The Future Child

by Mandy Beck
7th April 2014


It had been yet another beautiful, clear-blue day. Holly was showering and Steve had been downstairs preparing breakfast for his heavily pregnant wife. A scream resounded through the entire house. Steve bounded up the stairs taking them two, sometimes three, at a time. Slamming into the bathroom door, he pushed his way in to find Holly bent double in the base of the shower, blood flowing freely from between her legs, as tears of anguish and pain trailed down her cheeks. Grabbing his phone from his Jeans pocket, Steve dialled the number without hesitation, and screamed down the phone at the waiting operator.

“AMBULANCE! I NEED A FUCKING AMBULANCE! My wife is miscarrying!”

A distorted voice sounded from the other end, querying his whereabouts and condition of the patient. How he calmed down long enough to tell them he didn’t know but within minutes they were whisked away to the Hope General, five miles away. Steve had been forced to remain in the cold, lifeless waiting room as nurses and doctors, wearing blue and green scrubs entered the room where he knew his wife was fighting for the life of their child. He felt helpless. Alone and scared. Scared for his wife, scared for his child, scared for himself. Minutes turned to hours. Finally, after four long, solitary hours had passed, a grey-bearded doctor in green emerged from the room and headed towards Steve, his facial features betraying nothing of the news he was about to give.

Chapter 1

Steve motored down the freeway, it had been a long day. The welcoming streets far removed from the sprawling metropolis brought a smile to his thin pink lips and caused a small dimple to form in his left cheek. Steve was a beautiful man (although he would never admit it himself). His tanned skinned enhanced his dark, floppy hair that swept across his forehead. The stubble that grazed his perfect jaw line depicted a ruggedness that made heads turn, female and male alike. Steve, however, was completely oblivious to these attractions. One woman and one woman only had caught his eye and his heart. Holly. Oh Holly! A twinge of sadness spread across his face at the thought of his Holly. 3 years ago Holly had left him. Her untimely and, as far as Steve was concerned, still suspicious death had left him mortified and heartbroken, the only saving grace being their 5 year old son, Ben, the only reason Steve still got up in the mornings.

Leaving the freeway behind him Steve steered his way along tree-lined avenues, venturing further and further into the quiet serenity of his suburban haven. White picket fences bordered pristine landscapes leading to immaculate, pastel shaded timber houses. Steve’s own accommodation was of equally high standards thanks to the employment of the local gardener. Pulling into his brick-weave driveway, Steve’s eye caught the young boy leaping and bounding across the lawn of his elderly neighbour, Mrs McClusky. Turning off the ignition and flinging the door open, Steve twisted in his seat, stretched his arms wide and caught the blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy as he flung himself at his dad.

“Daddy!” yelled the excited boy.

“Hey Gorgeous Boy, how was school today” Steve beamed at Ben as he squeezed him tight in his powerful yet gentle arms.

“We did the alphabet and had to think of an animal beginning with a letter, I got “P”, my animal was Panda! ” Ben’s smile was infectious as he looked at his daddy. “Miss said I did well, tomorrow we are going to do numbers and I will have to say the number 9”. Keeping a tight hold of his son as he exited the car, Steve looked in awe of the child’s capacity to recall specifics. Most children he encountered looked blankly and shrugged when asked what they did at school but not Ben. His enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge astounded Steve. Steve had always felt that there was something very special about his son.

Steve and Ben spent the evening curled up together watching cartoons and sharing a massive bowl of home-popped popcorn. By 8.00pm Steve could feel Ben drifting off to sleep in his arms so he gently lifted him and carried him to his room on the second floor. As Steve lowered his son into his Spaceman covered bed Ben’s eyes suddenly flickered open, “They’re coming, Daddy. The men with guns are coming”. Steve grabbed his son and ran down the stairs. He forced himself to calm. Standing in the empty hallway at the base of the stairs he stopped, breathed and looked around him. He had planned for this day 3 years ago, now was not the time to panic. Looking around he mentally went through the checklist in his head. Lights! He must turn off the lights. Carrying his son on his hip, Steve worked his way round the whole house ensuring that all the lights were off. Next……what was next? “Calm Steve” he cautioned himself. Doors and Windows. Right, he checked that they were all locked and proceeded to the kitchen. Looking around one last time, for he knew this would be the last time he would see this room, this house, the way it was now, he opened the joining door to the garage, locking it behind him and stood Ben down on the hard concrete floor. Sliding his hand along the cold, solid wall until he located the light switch, Steve illuminated the stark room with a flicker and buzz from the overhead fluorescent tube. Grabbing an Apsen souvenir keyring, illustrating the splendid Mount Sopris, from a hook situated next to the door, Steve glanced down at the grey, lifeless flooring, constructed from square stone slabs. He knelt down alongside the third slab along and pushed the button on the remote attached to the keyring .

