Fifteen Going On Grown Up

by stephanie turner
2nd June 2012


1. Fifteen

2. The party

3. Study leave and mocks

4. Summer begins

5. Wes

6. Parents Approval

7. Holiday Romance

8. Dana’s note

9. Back to school

10. Mr Austin

11. Wes and Gran

12. Gran

13. New Year

14. Roses and Chocolates

15. Wes’ secret

16. Sweet sixteen

17. Prom night

18. What next?

Chapter 1


On the morning of her fifteenth birthday Hally Mackeller stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom. The reflection looking back was still a surprise to her, long blonde hair, bright big blue eyes and as the eyes travelled down the reflection full breasts a small waist and curving shapely hips ending in long slim legs.

The reason the reflection made her eyes open wide like she had just opened one of her birthday presents was simple. Only a few months before she had been a five foot four teenager with long shapely legs and round hips but her breasts had been small and out of proportion to the rest of her body. Because of this she had had to endure months of name calling by the popular crowd of both girls and boys at her school. Hurtful names such as pasteboard and pancakes and sometimes omelette. Hally’s small group of close friends had told her to ignore it, but that was easy for them to say so she believed; because they were all shapely and had had boyfriends so knew about kissing and so on. However within a short time and to Hally it seemed overnight her figure blossomed almost like a rose bud opening up into full flower.

Hally slowly traced the shape of her body with her hands examining it inch by inch. At the back of her mind was a little fear that kept telling her what she was seeing must be a trick of the mirror. In reality she knew this wasn’t true because now the names had changed to “tissue bra” and “gel tits”. It seemed to Hally that the popular group just had it in for her and no matter what she looked like or what sort of person she was they were always going to find a reason to ridicule her and be hateful. Mum had told her countless times that they were just jealous, but jealous of what Hally couldn’t fathom.

All right she got very good grades at school, she was well liked by her teachers and had predictions for high results in her exams next year, but every teenager knew that these were not things to be jealous of, popularity and looks were far more impressive and cause for the old green eyed monster to appear. Hally gave a huge sigh, a small frown and in a firm but quiet voice told the reflection

“It’s your birthday so get dressed and go downstairs for your presents.”

Mum had already laid out bowl, cereal and milk on the table, this was not usual except on birthdays as she was almost always in a hurry in the morning. Today was different, mum was not rushing around and dad was going to break off from work so he could be there when the birthday girl opened her presents.

Just as Hally started on her cornflakes dad came in and planted a big kiss on the top of her head.

“Morning Tink”

He said. He had called her Tink as in Tinkerbell ever since she had watched Peter Pan and announced she was going to be a fairy when she grew up.

“Hi dad how long can you stay?”

Dad mumbled something as he hugged mum.

“Didn’t catch that dad”

Hally told him through a mouthful of cereal.

“He can stay whilst you open your presents.”

Mum told her as she handed her husband a cup of tea.

For a short while the only sounds in the kitchen were Hally finishing her breakfast and mumbles from mum and dad as they chatted over cups of tea.

Mum got up and left the room. She returned shortly carrying a pile of presents which she placed in front of Hally. The top present was long and thin and tied with a silver bow. A small tag told Hally it was from Gran and Granddad. Inside the package was a gold charm bracelet which she recognised as her grandmother’s. Mum raised her eyebrows to dad but said nothing. Hally stared at the bracelet and felt tears beginning to well up in her eyes. Nobody said anything but all knew that it would probably be the last present she received from her grandmother; as she was now in the advanced stages of secondary cancer and probably wouldn’t live to see Hally’s sixteenth birthday, and as Hally was her only granddaughter she had promised the bracelet to her a few years ago.

“Your Granddad brought it round last night because they had to go to the hospital early today and your Gran wanted you to open it first thing this morning.”

Mum told her gently as Hally let each charm slide through her fingers.

The next package was wrapped untidily and held together with a lot of cellotape. As Hally tried to pull the wrapping off her little brother Nathan called out

“That’s from me”

spraying chewed up cereal everywhere.

“Thanks Natty”

Hally said as she pulled a packet of jelly babies from the paper and planted a kiss on the top of his head.

“Urg getofffme.”

