Dying Light

by Alexandra Jones
1st February 2015

Copyright © 2015 by Alexandra Jones.

‘Even Angels Have Their Demons’

Chapter One

Staying Alive

One down,

One to go,

One Bullet,

One shot,

Two seconds,

Two sharp teeth,

Two eyes burning like a scorching sun,


‘It’s got me!’ I screamed

Sprinting, springing in for the kill, on its hind legs, a pair of silvery sharp pincers, piercing my jet black jeans, penetrating my anklebone.

Its crimson eyes, burning like a house ablaze.Its colossal figure, towering over me like an obsidian mouth wide with hunger. Dragging me like its dinner, into the darkness outside.Feeling the gravel grind away at the membranes of my skin.

‘Shit!’ I yelled, the shotgun slipped, my hands grasping at the grass, snatching at the soil, hopelessly searching for it, with the last sabot slug left inside it, my one and only chance, to put this monstrous mutt down.

‘Help!’ I screamed again, as loud as my lungs could allow, ‘Storm, Help me!’

I couldn’t find it,the smooth-bore shotgun lost,along with all the certainty I had left to win this dangerous duel.

‘Use you power Iris!’ Storm instructed telepathically.

‘I’m fucking trying!’

‘Try harder!’ Storms words stern, ‘Try harder!’

‘It’s a bit hard, when a demented dog is trying to bite your leg off!’

‘I can’t do it!’ I shrieked, utter despair filling me ,‘Storm, Please help me!’ feeling my heart beating frantically fast against my ribcage ‘I can’t!’

A speeding spear of black brushed past me. Taking down, tackling the four legged freak,in a single sweep.

So fast my eyes failed to follow, the masked, mysterious, masqueraded champion.

My sole-protector, sent to save me. Who I both prized and longed for, but deep down I knew I couldn't have him.

He wasn't human,he was a creature of both delicacy and danger.

I Lay as dead as a doornail, glued to the ground,in my own bed of fear.

Trying to break free from its ghostly chains,my ankle stinging, like a thousand shattered splitters in agony.

I struggled to crawl on my hands and knees, through the thick blanket of darkness before me, not even knowing if I was ploughing through dog shit,my front lawn now a battlefield, littered with it.

I knew those, prismatic pair of eyes, glistening like two diamonds in the distance. It was Storm, watching me ,‘Iris, don’t move!’

‘Well that’s kinda’ difficult, if you didn’t already notice!’

Suddenly feeling a severe scratch across my back.

That thing, that hell-hound had gauged at me again.

Before it could take a second swipe Storm soared straight at it in mid-air, his white wings fully spread out, feathers lustrously long, shining like a juvenile silver star, his once blonde locks, gleaming righteously white, he was mighty beautiful, almost heaven-sent.

His Incisors changing before my very eyes, into a set of needle sharp fangs, his once starless clothes, ripped at the seams, revealing his strong physique, showing his brute strength snapping the hell-hound in half.

Wiping his blood-stained lips clean, giving me a pleasing grin.

I noticed his fangs transform back to normal, his white wavy hair fading back to blonde, his clothes turning back to black.

His extraordinary kaleidoscopic eyes still remained, rotating seven colours of the rainbow in his pupils.

‘How did you do that?’ My eyes, fixed on his handsome face.

‘Saved your life!’ he replied sarcastically, with a big smile on his face.

‘No!’, ‘But thank you Storm, for saving my life,so how did you rip that thing to shreds?’

‘I’m the sole-protector of both shield and strength,one of seven, of my kind he continued, ‘We are all given three distinctive powers each,then we are sent to where, it will serve best.’

‘By who?’

‘It doesn’t matter’ his reply sharp, without warning scooping me up in his strong arms.

‘So why me?’

‘You need strength, in your life Iris,to survive the darkness coming!’ Warning me, ‘We all do, time is ticking,that’s why I’m here,‘nothing more, nothing less,we have to work on your powers, to help you learn how to defend yourself’,especially during the daylight hours,we’ll talk more later',changing the subject, ‘first let’s get you inside!’

‘What about Eirwen?’ I asked anxiously, doing the same.

‘She chased the rest off to Edge Thorn’, Storm guaranteed me, ‘She has her pack of weres and shes no skittish pup,my main concern is you!’ feeling the anxiety ripple in his voice.

‘Please will you go help them,I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to them’.

‘Iris, you’re hurt!’

‘Don’t worry about me’

‘You’re bleeding heavily! I can smell it, it’s impossibly hard not to!’

‘It’s not as bad as it looks’

‘I’m not going to let Ryan see to you either,’ he insisted. ‘No chance!’

‘Please Storm’, my gaze meeting his, ‘For me!’

‘You’re not going to let this go are you?’ He asked, settling me down, gently on the burgundy love-seat, the only clean piece of furniture left in my once clean living room.

‘She’s all I have!’

‘Fine’, he surrendered, ‘For you, but on one condition.’

‘What?’ I asked, growing annoyed.

‘I see too you, when I get back!’

‘Fine’, I agreed, ‘Have it your way’, the suggestion secretly sending my pulse racing.

‘It’s settled then’ he said with a satisfied smirk on his face.

‘This makes us even’, I replied playfully, ‘for letting me crawl on my hands and knees in dirt and dog shit’

‘What if I liked the view?’ he teased.

‘Just go, will you’, I suggested, trying not to giggle, feeling the rush of heat reach my cheeks.

‘I won’t be long!' he left,like a flicker of a flame.

'Leaving me with my own worst enemy, my own thoughts.'


Sill having problems with incorrect words and punctuation, Allie.

'Taking down, tackling the four legged freak,in a singular sweep. ' - single, not singular.

'Leaving me with my own worst enemy, my own thoughts.' - this is not a sentence.

'‘I won’t be long!' he left and like a flicker of a flame, he was gone.' - he left and he was gone?

Writing needs patience and attention - slow down!

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I made recommended edits and I know it still needs work.

Profile picture for user allie.jo_37697
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Hi Alexandra

As it stands unfortunately I find your piece almost impossible to read.

The punctuation is very odd, so that sentences blend into each other and I can't always tell who is speaking.

There are contradictions eg. 'While I lay as dead as a doornail, glued to the ground, perfectly still, dangling like a piece of bait.Trying to weigh out my odds, of getting out of this one, my ankle, stinging in agony, surprised it was still attached, struggling to crawl on my hands and knees...' - can you lay dead as a doornail and crawl on your hands & knees?

Your dedication - For Molly, one of the most wonderful women I have ever me’ ?

Some spelling/odd bits eg 'my graze meeting his' ... 'I see too you, when I get back!'

You could try reading it aloud to help you with the next edit. Best of luck.

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