family stick no matter what

by mellenie botha
2nd January 2014

In a small town in the free state lived a young girl, she was different than all the other girls. She did not want to date boys, but she was always seen playing with them. She dressed like them as well. Her mother always had a problem with that and tried to change her in every possible way." Malina please go to your room and put on your dress, we are not going to pub we are going to church". Shouted Malina's mother at her. Malina turned around very disappointed and angry, talking to herself, "I am not a kid any more, way is she trying to change me I am who I am". Later that day after church Malina went to friends they always "chill" and listen to music. "Mom I'm home, i brought my friend over is that fine", she shouted to her mother. Malina's mother didn't answer her, she just left it, later at night Malina asked her mom, "mom can my friend Trish stay over for the night please," her mom looks at her for a while and say," if your friend can sleep in the extra room its fine", Malina was happy in one way but sad also, she had thought that she and Trish is going to sleep in one room, but it did not stop them from doing what they wanted to do. The two girls went upstairs planing how they can sleep in one room without Malina's mother knowing about it, but little did they know that Malina's mother is not born yesterday. "Night mom we are going to be now ", "night Malina and night Trish see you in the morning", the two girls lying in separate rooms are waiting for the time that Malina's mom can sleep, and finally Malina hears a knock on her door,"Malina can I come in, its me Trish your mom is sleeping". Malina keeps quiet for a moment, and she think, what if my mother finds out, "Malina are you sleeping","no come on in Trish, I am waiting for you", the two girls lying together in one bed are looking deeply in each others eyes, and Malina makes the first touch she starts kissing Trish, and just as the two girls got comfortable with what they were doing, Malina's mother walks in, "what are you doing you are humiliating me Malina wat is going on with you, you are such a beautiful girl", "mother what are you doing in my room, why don't you knock, mom i like girls I don't like boys, please do not judge me". As Malina's mother stands there she turns around and walks away, the next morning Trish went home, and Malina's mother said-"you my girl are going to boarding school no questions asked, I don't want to hear anything, do I make myself clear". "But mom this is so unfair you sending me away but that won't change me I will still be the same"." I doesn't matter if you tell me to wear dresses or skirts I will always be the same, so please stop trying to change who I am". Malina was very upset about what her mother was trying to do, so she decided to run away, she phoned her friend Trish and asked her," Trish can I please come stay there for a few days", Trish mom liked malina a lot and she had no problem that the two girs was involved so Trish asked her mom, "mom can Malina please stay here her mother wants to send her away", Trish mom stood there for a moment and said" yes there is no way Malina is leaving you my girl so tell her its fine". Trish thanked her mom and told Malina she must come its fine. Malina left her house but with out her mom knowing or with out making noise she went to Trish. The next morning when Malina's mom woke up she called Malina but there was no answer, she had thought that Malina was still sleeping so she went to check, she realized that Malina was not there she phoned every one and last she phoned Trish," hi Trish is Malina there with you, please say she is", "yes madam she is here, she is sleeping she had a hard night last night", "way what happened, is she alright", "she is okay but she told me if you phone I must tell you she is not coming home, you want to send her away". Malina's mother did not say anything she just stood there thinking is she doing the right thing, "Trish, I will not send Malina away I was trying to scare her, but tell Malina that I love her and that I am glad she is alright". When Malina woke up Trish told her that her mom phoned and what she said. Malina was happy to know that her mom still loves her and that she won't send Malina away, as time went by Malina went to her mother one afternoon, to talk,"mom how are you" "Malina I am fine I just miss you my girl" " mom I miss you too but I am here to talk about me and about you accepting me". Malina's mom did not say anything she was thinking of what to say and what Malina was going to say. "Malina I am your mother and I love you for who you are, i will always love you no matter what comes my way, if you want to love another girl so be it then I won't hate you for that I will support you in every way that I can". Malina could not believe what her mother had just told her Malina stood up and went to her mother and said:"mom you don't know how long I have waited for you to say that it makes me happy to know that you would support me, no matter what happens, mom I love you". Malina hugged her mom with joyful tears in her eyes. Malina and her girlfriend Trish was happy now they could spent time with both sides of the parents, knowing that they won't be judged. Malina was very happy, she knew that she and her mother would have a great relationship after all this, and how right she was, Malina and her family was happy to say that Trish was now part of the family.