Nathan grumbled knocking his bowl at the same time and sending milk and cornflakes spilling across the table.

“Nathan, be careful”

Mum told him.

“Wasn my fault”

He mumbled with his head down.

Other presents included perfume and chocolates from various relatives and the last package was from her parents. Hally opened the box and found a new mobile phone with touch screen and various internet applications.

“Wow, thank you mum and dad this is fabulous.”

She kissed and hugged both her parents and dived off to her room to start putting all her numbers into the new phone. As she left the room mum called after her “Don’t spend too much time on that now, you’ve got school.”


Hally threw back over her shoulder.

“Well let’s hope nobody gets hold of this one.”

Dad said to mum. He was referring to Hally’s old phone that now had a cracked screen because a group of girls in Hally’s year at school had taken it out of her bag and had been throwing it to each other, one of them had dropped it. These were the same group who had been teasing Hally about her figure.

Back in her room Hally quickly entered the numbers of her few close friends and put the phone in her bag with her other school things. She would play with it later but for now she knew she had to get to school. A quick look at her reflection, a flick of her hair and she grabbed her jacket and bag and headed back downstairs. She kissed both her parents and headed for school.

Just like any other day Hally met up with Corrinne and Clia where their two roads crossed. These were Hally’s two closest friends who had stuck by her through everything. The three girls had first met at toddler group, then went to nursery school together and become inseparable over the years. Unusually, there had never been the split often seen when three girls grow up as friends. This was probably due to the fact that all three were very similar in character and neither one tried to control the trio. They just enjoyed each other’s company and were as close as sisters. Each had different ideas about what a boyfriend should be like so they never got into an argument about one fancying the same guy and everything else they shared, makeup, clothes, bags and hair products. Sometimes, especially in the middle of the night Hally became afraid that when they all left school they would eventually drift apart, but so far all discussions between them pointed to a lifelong friendship.

As the school gates came into view Clia whispered

“Oh no look who’s standing outside school.”

The other two noticed Dana Edwards and Penny Cuthbert huddled together obviously getting ready for a tirade of insults. Although the abuse would be directed at Hally the other two felt it personally as Hally’s best friends. However just as the outburst was about to begin Mr Clark, one of the Maths teachers came out of the gate and asked Dana and Penny to go into the school with him. The reason was at the time not obvious to Hally and the other two but it was a welcome interruption.

The three girls continued into the school grounds and found a bench to sit on until the bell went. Corrinne heaved her bag onto her lap and began pulling items out.

“I still can’t believe the stuff you bring Corrie”

Hally told her laughing.

“Oh you know me, always ready for any event.”

She said this as she pulled out a pair of socks. The other two burst into giggles.

“What you got those for?”

Clia asked her.

“Well what if my feet get wet?”

Hally and Clia looked at each other grinning. It was in fact a beautiful bright May morning with sunshine forecast for the rest of the week. They didn’t say any more, they knew Corrinne well and this sort of thing was what made her the funny and somewhat eccentric girl they had loved like a sister for many years.

Eventually Corrinne found what she had been looking for. An oddly shaped package tied with multi-coloured ribbons. Not the foil kind but real satin ribbons. She gave the present to Hally.

“This is from both of us.”

Hally smiled and unwrapped the gift. Hally felt a lump in her throat as she looked at the present. It was a silver chain with three silver letters, H, C and C. She hugged both her friends and whispered thank you and the bell went for registration which put a stop to the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. Silently Hally told herself to get a grip, this was the second time today that she had been on the verge of tears; she was turning into a right wimp. She knew she was being too hard on herself and gaining her composure she linked arms with Clia and Corrinne and went into school.

The school day started normally with registration, a few interruptions from Ryan Cleaver (the most annoying boy in the whole school) and a few more happy birthdays from other members of the form. Mrs Jacobs, Hally’s form tutor gave her a small card signed with her usual indecipherable signature and for a while everything was the same as any other day. There was a knock on the door and in stepped a year seven student, the day’s message runner. Shyly he walked up to Mrs Jacobs and handed her a note. The teacher scanned the message, handed it back with a thank you and turned to the class as the year seven student left.

“Your attention please.”

