Death Memories

by michael cohen
9th March 2013

Lost, alone, city dilates around Jake, his tall lanky frame collapse unconscious onto the cold pavement floor. No one stop to help, one or two sneer, some spit. Jake shudders before city collapse onto his head. Through glass eyes a distant light approach. Upward young man climb, far below Jake curled up body surrounded by police and ambulance crew. Jake last memories flash violently, before he is hurled back downward into an unknown destiny. Paramedics slam an adrenalin injection into Jake’s heart. Jake give up one loud moan cough bitter spew, blue eyes flicker open unaware of his surround.

‘What is this place?’ Jake screams out loud.

‘Calm down sir you are in an ambulance you collapsed, do you not remember. Now lie still what is your name.’ First Ambulance person said.

‘Jake, my name Jake I think.’

Jake sweats profusely, strapped down on a cold steel bed overhead bright light flickers. He struggles against tight straps, move his head left. Out the corner of his eye Jake see tall shadow move very swift toward him. Nurse slap Jake’s arm, he cries out feel sharp needle penetrate his soft skin. Jake falls into an uneasy nightmare.

Shaken awake two people stand over Jake both faces hidden under bright light. Neither talk, one kiss his cheek then disappear. Jake tries hard to speak no sound come, his eyes close. Bright sunlight hit Jake his straps have been loosened some time ago. Jake upright hear no sound, hospital very silent so to outside traffic. Down an empty lane Jake walk pass endless empty rooms with no one inside. Where am I, what am I, his turbulent thoughts flash on each bright wall at tunnel end another long passage urge Jake onward. Outside images flash before troubled eyes. Jake stumble down the rabbit hole, fall into a waiting nurse empty hands, his dry cracked voice ask.

‘Are you real, what is this place has my world been stolen or thrown away?’

‘Mr Tyler you are delusional why you been here since yesterday, now sit down here is your medicine.’ Nurse said.

‘No I need no medicine tell me where am I?’ Jake screams.

‘You are in hospital, do you not know remember Mr Tyler please calm down the doctor will be here soon. Take your medicine or you will be forced to.’ Nurse said in anger.

Jake swallow three large tablets then collapse. Gold light reflects off each wall, Jake hear an ambulance distant scream before his eyes shut. Jake screams, pull away from a burning furnace find peace in cool shadows. Jake push aside hospital paramedics he must escape this death trap, all around him bombs drop out of an almost perfect sky. Bright flash, smell of putrefied flesh and angels all beg for forgiveness. Jake stop somewhere perhaps between heaven and hell, tears run down his cheeks. What have I done, Jake scrubs at his bloody hands hold both dead parents. Jake tear skin off his pale face. No how can this be happening to me. His long dirty brown hair tangled; behind him heavy breathing follow. Jake wake up in an armchair his nightmare some distant past horror. Jake look upon each picture, show someone he never seen before. Lives lost Jake never know or care who these people are just someone memory. Careful not to disturb whatever rest Jake search each picture no one strike an accord. Jake shakes his head, open the front door to discover no escape.

Outside seething turmoil, perhaps chaos has arrived in all its glory. Birds walk on pale green landscape, high above beasts of burden glide against upside down clouds. Far below Jake’s bare feet he can see another large city thousand miles long. Jake rub both eyes in disbelief, fresh city building shoot skyward all around kaleidoscope neon light flicker bright. Jake shout out loud at all madness going on, his brain almost explode. Near collapse Jake question who or what is going on where my life gone. Pale light shine Jake see only bloody pools some obscene beast try to suck his soul away.

Morning offer little relief if not forgiveness. Jake vomit on to a dry floor, last night chaos just some fleeting nightmarish memory. Street cold, dirty, and mean, Jake picks up his sleeping bag and plastic carriers. He survey downtown Oxford Street. Jake shuffle down toward Soho know of some place behind this fancy restaurant he may find left over food. Once I was human just like all these suits and skirts who scorn my existence, Jake thinks. Jake walk twenty minutes reach his destination search through waste bin find yesterday pizza. Young man dirty hand tremble, eat very slow see bright blue lights flash. Police car whiz past Jake continue his feast. Next stop Oxford Circus tube underground entrance here Jake set up stall beg for whatever little money he can obtain. Jake’s dirty hands cup, one or two people drop coins if lucky someone give leftover food. Jake prefers money know of a dealer to obtain drugs thus ease pain of another day existence.

