by Richard Spencer
23rd April 2018

Hrishimuk Mountain is situated in Dhol Pahari, Tarapur which is located in the southern part of Munger District, Bihar. In ancient times it was a part of the famous Republic of Anga. This mountain is also considered as the ‘Himalaya’ of this very particular region. The legend has it that this Mountain range possesses magical powers. It can be said as even the most violent being leaves its violent nature after coming in the vicinity of these mountain ranges. At the peak of the mountain there is a temple which has a statue of Lord Mouninath, who is considered as an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Apart from that this temple has been built again and again by various personalities because it got destroyed on many occasions due to some or the other reasons.


As per the daily rituals after the offerings are offered to the Lord, the chief priest instructs the playing of drums. The sound of the drum through a tunnel reaches Ajgabinath in the North and Devgara Mountain in the South. After the sound is heard, the everyday worship ritual starts in these two temples. Apart from Lord Shiva, we can also find the pictures of Gautam Buddha in these ranges.  Chineese traveller Hein- Tsang as well as Francis Buchanan has mentioned and visited this place. It is also said that during the English rule these mountain ranges provided shelter to our Indian Freedom fighters. Thus, it is an iconic place which needs to be visited at least once in our life-time.
