
by John Casey
28th March 2016


(This is just the start of a new short story that has been knocking around my head for the last few days. I'm not the greatest when it comes to spelling, grammar and a lot of things when it comes to writing. I just have an overactive imagination and like to get those ideas down.)


My eyes slowly open to the bright world. Not a cloud could be seen in the sky, just the sun standing alone.  I sit up to look around, dazed and disorientated. The sand beneath me shifts with every movement I make. The salt on the air fills my nostrils as the sound of the waves roll in constantly.  I stare out to sea searching for something, something I can remember.


I touch my head to feel a large lump and what must be dried blood. I stand up only to fall straight back down again. My legs are too weak and my head spins with the slights change in height.


I lie back down and close my eyes.


It’s cold… Colder than I thought it should be for a day like it was. I open my eyes to find the lonely sun has now retreated for the evening. The cold winds gallop across the sea and ride over this beach leaving there marks in the sand.


Though the Sun has now left me, I find I do not struggle for light. I try to stand up again, hoping not to fall like the last time. My legs hold up well and feel stronger but my head is as weak and I struggle to keep my balance. I shiver as the cold marches over the beach and cuts through me. I look to the tree line and begin to walk towards it.


I strain my eyes searching the floor with my eyes as I walk, knowing that if I was to fall again I would down for a while. I manage to make my way to the first tree. I can’t remember the name of the tree, though I have seen the same ones thousands of times before.


I walk a bit further into the jungle before I have to stop. The canopy is too thick and has blocked what little light that I had. I scan the area and notice a snapped branch with five large leafs. I break of each leaf, not realising the size of them at first. Each one is about the size of myself, I lay the first one down on the floor. Use three of them as a wall to try and act as a wind breaker and the last to cover myself.


The floor is uncomfortable. The leaves offer little protection from the cold and my stomach has begun to plead for something, whether it be water or food, it just wants to be filled. I fall asleep, hungry and cold.


I wake up to the sound of a strange bird; its song is sweet but is deep. All my life I had never heard anything like it before. I lie there listening for some time before it goes. I sit up and look around the jungle the mixture of different shades of greens, the sun breaking through point of the canopy supplying the undergrowth with light.


I stand up using the tree to take most of my weight, my legs are much stronger than the first time I stood up yesterday and my head doesn’t seem as faint has it was. I walk back out to the beach, to see what I can see.


As I make my way back towards the sounds of the waves, I keep an eye out for anything useful. I find a large stick, to fashion into a pole but that is all.


I step out on to the beach, the sun is blinding and the heat can be felt all around. I take my boots off for the first time, then my socks, followed by my shirt. The heat on my back feels amazing compared to the harsh cold I endured last night. The sand on the other hand was too hot for my pruned feet to take.


I step back into the shadows of the jungle before deciding to make a run for the sea. I could stand there and see what I can see of this place.


With the waves running into the back of my ankles, it cools my feet down and gives me a chance to have a look around. I can’t see much from here, but what I could guess about thirty miles in was a large peak of hill, beyond that nothing catches my eye.


I go and sit back on the sand looking out to the sea, trying to think what I should do. The problem is I can’t remember anything about how I got here. Dread spreads across my body. I don’t know what I will do. As I watch the tide go in and out, I see a small black dot making its way towards the beach or is going. I can’t tell.


I’m sure it’s somebody; of course it will be… I think to myself.


“HELLO!!!” I shout out to the dot moving ever closer to the shoreline.


No, answer… They must be hurt like I was. I begin to wade into the water, to try and help. I continue to deeper waters, the tide is up by my chest by this point. I make out a wave heading my way. I wait for it either to brace it or ride it and at the right moment jump, to rise with it. I decide to jump. It was perfectly timed and gave me a much clearer view of the dot.


The dot wasn’t another person at all. It was a large black suitcase. I swim towards it hoping that I may find something of use init. I grab hold of the suitcase and trend water for a minute. I just need to catch my breath. As I pause I see that the land is an island. It stands alone in the middle of the ocean, there isn’t anything for miles.


 This is beginning to sink in now that I will be stuck here for some time. I let this fear get the better of me, my mind was completely lost in thought when I realised that I was drifting away from the island. I push the suit case out in front of me and kick my legs out to swim back to my lonely island.


I washed up on shore again, exhausted and unable to walk again. The excitement of the suitcase is too much for me to rest though; I need to know what is in there.


I sit in the sun and turn the suitcase to find the locks. I spin the numbers hoping for a bit of luck but no luck what so ever. I stumble to my feet and walk back to the jungle to go find a rock to smash the case open. I find a decent size rock and bring it back to the case with one swift hit I loosen the locks, then with my staff I try to snap it off. They do break away after the second attempt at it.


I open the case and unstrap the clothes. There doesn’t seem to be anything of much use in there until I find a handheld multi tool. It feels like Christmas finding that, I dig a little deeper and end up finding, matches, a toothbrush, sun cream and 2 ponchos. The rest was filled with clothes and some sandals which none of them fit me, but I’m sure I will find a use for them.


With this news, I have a burst of energy and a willingness to start sorting things out. I don’t know how long I’m going to be here but I can’t spend another time wrapped in leaves. I look up to the sky, the sun is about half way across the sky, so I’m guessing I have about four or five hours before it’s dark.


I need to eat. The burst of energy was short lived as the hunger struck back with a vengeance.

