Everyone needs a plan.. some just a bit sooner than others

by Holly Haines
19th June 2012

I've realised, I need a plan. Everyone needs a plan otherwise how will you get to that aspiration in life, that aim you drive for in a career or personal life. Those studying at university can delay having to make such a plan because they know for a certain amount of time they will have a degree to work towards. When university finishes is when the hard work begins and its time to decide how to get to where you want to be in life. But for me thats started now.

Typing 'list of careers' into Google was my first step... probably not the best idea as it led me to some crazy careers that I would love to try but certainly not aim to do for the rest of my life...zookeeping may not be the best route to go down. So, after discarding my initial research I started to think what are the things I'm interested in that could help towards forming an idea of a career. The main things - politics, sport, music, fashion. With this list of interests I could probably have a different job every week from being a piano teacher to working in a political campaign.

Then I realised one route I could take would group them all together - Journalism. In the wide world of Journalism you can, these days, write about almost anything.

So, after finally deciding a plan and feeling pleased with myself I had a direction so soon after leaving university I hit my first obstacle. Walking into work, mind full of what the next step was to throw myself into the world of Journalism, I was lectured by a customer on how I would never succeed in Journalism. Not due to my university 'drop out' status- even though that caused its usual raised eyebrow, but because "only the best do well in Journalism"... I don't know what gave the impression to the customer that I could not eventually be one of those best.

Despite being a set back in my plans, peoples negative views of me leaving university and starting to get into a career with no qualification or degree do little but to drive me to succeed. So keep the negative thoughts and no hope comments coming because all its gonna do is make me better at what I do.


First of all, the title needs to be changed. Perhaps use the last line of your short piece here

"All its gonna do, is make me better at what I do."

I can relate to the story, I pretty much went through, and still am going through, almost the same situation.

What I can tell you is that it will take a lot of hard work, it will NOT be easy, but don't give up, it does get better and all you need to do is keep at it, but also seek and accept any help you can find. (it never hurts)

But I have also seen a trap in this way of thinking, something I came across down the line at some point. Don't forget why you entered the writing world. Don't let your conflict with those saying you can't make it be the only thing that drives you.

You entered at your own free will, you want this. And even though I can understand the sweet taste of proving them wrong (I also searched for it) it can make you lose focus and sight of your final goal. To do what you decided, what you want and love.

Keep writing, never give up, believe in yourself but also seek and accept help, and I am sure things will turn out amazingly good.

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