A low humming emanated from the floor sending vibrations through their limbs. The large, dense slab began to lower and slide mechanically to its left from where Steve stood. An icy chill ran through Steve as he bent over the gaping hole that had formed where once a solid floor had lain. Switching on a flashlight he aimed the beam down the chasm before him, and gestured for Ben to come close.

“Ben do you remember Daddy doing all the work in the garage over the last few years?” Ben nodded slowly. “Well, this is the reason. We have to go down here for a few days and I need you to be a very brave boy for me, ok? “ Again Ben nodded.

“Is this because of the men that are coming Daddy?”

“Yes, son. We are going to have to be quiet and stay down here until they have gone. It can be our little adventure. Our indoor camping trip that I have told you we would have one day”.

Ben smiled and hugged his daddy. “Don’t worry daddy, I’ll protect you”.

Steve leaned down and wrapped his arms tight around his son. “ok Ben, deal! You protect me and I’ll protect you”. With Steve lighting the way down the shiny, metal rungs of the ladder bolted to the side of the tunnel, Ben descended slowly, carefully feeling each rung under foot. When Ben reached the bottom, Steve flicked the switch sending the garage into near darkness, save for the beam flitting across the floor from the flashlight. He steadily made his way to the circle of darkness in front of him. Shining the stream of light down the hole, Steve called out “You okay down there Ben?”

“I’m okay daddy.” Ben’s distant voice echoed up the tunnel.

“Good boy. I’m coming down now. It may be quite dark until I get down to you but it won’t be long, stay brave, Ben” Steve began his decline into the gloom, the metal bolts creaking under his weight as he applied pressure with each step. His foot eventually hit the ground, soundlessly touching the carpeted covering. Pressing the control in his pocket the low hum from above informed him that the slab was gradually returning to its place, concealing there entrance and closing them off from the outside world.

Shining the flashlight along the wall, Steve located the button. Pushing it, the area brightened in a dull faze of low wattage, illuminating the small yet cosy surroundings. In the far corner was a sturdy, wooden bunk bed, the top bunk decked out in pirate sheets, while the lower bed furnished in a pale blue. To the right was a narrow doorway concealing a small shower, toilet and wash basin. To the left, Steve had constructed a kitchen area containing a stove, hob, mini fridge and several cupboards. A small wooden table was situated in the middle with 2 wooden fold-away chairs leaning against it. The confined area was compact but would be adequate for their needs for the next few days, at least that was Steve’s intention.

Chapter 2

The plain white circular clock, hanging on the wall above the kitchen area, ticked with every movement of the seconds’ hand. It had been two hours since they had descended the metal rungs into the depth of their concealed hiding place, sitting silently on the wooden chairs, waiting. Steve glanced at the clock again, 10.35pm, two minutes since he had last looked at it. Ben saw the concern on his dad’s face, “They will be here soon Daddy, not long now. Who are they daddy? What do they want?” Steve looked at his son, his face filled with sorrow. Lines edged his forehead like the tide lines that mark the beach. His mind ventured to a time in his past, five years in his past. A time when he thought he had lost everything. The loneliness as he waited in that sterile environment which had left the unwelcome scent of bleach in his nostrils. Then the green-clad man had materialised, his features expressionless until he delivered the news that would change Steve’s life…………

“You are a lucky man, Mr Thompson.” Dr. Browne beamed “ Both mother and child are fine if a little exhausted. You will have your hands full taking care of both of them for the next few weeks although we will be keeping them here for observation for a couple of days at least.”

Steve felt his body physically relax, “Can I see them now?”

