by Adriana Dana Listes Pop
29th October 2016


He come on moonlight rays as elemental dust


Depositum Custodi seemed an ordinary warehouse, dusty, stuffy and cold, populated with rusty metallic shelves. Moris started working there for a couple of days only, when he realized strange entities meander inside. One early morning, he was driving the vehicle on the 55 aisle, when he thought he saw a sparkle dancing in the air. It was only a second, but he managed to notice it, even though he didn’t give it too much attention. After all, he hasn’t slept too well the previous nights, it could have been an optical illusion. Next day, he was passing on the same aisle, and the spark danced around him for half a second. Moris felt a subtle vibration around his head, tending to reverberate around his body. Next day, nothing happened. After two more days, the spark materialized again, coming down towards him, suddenly penetrating his head. The man felt a pinching sensation, something like a light electrocution, shaking him brutally. He got dizzy, the eyelids became heavy as the lead and almost lost his balance.


He stopped the headset and went to the toilet, to wash his face, trying to refresh his mind. Heading towards the bathroom, while turning left, he saw a door frame vibrating in the air, inviting him to pass through. The man walked that way, almost hypnotized, hearing whispered commands in his mind. “Walk three steps. Stop. Turn around. Close your eyes. Stop. Walk two steps. Stop. Open your eyes”. When he opened the eyes, he had a terrible fright, realizing he was floating in the air, above a dark, endless void, shaped as a cone, very sharp on the bottom. Its bottom was a point in space, the tip of a very sharp needle. “Don’t blink, don’t move a muscle, or you’ll fall down in the abyss and never come back”. “What’s down there?” he uttered in his mind. “This is the chronological depth of the temporal dimension of the Universe”.


He felt a vibration in the stomach and a slight circular movement. Second by second, Moris was whirling in the null space, as the Vitruvian Man round his own axe, at the same time leaning perfectly horizontally, suspended on an invisible energy chord, while the chronological void was slowly turning upside down, aiming its sharp tip towards his head, right between the eyes, rotating fast. The movement opened his head and the brain, at the same time, turning it into light. The luminous matter extended till comprised all his body, causing a small explosion. He was now a collection of star dust, floating in the Universe, capable to cross it, instantly, from one end to the other. As for the Light that existed before the world, the intellectual and essential wisdom that was before time itself

