A Fairy Tale Past

by Lauren Fowler
19th June 2014

A Fairy Tale Past

Summary: Teulu Seren Daniels had always thought that she was just another teenage girl in her small village Colts worth on the outskirts of Wiltshire, England. She didn't know that the life that she knew was about to be turned on its head with her upcoming eighteenth birthday. Where she finds out that not only is she adopted, but she is also a rare vampire werewolf hybrid. Suddenly, her questions of why the older villagers never liked her, even going as far as being wary and hating her, Why boys also keened for attraction and affections, Why she could run so fast, why she had eternal beauty and why she was so attracted to the twenty-one year old bad boy werewolf Thomas Edmund Morris from the neighbouring village started to come back to haunt her that, and she again has to wonder if everything in her small village is really as it seems.


Chapter One, Delusions and Reality:

I always thought that werewolves, vampires and other magical creatures just belonged in the fairy tales that mother and father used to read to my younger siblings and I when we were little, but I was wrong. I have always been fascinated by the magical creatures, especially vampires and werewolves which always seemed to worry mother and father with the amount of questions I asked. And now I know why, all my questions have finally been answered. It turns out that I am adopted and that I'm a magical creature too. I know what you’re thinking. 'How can I be a magical creature? They're not real.' Or 'I'm delusional!' Well I'm not delusional, it is true. My name is Teulu Seren Daniels I mean Blackthorn and I have just turned eighteen a week ago on April seventh where the life as I knew it was turned on its head with my eighteenth birthday. It was the day where I found out that all magical creatures, were not myths at all. They're all real.

On that day I found out my mother and father were not my real parents, that I was adopted into the family when I was a toddler, when on one bad winter my real mother who I found out was dying had stumbled into the village where Jean and Mark Daniels who already had 'my younger sister' found her and took her into their home, where my real mother Seren Blackthorn placed me into Jean's arms telling them that she was dying and feared she would not make it to the summer solstice, where my father Rhridian Blackthorn would return from fighting with an opposing clan. I have started to think that my father is dead as he has never found me.

The creature that I am is a vampire werewolf hybrid the first of my kind, but when my adopted parents told me I didn't believe it, and they said that when my mother told them they didn't believe it either or when my mother told them she was a werewolf and my father a vampire they thought it was just the crazy ramblings of a dying women. But they told me the signs were there as I was growing up, especially when I hit my teens, that was when they finally accepted the truth but they told me they still loved me as if I was their own daughter.

But now a week later I'm finally coming to terms with it, sort of. But I finally have all of the answers to my questions. Why I run faster than all the other girls and even some of the boys. Why I have eternal beauty and attract boys to me even though I don't do anything and even why I'm attracted to twenty-two year old Thomas Edmund Morris from the neighbouring village who everyone always said is a bad-boy, but he makes me feel free and alive, that when I'm with him I've never felt more safer than I have than when I'm with Tom.