“Of course, Mr Thompson. Come this way.” Dr. Browne headed away from the door he had emerged from and led Steve along a wide corridor, floodlit by florescent tubes emanating blinding white light. He stopped abruptly outside double doors with a touch keypad to the side. Dr. Browne’s fingertips brushed over several buttons and then a loud click indicated that the doors were accessible. Passing through, Steve became highly aware of the rows of beds in each section as they silently made their way through the ward. The majority of the beds were empty with the exception of one or two that were occupied by other women whose faces showed that, they too, had not long been through a similar torment to his wife, although he suspected that their outcome had not been as joyful.

Steve followed the doctor to the far end room where six beds were situated, three down each side facing inwards. In the far corner Steve spied a lone figure laying perfectly still under crisp white linen. He approached the bed with trepidation, not sure of the emotions that would erupt from within him on sight of his beloved wife. Tears began to trickle down his cheeks as the relief of recognising the steady rise and fall of the sheets confirmed that the form beneath breathed softly and rhythmically. Holly’s eyes flickered open as she sensed the presence of her husband. With a small sigh she laboriously forced herself up to a sitting position and wept quietly into his neck as he held her in his arms. For several minutes the couple sat motionless on the hospital bed, holding each other, affirming that they had each other for strength and support. Steve broke the silence first.

“Oh, Holly, I’m so sorry. They wouldn’t let me in. I wanted to be with you. I didn’t want you to go through it alone. I…..” His voice faltered and Holly silenced him with a quick but tender kiss.

“It’s okay. We are okay. Have you seen him yet?” Steve shook his head. “Me neither. I’ve asked but they said he needed observing before I could hold him. I haven’t held my son yet Steve! Where is he?”

“Daddy? Are you ok , Daddy?” Steve’s reverie was broken by the concerned tones of his son, returning him to their present situation. “What do they want with us, Daddy?”

“I’m not sure, Ben, but……..” As he spoke a dull thump resonated down into the tiny room. Steve grabbed Ben and sat him on his lap, circling his arms protectively around his son. Another thud sounded, then another, a relentless pounding that sounded as though they were trying to knock the whole house down. The thumping of heavy –soled boots emanated from above their heads. Steve could hear draws being hurled to the floor, cupboard doors being ripped from their hinges. He knew this was occurring throughout his house, his family home, his former safe-haven. Muffled voices sounded above but the words were inaudible, the tone indicated frustration and annoyance, Steve guessed it was due to their inability to locate either Steve or his son. The men, whoever they were, must have been standing directly on top of the trapdoor, as more footsteps accompanied them. Fury emanated from the raised voice that ricocheted around the sparse garage walls and the footsteps stomped away leaving an eerie calm to fall in the dimly lit confines of the shelter.

Steve and Ben sat silently as the voices faded, watching each other, neither daring to move. Minutes passed and the silence grew, the ticking of the wall clock sounding like thunder with every second that passed. Steve exhaled and slumped in the chair, finally aware that he had been sitting bolt upright, every nerve alert for the moment that the hatch would slide open.

It had been half an hour since they had heard the last drumbeat of footfalls exiting the house. Steve looked at Ben who had remained patiently waiting for his dad to make the first sound.

“Are you ok?” he asked tentatively. Ben gazed up and nodded, still too scared to speak. His body began to shake as the shock overwhelmed him and tears sprang into his bright blue eyes. Steve grabbed hold of him and held him close. “I think they have gone Ben, but I can’t risk us going up yet.”

“They won’t be back again tonight, Daddy” Ben whispered into Steve’s ear between sobs. Steve held his son until his weeping had subsided, then he picked him up and carried him to the bunks in the far corner.

“We’ll be ok down here for now. Try to get some sleep, I’ll be right below you” Steve gave Ben one last hug before wrapping the sheets around him and watching his head fall softly onto the pillow. Within minutes Ben’s breathing was a calming tempo as he slept. Steve crawled into his bed, lying flat on his back, his fingers entwined behind his head as his mind worked overtime. Why had they come? What did they want? These questions rotated round and round inside his head. Steve knew it was Ben. Ben was special. Ben was who they wanted and he would make damn well sure that they never got their hands on what they wanted.


Hi Mandy

I enjoyed this & would want to read more. Not much to add except it could possibly benefit from a bit of tightening up. I did find the description of Steve a bit irritating at the beginning of chapter 1 - not sure why though, maybe just too much all at once?

Not sure this - 'as he flung himself at his dad' - added anything, especially as the boy shouted Daddy straight after that sentence.

Good stuff!

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