relaxed state of mind. Yet I was aware of every sweet and magical detail. I was not afraid. In fact, I was in complete and utter peace and remained contented in all the wonderment of what was happening to me in the next moments.

Almost instantly, my camera felt as though it was being summoned yet was being held firmly into my hand by some unimaginable force. It’s pure phenomenon! I was gently and lovingly being pulled upward by my arms with the camera still being held firmly in my hands. It was a very loving, happy energy carrying me. I was floating in an invisible cylinder of love up toward the majestic, glistening snow planet. Then, my camera was tenderly being taken from me. Gently, as the gravitational pull overwhelmed my very weakened and relaxed state, I surrendered the camera. I didn’t care much at all. I was curious and I felt an indescribable sense of love. The camera seemed to remain suspended now all by itself, as did I, yet still the camera continued floating just ahead of my outstretched arms upward, toward the heavenly snow earth.

Not only was the earth above me spinning slowly and effortlessly, but it was glistening white. Not the typical earth we see on the internet or in books or even maps. It was a white, shimmering globe of love randomly covered with snow and sparkling, tiny, silver particles resembling glitter. And it looked like God had randomly smeared fluffy clouds around it with a paint brush. Just for effect I suppose.

Next thing I knew I was seated on the floor and I was inside the dazzling white earth globe which felt like I was just visiting a new building opposed to a new planet. Everything was pure white around me and glistening with purity and love. There were some countertops and shelves and different areas that resembled adjoining rooms and everything was so peaceful. I found myself seated on the floor in a crouched position suddenly feeling very guilty. I felt sad too. I felt as though I didn’t deserve to even be here. Why was I here? What is this place? I was washed over with human mistakes I’d made, only to be again floating with my camera trying to take another picture of this paradise I was visiting. When once again, my camera was being summoned gently from my hands and the thought or message came to my mind saying, “No pictures now. Just acknowledge what you feel.” There were people walking about as though they were busy doing things and I was invisible to them. Strange I thought as I asked the questions (to whoever would listen), “Why am I here? Can I tell people about my trip?” I asked the questions but I didn’t speak them. I only thought them. Felt them. These questions went unanswered for the moment.

I then found myself floating in the cool night air from the shimmering, snow earth onto the earth as we know it and into a house where there was a little girl standing on the stairway inside the home. I wanted to hug her as she looked very confused and sad. I went over to her and was greeted by a woman who said I needed to leave and was very rude to me. I then told her that she was the one who needed to go and that I belonged there. She went to the door and left. I then went out that same doorway and was standing on the porch when I was surrounded by little light beings. I call them beings as they were shaped like little toy orbs or beings of light and joy! They were circling my head dancing around me, laughing and playing and encouraging me to play and float, and just be! It was contagious! I was laughing!! Then I was laughing so hard and playing, and then I was flying and floating again into the night sky! I was feeling freedom and unconditional love!

I felt a great sense of not wanting to return. I didn’t want to come back! I was so happy and joyful! I wasn’t done playing yet! However, after many hours of flying time (I say hours but really, there was no sense of time wherever this was) and when this playful rendezvous with God and the beautiful Universe had come to an end, I was floating back into my own bed. I was being tucked in! Despite my wanting to stay on this dreamy playground, I was laid down very gently as a child would be kissed on the forehead and tucked under the quilts. This love I was feeling was so intense, I felt like a child again. The innocence. The unquestionable, infinite trust I felt in that moment brought me to a place I don’t think I have ever been. Well at least not since leaving the womb – or even before that.

I was half awake as I was still laughing out loud from our adventure! I just knew in my heart that God had a great time too! I was feeling so much love! The word “love” is such a short word for something that holds so much meaning. It was as if I’d never been truly loved before in my entire lifetime. Not in this way at least. It felt so genuine, so deep and unwavering and absolutely no conditions. As my eyes were half way opened, I found myself feeling invigorated and waving my arms about all crazy and big, sitting in the middle of my king size bed, excitedly saying out loud, “Thanks for the ride tonight God!” and “Can I tell people about this now?” It was as if He was leaving so I could now get some much needed sleep after all that playtime! He was taking care of me! Like a father would take care of his child, I knew deeply He would never actually leave me. This beautiful nighttime adventure that I spent with God left me with many important messages and one of them is that I can tell everyone about our trip! When the most beautiful, loving thoughts came to me not in voice – but in thought only – “Yes, you can tell everyone! Please tell everyone about me!”

At times it feels as if I had passed on from this human lifetime, as so many others have done and even written about. When a person speaks of their experience, they physically die for several moments on the operating table or in an ambulance or are in a coma for months and they experience passing through a tunnel of light and then on to the next heavenly place, and they too experience the indescribable, utterly amazing, unconditional love that God has for us. There truly are no words to describe that feeling of such radiant love and joy along with all of our senses coming to life like no one has ever experienced in human form before!

I am venturing out onto the proverbial limb in writing about this adventure, in hopes that I will make an attempt to locate and use all the words in our existence that will best reiterate this Godly experience to everyone who reads it. I believe it is God’s gift to many that this loving flight took place and it is my hope that you will feel the depth of the truest, most genuine, magical love that has ever covered you, your essence, your spirit, and from head to toe, from east to west, from lifetime to lifetime, from soul to soul. Oh what beauty and bliss it would be to feel that kind of love every day even in our human clothing.

One of the messages is love. I am always loved even when I make mistakes.

Maybe this is all a bit outlandish and maybe it never really happened. It sure felt like I was there. I could see and feel the purity from the white. I can feel the love so deeply that I am overwhelmed to tears when I revisit the memories we made that night. Maybe it’s even ridiculous and farfetched to write about such things. After all, I know it was a dream... Or was it? I couldn’t have been there. Or could I?

Some of you may be wondering.

I don’t really know what happened to Mary Belle that night because I didn’t see her after all that flying around I did with God up to the heavenly snow earth and back. But I’m pretty sure she drove home thinking I was gonna be out late (again) for some nighttime adventure. I can assure you though, that at 4:30 a.m., after all the laughing and saying “Goodbye God! Thanks for the ride!” I woke her up and I told her all about Him.


Hi Kelly,

I love your idea and writing about an OBE is a really good one.

I think the piece needs cutting down a lot as it's way over descriptive. It can also be quite confusing such as when you say "There were people walking about as though they were busy doing things". A bit more 'show, don't tell' would really help this, as would a reduction in adjectives.

I thing leaving out the dream part would be better as it took me from you believing in what you were talking about to your 'doubts'.

I'd like to read this again after an edit :)


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