Friendship! The best treat!

by Piyush Jain
10th April 2014

Friendship, The best treat

I was at Poona, enjoying a holiday with my family and students of the school managed by my father. We were having lots of fun and great time together. Still I was worried. I was to join an Engineering college in a city alien to me nearly. I had been an introvert all through out my life. The thought of moving alone in a new city without support of any of my old friends or my family was bothering me a lot.

After having fun for another two days, I set out for my aim, ‘ENGINEERING’. I would be living in the college hostel with hundreds of others alien to my life. My fears on encountering the door of the hostel were many folded. Study, co-curricular activities, Ragging, and many more things were my main concerns.

I felt the unique openness in the hostel atmosphere. It had a pungent and new smell that was still a bit satisfying. But I constantly encountered the hitch of nostalgia. But I considered it to be quite obvious that with the passage of time the place would become more comfortable for me. Time did pass and so did increase the workload of the studies. There was just a hint of burden due to the college studies. I tried hard to stand against it and have my share of victory and maturity. Other students and hostellers met me and tried to talk to me but I was not confident enough to talk to them. Homesickness affected my study routine adversely. Even with a few months to spare for the final examination, I kept feeling fear of failure. The situation had not improved instead it had declined further. I came upon a state where the only option out of this uneasiness I felt I had was suicide. I tried it and failed in it too.

The worst part in committing a suicide is not when dies but when one does not die. Sympathies of others and specially loved ones become a double sided affair. It heals you by one side and depresses you even more on the other.

I reached back the hostel just before the schedule of my exams. Things were still not OK but I was allowed by my parents to present myself at the exams. Just after I entered my room, a few of my co-hostellers came to me. The door of the room was closed and I was sitting in front of my best friends.

They dictated to me the values and virtues of a good life. They told me that a life is successful if one is happy. They told me that being successful in some particular subject is not as important as being happy in life. At that particular time, what was equally important for me was that they cared for me. The thought that you are something for someone is so important, isn’t it? It took all the grievances for their loud voice for me from me. Life all of a sudden seemed to be much better, clearer and rigid. I was proved wrong about the notion that no one in the world cares for me as much as my family does. They proved me wrong and thus made me merrier.

Almost two years have passed on since then. But still those words and that night is as vivid in me as though it had happened hours ago. I always used to wonder what the best incident of my life would be but could never have imagined it to come in such a paradoxical situation.