She said this in a soft gentle voice standing at the same time and though no louder than normal speaking volume the students responded immediately. Mrs Jacobs was well liked and commanded respect from her students with her personality and charisma.

“We have an extra assembly this morning, so if you would please stand quietly and make your way sensibly to the hall.”

The students looked at one another, some with frowns others with shrugs. This was a very unusual event; assemblies were set at the beginning of the term and always planned well in advance.

As Hally’s form entered the hall the mystery of the unexpected assembly deepened when it became obvious that the entire school was crammed in. The Head Teacher Mr Hopkins was standing on the stage and another man unknown to the students was standing next to him. Slowly the students squeezed into every available space. Mr Hopkins raised his right hand and the students’ voices gradually died down to silence.

“Good morning everyone. We will not be keeping you long. We realise this is an unusual situation and thank you all for your patience and understanding. We also realise you are all rather cramped and will soon become hot so we will get straight to the point.”

It was customary for Mr Hopkins to speak as a collective.

“We have with us today Inspector Miller who has some very serious news to pass on to you.”

He stood back and the Inspector stepped forward.

“Good morning. Some of you may be aware of a series of burglaries at off licences recently. Well today we have apprehended a group of teenagers who we believe to be involved. Some of these people are students at this school. What we would like you to do is inform either us or your Head Teacher if you have bought or know of anyone who has bought alcohol or cigarettes from anyone. We would like to stress that any information you give us will remain strictly confidential and if you have purchased any of these goods and come forward you will not be prosecuted. Thank you, if you have any questions two of my officers will be at the school throughout the day to speak to.”

The inspector stood back and Mr Hopkins again spoke.

“We are sure you are all aware of the seriousness of the situation and therefore any help from you will be greatly appreciated. Teachers, would you like to begin dismissing your classes from the back and front of the hall”

A murmur arose throughout the hall as the students began to file out and head towards their first lessons.

The first part of the morning was quite unsettled and by break time both students and teachers were glad of a rest. Hally and Clia hurried to meet up with Corrinne. The three girls were in the same sets for all of their lessons except Maths. Hally and Clia were in the second set and Corrinne was in the top set. Her Maths was outstanding and she was predicted an A star grade in her exams but she was not in the least big headed about it. Whenever anyone mentioned it she just brushed it off with

“Oh I just have a knack for it.”

The three girls made their way to their favourite bench in the courtyard and sitting down rummaged through their bags for snacks. As they passed them to each other Corrinne exclaimed to the other two.

“On my way to Maths I heard Clarky talking to Double O Seven. He said Dana and Penny were with five oh.”

Double O Seven was the nickname the students had given to Miss Wateley the head of year ten because she always seemed to know exactly what was going on even when the students tried to keep something from her.

“So that was why Clarky called them over this morning.”

Exclaimed Hally.

“Wonder how involved they are?”

Answered Clia. Corrinne shrugged.

“I only heard that bit but I bet they’re in deep. You know they’re always hanging out with Cob’s crowd and he’s been inside at least three times already.”

“Well it might keep them off my back for a while then.”

Hally replied with a smile.

“They wont be able to spoil this birthday for me.”

She was referring to last year when Dana, Penny and several other girls had cornered her at breaktime on her birthday and thrown tampons at her because she had only just started her period the day before.

“Speaking of which, what are you doing tonight?”

Asked Clia. Hally missed the sly wink she gave to Corrinne.

“I think mum and dad are taking us out for a meal but that was only mentioned in passing at breakfast this morning.”

Hally replied.

“Oh ok but when you get back give us a call and we can come round.”

Clia told her.

The bell went that ended their conversation and after putting their rubbish in the bin they began to stroll towards their next lesson. None of them went enthusiastically; it was History and not a favourite subject with the threesome. However it was greatly cheered up by the absence of Dana and Penny which gave the whole class some interesting conversation in between the discussion on the Second World War.

The rest of the school day was uneventful and to Hally a little disappointing as nobody was able to shed any further light on the Dana and Penny situation. So when the final bell went signalling the end of the school day Hally, Clia and Corrinne happily left and made their way home.


I really enjoyed this, it was an easy read and does give the reader and appetite for more. If taken in the right direction it could be an 'Inbetweeners' (in book form) for the younger generation.

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