I know I'm sounding like a love sick teenager but that is just how I feel, and I realised why when I met up with him at midnight in a clearing in the middle of the forest that is between are villages like we do most nights especially on our birthdays. I first met him when I was thirteen and wandered into that very clearing after exploring the woods which must have been the hundredth time and Tom was sitting in the middle of the forest whittling away, after that we got talking and got to know each other and he's the only person I'm really close too. When I told him what the Daniels had told me he didn't run away, or try to kill me or call me a freak of nature, he just hugged me and smiled at me as though his dreams had all come true and he told me something about him which really isn't that surprising and became my anchor, without him I know I would have succumbed to insanity.

~~~ Earlier that week (April Seventh 1983) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Teulu walked through the thick forest that lied between her village and the village that her crush Thomas Edmund Morris lived in. It was her eighteenth birthday, and she was on her way to the clearing in the middle of the forest where she was meeting Tom. She was hardly looking where she was going through the forest which people would say was a stupid thing to do, but she knew this path better than any other as she had walked this path a thousand times as she had been coming to the clearing since she was thirteen, but her vagueness this time was not to do with the amount of times she had walked through the woods or how excited she was to see Tom it was to do with the shock that she currently felt with what her parents had told her that she was adopted and that she was a mix of two magical creatures making her a rare vampire werewolf hybrid. She jumped as she felt arms wrap around her and looked around with panicked eyes before she calmed down as her golden-Hazel eyes met Tom's bright sapphire blue eyes dimmed with concern looking down at her as his muscled arms held her to his broad chest.

"Lu?" Tom asked looking concerned at the girl he loved, as he put a stray blood-red curl of hair behind her ear. "Are you ok? I've been calling your name for the last five minutes."

Teulu smiled up at him before turning in his arms so she faced him without pulling out of his embrace. "I'm fine I just have a lot to take in, that's all." Teulu said smiling reassuringly at him.

Tom frowned concerned. "What about? You know you can talk to me about anything Lu. You know that, right?"

"Of course I do Tom." Teulu smiled up at Tom. "Just don't hate me afterwards alright. I don't think I could bare it."

"Okay Lu I promise." Tom said tucking a stray piece of hair behind her left ear once again. Teulu looked away from him and looked into the tree lines gathering her thoughts and also her courage, before she looked into his eyes and started telling him her tale. Tom listened attentively as we sat on the blanket, me held securely in his lap, he didn't interrupt me once, just let me tell him all that had had happened earlier that day. Once I'd finished I looked up at him uncertainly only for Tom to hold me closer to his chest and place a kiss on my forehead, which seemed to be more loving then his usual kisses though it may just be my imagination and I knew that at least I had one person to stand beside me when everyone found out and no doubt it would, secrets never stayed secret in the small village called Colts worth.

"I would never leave you for that Lu. I already knew as I'm a werewolf and I have something else to tell you." Tom said. I just nodded for some reason I wasn't surprised that Tom is a werewolf I suppose that I always knew that he was maybe it had something to do with the vamp/werewolf side to me, just like Tom knew about me.

"I will understand if you don't feel the same way Lu but I have to tell you or maybe it is better to show you." with that said Tom leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I was surprised at first, but when I came back to myself I started kissing him back, I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. When the need for air became apparent they pulled back albeit reluctantly. "I love you too Tom." Teulu said after she had got her breath back. Tom started kissing her again though this time more passionate then the last and Teulu was more than happy to oblige.

~~~~~~~~~ Present Time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Lu? Lu? TEULU!" Tom shouted, making Teulu start as she was roughly brought out of her thoughts.

"Sorry I was thinking about what happened on my birthday." Teulu apologised kissing Tom chastely on the lips.

"That's alright Lu just don't scare me like that again." Tom said firmly hugging Teulu to him.

"Don't worry I won't." Teulu promised. They sat in a comfortable silence with Teulu leaning into Tom as they looked up at the stars above them. "How're things at home?" Tom asked concerned and held her tighter as she tensed and let out a sigh. "Babe?" Tom asked after five minutes when she didn't answer. Teulu sighed and rested more comfortably against Tom. "Mark wants me to marry his boss' son when he knows full well that I love you always have. But will he listen? No. Jean has tried to talk to him by reminding him what my mother had told them, but he still won't listen to reason. All Mark seems to think about is getting himself more money lately it's got worse since I turned eighteen and came into my werepire inheritance." Teulu sighed. "I love you Tom I don't want to marry anyone else." Teulu looked up at Tom with golden-Hazel eyes filled with tears.

"Don't worry babe you won't have to marry that idiot Samuel James if I have anything to say about it. And I wanted to do this at a better time, but now seem as good as any." Tom said, as he gestured for Teulu to stand up which she did so looking at him confused. Tom stood up as well and took her small hands into his, and took out a small box which he opened to show a platinum ring with a topaz in the middle of it, Teulu gasped at seeing the beautiful ring and looked up at Tom questionably. "I know it's still too early for us to marry but this is a promise ring which is the same ring that my father gave my mother and I want you to have it. I promise to love you and care for you always Teulu Seren Blackthorn. I love you." Tom said slipping the ring onto her ring finger and kissing her softly on the lips.


Hi Lauren

The whole vampire/werewolf genre tends to leave me cold so I'm not the best person to pass comment on the story. But there are general points to consider.

As it stands it's quite hard to read because of the overly long sentences. Eg - On that day I found out my mother and father were not my real parents, that I was adopted into the family when I was a toddler, when on one bad winter my real mother who I found out was dying had stumbled into the village where Jean and Mark Daniels who already had 'my younger sister' found her and took her into their home, where my real mother Seren Blackthorn placed me into Jean's arms telling them that she was dying and feared she would not make it to the summer solstice, where my father Rhridian Blackthorn would return from fighting with an opposing clan - You could either greatly expand your story to fully write up all of those details (which actually sound interesting) or weave points into the story slowly as you go along, assuming it's essential to the reader to know these details.

At the moment I think you're probably writing down everything as it occurs to you? So as you edit see where one good descriptive word/gesture etc will say what you're trying to convey rather than a string of adjectives.

Is it going to be a romance? Good luck with progressing it.

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