Don't go down to the basement

by Ken Breslin
16th November 2019


There used to be a family that lived in a creepy neighborhood on till they mysteriously vanished with out a trace, but the odd thing was strange sounds came from the house that cold december's night so the  neighbors call the police as they heard a scream coming from inside the house, they hardly ever left the house then the police arrive in a black car with  tinted  window's, then there was talking between the neighbors, they most be detective's as they stood outside they got out to try and look inside the empty house and neighbor's  were trying to look inside the house  even the police couldn't find them but when they went into The house to investigate there was nothing but blood every where and claw marks that went up the walls and across the ceiling so the police went further into the house one police officer went into the sitting room with a flashlight and saw strange scorch marks on the floor so she bend down on her toes and put on her gloves and rub her fingers across the scorch marks and slowly put her fingers up to her nose and sniff, Sulfur she whispered to her self. BANG BANG!! the doors went  behind her a booming voice cry out get out of my house now.!! The woman answer what happen here what happened to the people that live here the voice whispered in her ear then she knew she wasn't talking to a human being but something very dark in nature their with her now do you not hear them crying out to you for HELP!! The voice started to get aggressive in nature it started to shake the house leave this house don't come back so the police left the house with some pictures of the symbols that were on the walls and floors, two weeks later they came back with a priest first the priest looked around the house to see if there was something giving off negative energy so he went into the back garden and saw some kids toys then he started to pick up the toys and non of them had any negative energy so the priest decided to go into the house then and as we where about to go into the house a plank of wood fell in front of us we stepped back and told the priest it wasn't a good Idea but it was to late he was in the house but something felt quite strange. it


was peaceful and the back door was still open so we pick up the plank of wood and put it to one side and went in then their was a shout, by almighty god save us it seem to come from the sitting room so we quickly made are way to the sitting room and there saw the priest petrified he pointed to the marks on the wall I know what we have to do we need to go down to the basement we asked why because we need to hit it at it's source, So we went down the stairs and saw  scratch marks on the stair's going down we looked around to see a pool table that hasn't be used in months and some boxes with pictures and films in them nothing really happen on till we saw some odd shapes on the back wall of the basement simulator to the one's up stairs but we couldn't quite make them out because there was some box's in the way so we carefully move them one by on till we saw the form of some door way on the wall and it seem to have some inscription that said that those who seek to follow me may enter. It was in a language that we could not read on till the priest told us what it meant all of sudden the police heard a sound it was foot steps coming down the stairs then it stopped the door slammed and began to shake and the hinges began to come off down the stairs the door went we thought someone was in the house  kicking in the door


I looked up the stairs to see who was there but there was no one but the front door was open so I went out side to check, but there was hardly anyone around then I turned around and the door slammed in front of me and I walked up to the front door it lock it self so I tried everything I could it still wouldn't open so i walked away from the front door and looked up there seem to be a window opened up stairs but no way up to it, then I went out to the back garden to see if there was a way up but so I looked for a ladder there was one up against the side of the house so I grabbed it and took it to the front of the house and put it to the front window and grabbed the ladder and started climbing then the window came down on my finger I slowly took my hands out form under the window and opened the window back up and climbed back into the house then I heard a roar get out of my house it was so loud that I saw the window break so I ran down the stairs and down to the basement to help them but as I got to the stairs something grab me by the legs and drag me out the front door onto the lawn I look at the front door to see it slam behind me so I got up and ran for the door to see if I could get back in but it didn't work so I had to find another way to the basement so I went outside I was a small window into the basement it was narrow but I could just about fit in so I made my way in I saw the priest an my partner here can you give me a hand, what did you find some old video tapes in a box maybe these can help us find out what happen here take the tapes back with us we can go through them maybe there footage that will help us to figure out what took place here so we watch the tapes 


Writing, August 1, 2017  


Copywrite Ken Breslin.  Need to edit this. 


Thanks for the positive feedback.

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Ken Breslin

Good plot, but lot of editing required as you have mentioned the same.

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