The Fluhahm Forest, on the outskirts of the elven city of Sarenthemar

by David Constantine
22nd December 2016

The sound of the river was so tranquil and beautiful. The sound accompanied by the gentle movement of cold water around her ankles while she stood with her arms out stretched and eyes closed was so relaxing. Birds made pleasant noises overhead somewhere above in the trees and a light wind rustled branches adding more purity to the moment in the forest. Her home had been recovering from the events left by a large war over two hundred years ago, a conflict in which the elven people did not want any part of it but were drawn in to regardless.

The Fluhahm forest still bore the scars to the present day. Thoughts of home crossed her mind, her kin singing and dancing around small fires here as they always did around this time of the frost cycle. Caineth then brought her thoughts back to the task at hand gently opening her eyes to the darkened colours of the forest. Although in a winter slumber it still looked beautiful and tranquil. She stood wearing a green set of hunting clothes consisting mostly of lightly armoured leather featuring the emblem of her clan, her long black hair knotted behind her head.

Caineth turned to look back at the large white tower which was the main centre point in Sarenthemar to see how far her hunt had brought her in to the woodland. She had completely lost track of time while pursuing her quarry as the tower looked much smaller than it did mere moments ago. Unveiling her bow she splashed through the river and up on to the bank running at a comfortable pace. Hunting in the woods upset her every time but Caineth was now old enough to understand the need that accompanied the responsibility.

A swift look to her right brought her to a halt. Her vision located the deer that had briefly outrun her due to a silly mistake. Two quiet movements later she focused down the shining steel of the arrow head as she drew the bow string back slowly. The animal as if in slow motion turned to face her exhaling breath in the cold air. It stood still in the white of the snow as if taunting her to take the shot. She looked directly at it, opened both of her light blue eyes and hesitated letting the arrow fly wide of its target and in to a tree a few paces away.

The dear used that opportunity to escape and evade the young elven huntress. Lowering her bow Caineth let out a sigh which was a mixture of relief and disappointment. She took a few steps forward thinking about the chase but then her friend called out to her from a short distance behind making her turn around quickly.

(This is a work in progress. From here I have compiled 10 more chapters at 5.5k words each. Let me know what you think. Much appreciated)


Thank you Dennis, yes that's fine. Let me know what you think at my email which is

Much appreciated and Happy New Year to you

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David Constantine

Hi David,

Many thanks indeed for sharing a sample of your writing with us. I think the idea behind the words is lovely, but the writing needs a polish. I'd be delighted to give you my detailed observations about the text. Please let me know if you would be happy for me to make them publicly here or send them to you- if the latter, please let me know your email address.

Best wishes


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