Gliese - After Earth

by Marissa Tan
20th May 2013

Chapter Zero


Year 900 A.E. ( After Earth )

​One night in the Millennium era, beheld an enormous palace coated in rubies, there was this little red – haired boy running towards a cozy room with a rose window. The room was warm with fireplace, and bright with a skylight. Entering the room, the fair – skin boy tiptoed toward an old lady, who was sitting on an armchair with her eyes closed. The boy – being approximately 7 years of age – giggled, and slowly whispered,

​“ Granny, wake up!” he murmured excitedly.

Awakened by the soft voice of her own grandson, the old madam opened her eyes, and muttered under her breath,

​“ Oh dear me, Eric, I almost had a heart attack. Why are you suddenly here in my room, son? ” she inquired.

Gazing at her grandmother with a slight feeling of guilt, Eric pointed to the old bookshelves,

​“ Oh, I am sorry Granny, I can’t sleep. I just want you to read me a bed – time story. Can I choose the storybook myself this night? ” said Eric, glimpsing at a thin bright - red book shelved neatly on the corner of the room.

The old lady smiled gently and answered her grandson,

​“ All right, I will read you a story, son. Pick a book you like.”

​Aflame with desire, Eric chose the red story – book he had wanted. Sneaking under her grandma’s bed, Eric pulled the silk blanket and put his head on the pillow. The grandmother opened the pages of the colored book - entitled “The History of Planet Gliese – After Earth Prophecies” - and began reading the prologue,

​“ A long time ago – a thousand year after the end of the old Earth – in order to escape from the end of the world, survivors in several nations fled to the outer space. For many lightyears, they travelled throughout the space from generation to generation. The sixth generation finally arrived at a Goldilock zone, the zone where life could exist, and found a habitable planet which rotated at its pole, and revolved around its sun.”

​“The men entered the unknown planet, and arrived at a giant evergreen tree, which was located at the center of the planet. Upon the arrival, they found colorful crystals growing miraculously on the ground of the enormous tree. With great curiosity, one of the survivors from Earth - who was a sculptor - cut the crystals, and instantly created colorful praying beads. Inundated with requests from others survivors, the sculptor gave a praying bead to a surviving priest, who said a prayer of thanks. Suddenly there was light from above, and the charm was carved with a name, “John”. The other survivors soon found out that John was the name of the guardian Saint of the priest, and that St. John would protect the man until the end of his day. The planet was later called Gliese, revolving around the Sirion star. The massive tree was later called the Christendum, and the bead was the Rosary charm.”

Suddenly, Eric cut the story and yawned,

​“ I have already heard about that history many times, grandma. Our planet Gliese, our sun Sirion, the Christendum, and the Rosary charm. They are on the history subject taught at the Palace.” he stopped and gazed at a red praying bead he wore on the neck.

​“ Yes, son. But do you know anything about the Color Territories of Gliese , and of course, about the prophecies ?” explained the grandmother, seeing her grandson shaking his head as a no.

​“ Then, let me continue the story,” said Granny as she flipped the pages with colorful pictures.

​“ Hundreds of years had passed in Gliese, and kingdoms were built over the continents. The reigns of kingdoms in Gliese were famous for the prosperity and peacefulness of the entire population. The map of Gliese consisted of seven continents which were spread circling one biggest continent in the center, the place where the Christendum tree grew massively. The continents are called the Color Territories, as they were named after the colorful crystals found under the Christendum tree – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and white. Black crystals were never found in the history of Gliese.”

​“ Red Territory was famous for its metal ores found in its mining sector. It was the place where the engineers and miners scraped a living, relying on the solar energy. Orange Territory was famous for the entertainment and business sector. Yellow Territory was famous for the lighting generator, and the treasure hunters for gold. Green Territory was famous the Acre Woods, the largest forest among the continents. Blue Territory was famous for its castle which was located under the sea. Purple Territory was famous for its alchemy, and astronomy. Many famous oracles around Gliese were from the Purple Territory.”

​“ All local people who lived in all territories had their own Rosary charms, which colors were different according to citizenship status since birth. Those people were named after their Guardian Saints upon baptisms, which would be magically carved on the Rosary charms. It was believed that the Saints would protect the holder until the end of his life.”  

​“ One of the greatest prophecies of Gliese, derived from the bible, was that the reign of a thousand year - which full of hope, prosperity, and peacefulness – would be put to an end by the rise of the Evil. One of the trigger would be the awakening of the black rosary holders, those who devote themselves to Satan, and the summoning of beasts. The Armageddon would be the greatest war in the history of New Earth, with the command of the angel of war, Michael .”

The old lady stopped reading as soon as the little boy fell asleep. Gently she caressed the boy’s cheek, and walked out from the room. She whispered to herself,

​“ Perhaps history can be very enthralling, yet it may also cause this little boy to fall asleep.”

​The gentle breeze of the night wind was very soothing in the silence. There was no moon in Gliese – the New Earth, but the dark was enlightened by the solar panels. The howling sounds of some wolf – like creatures dwindled as night turned to daylight.


Millenium era : the era of a thousand year written in the prophecy. It is the time when justice rules all over the kingdoms in the Gliese planet.

Goldilock zone : the zone where life could exist in a planet. With the right distance to its sun, the planet in this zone is potential for its water, and enough sunlight to survive.

Gliese : the planet – the New Earth – where Eric lives, it is located 10.000 light years from Earth. The mass is about half as much as the Earth.

Sirion : the star of Gliese – the Old Star – which is the center of its solar system. The power is about half as much as the Old Sun.

Christendum tree : the giant evergreen tree at the center of Gliese which has a vital role in the fertility of the whole areas in Gliese.

Color Territories : all the seven continents of Gliese which were based on the spectrum of colors – Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, and White. Black has never been recorded before.

Rosary charms: the praying beads of Catholic beliefs, a symbol of devotion to Mother Mary.


Hi, Marissa I have to agree with my fellow writer Aston, The flow of your verse would be better balanced if the lines were all four in length. But you have a style that is honest and open, and you link your words and phrases well. My favorite line is "You are the sun and I am the sunflower" the reason I like this line. Is because the sunflower needs the sun, and where ever the sun moves the sunflower will always track the path the sun takes. which shows one is dependent on the other. Please keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more of your work.

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Beautiful. Nice and sentimental, Marissa. However, maybe you could have structured the verses a little better - the first is 5 lines long, others are four whilst the last is only three. I find if doing a rhyming poem, a four lined verse is ideal.

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