Exiting a Pandemic

by Dave Smith
10th July 2020

This book represents research on a Virus, Climate Change and Exit from the current Covid-19 global pandemic. The book contains links to provide you with current and up to date information on Covid-19. It is a valuable resource to help you gain knowledge into situation that we all find our selves in today. The lack of immediate action towards a global lock-down was the primary reason why the world has suffered so many deaths. Who is ultimately to blame? And now that we are in a lock-down how do we exit and bringing back some level of normality.

Understanding a timeline of events can assist with any decision and actions for an exit from a pandemic. It can also clarify some issues of concern. The purpose of this book is to provide you with information and resources where you can get verification and make your own informed research from reliable sources. Exiting a Pandemic will act as a seed for your thoughts to grow into a realisation that if we do not act now to change our ways then Covid-19 will be a ripple in the ocean of what is to befall humanity next. This current pandemic will serve as a climate justice window into an unrecognisable world that you have allowed your children to inherit.