Horizon glow last red hot flames, Jake gather up his meagre processions very quick head towards open air and space. Jake fugitive glance toward heaven above reveal no invading aliens or fallen angels. Jake wait in deep anticipation see what nightfall approach bring on these wild streets, dogs come out in packs attack people like him. Once I was someone. Jake, try hard to remember his old life among Canary Wharf giant towers once he worked there until madness set in. Bitter tear drops flow down unwashed cheek leave track marks. All that left of his past life are cloth he wear and lost memories.

Jake body shivers on night unforgiving appearance. Neon bright lights flicker bright now worst time inhuman monsters come out to play.This is their time, Jake flee toward nearest doorway of a big department store.

Rain pelts down on the jungle floor, strange carnivorous bestial cries echo through vast concrete wilderness. People high on alcohol and drugs do not care or see those in doorways sleeping rough. Jake take deep swig of cheap brandy for warmth flies toward heaven without wings and, no care. Jake eyes water up, his mouth wide open. He can feel gloved fingers before some cold instrument place down hard on his lower palate. Jake bite down taste blood, then cries out loud. Overhead blur shape rains water onto Jake’s sleeping bag, then violent laughter. Filth and disgust overcome him, with one sudden jump Jake on top of his assailant. Jake bite down deep tear portion of the man ear off with savage delight hunter becomes prey. Hot blood sprays across pavement three other night creatures pull Jake off their friend. Jake taste blood; beat down continues for over ten minutes. Battered and hurt Jake gather his meagre processions before the police arrive. Eye so swollen Jake can not see, his insides hurt upon each step taken. Jake collapse against dirty alleyway wall, tears flow he wish death would come soon.

Jake wake not in some alleyway knee deep in filth with feral rats, but plant life grow thick and abundant. Jake, tear apart dense undergrowth to discover pyramids very ancient. Nothing make sense any more, his mind play tricks this no more than an illusion. I am still in that alleyway off Oxford Street soon police come take me away for assault. Jake still hear far away buzzing noise of whispers.

Jake pause in far distance he hear same terrible whistling noise, overhead trees turn into grey ash. Around Jake ash falls, pyramids crumble into dust. Jake regains conscious what a bad trip that was, his head throbs. Thick blood stain his hoodie, Jake groans very loud lift up his numerous tops see large purple bruise. He clutches his side in agony Jake staggers into bright sunlight, clothing torn and bloodied then collapses. Jake wakes up in bed, eye and ribs heavily bandaged. No not again, sick thoughts well up, why am I still here inside this cradle of filth. Sicken disgust take over Jake, he vomit onto clean floor. Policeman arrive question Jake on last night affair, all he can think off where are my belongings. Policeman repeats his question over and over until Jake screams.

‘Have I lost not just my identity also my religion, am I losing control.’

‘Sir three young men have pressed charges say you attacked their friend by the look of you they should be up for assault. When better please come down to the station file your complaint.’ Policeman said.

‘Thank you for your kindness officer.’ Jake said.

Jake mind race in panic very afraid to sleep when he wake who know were I will be and what nightmare stalk his waking moment. Nurse check Jake’s dressing, they even feed him. Jake closes his eyes everlasting fear buried deep. He wake, find bright light blind him. White coated men drill holes inside his head. Grease is waxed to each implant Jake feel his own tears, still no sound. Jake sit upright it was all a nightmare of someone twisted imagination. He touches his head and side there are no bandages or wounds how that can that be. Jake not in hospital, though he hears loud sirens scream. People surround Jake, his hands covered in black liquid mud. What happen, Jake ponders why so many people vent their disgust and anguish at me. Jake brain fuzzy, he gazes upon blackened bullet wounds ooze hot red liquid. Beside Jake a shotgun still burn hot, not another nightmare this time for real. News crew arrive report on Jake and parents.

‘This is Channel six my name Tracy Jones reporting live from London central were police shot dead a man who murdered his parents in cold blood. Man in his thirties named as Jake Tyler no other detail at this time.’

The End
