Grass In The Snake.

by Adrian quinton
21st February 2017



He had the garden with the most, that is what Richard had. He loved it with all of his heart. every golden onion, every bright orange Carrot, every Plump Red Tomato. Yes, This was Richard`s Heaven, and this was his slice Of Eden on earth. . Richard found solace and comfort in his Garden. He had control of life, and he was master of all that he saw in it. The bugs, the grass, the rocks, it was all his!



Richard`s wife had not long died, she had been killed in a nasty Road accident, Richard found comfort in the fact that she did not suffer, her car had hit a lorry head on. Richard was very paranoid of his plot. `when you build it they will come` They all wanted to know, how does your my grow!?


After a hard day tending to his garden, Richard retreated to his home, He lived down a long dirt track, it was secluded and on the outskirts  of St Knives, Maine. He had a big new England home, it was old but had bags of character. Richard and his wife loved to collect, they loved china and anything from the far east, but Richard cared not for any of that now. He retreated up the stairs to his bed.


The car was speeding down the road, heavy rain hit it like a million Tyson`s angry on top of the car! The Lorry, the big Blue lorry, it was heading right towards it. There was no way to move, move the car!!! No! the car and lorry hit head on. A woman shot out the front window, She landed in Richards arms, All broken , glass in her face and eyes, Richard was holding his broken wife, sally? sally!? sally! - Richard awoke in a cold sweat. He would visit his wife in some form or another in the night- Never the way he wanted to. His mouth was as dry as a badgers ass, he thought to himself, water! - He moved his body to slip out of bed when all of a sudden he heard a crash down stairs in his kitchen. 


Richard had a shotgun under his bed and slowly crept down the stairs. He could see a dim light from the kitchen, a glow. Richard moved to the side of the door, waiting for the intruder to appear. For a second  he thought it may be his lost love Sally, then reality came flooding back to his sleepy head. He heard shuffling and feet move toward the door, Richard was swift and met the intruder head on, with the but of his gun Richard smacked him head on in the face, His nose exploded and he fell back.


`Wake up Dirk`

`Where..where am I?

` Why Dirk, you`re in the Garden of Eden` Heaven!

Richard knew Dirk very well, He was known as "Dirk The jerk" around town. He was a petty crook and a right pain in the rump, He did many a break in, but the police just let him go time after time again.

`You are a dirty sneak Dirk` I know it, the town knows it.

`let me out for gawds sakes Richard!!

Dirk was buried up to his head in Richards Garden, Beside his head was a cabbage, He was buried up to his head in Richards Cabbage Patch!

` Why are you doing this?

`You wanted to break in, so Dirk, i`m plantin you in!

`You are crazy!! Get me out of here!! Heeelp!

`Scream all you want Dirk, No one will here you. It was the dead of night and a long way from the street. The only person Dirk could see was Richard in his bright orange dressing gown holding his torch.

`I know you tried it on with my wife, sally, She told me you did. You put your sneaky hands on her. I was so mad Dirk. But you no what Dirk? for the first time in my life i let her down, could not be a man, could not stand up for her. She is dead Dirk, Dead. She is never coming back to me.

`Why this?! Please Richard!!

`Sally would find it in her heart to forgive you, But like i said Dirk, She is Dead. Tonight i have come to terms with that. No Dirk, You are going to be my price Cabbage, Yes sir!

`Richard, you are crazy, let me out you crazy son of a bitch!!

`Richard walked to his shed, Dirk heard shuffling behind his head. Richard appeared out from the shed and walked back over to Dirk, 


`See here Dirk? Pointing the torch back on Dirk.

`What are you going to do?

` Grass seed! Richard tore open the packet and sprinkled it around Dirks head.

`You are going to grow as a person Dirk` I lost my Eve. Tonight you are going to be Adam.



two weeks  had past, Richard was doing much better, he started to move on with his life and had come to terms with Sally`s death. The light started to fade on this hot July evening, the sky was a dark orange, Richard was in his garden as it was time for him to water the fine things. He always kept the best to last, Richard pulled off the sheet and there, looking up at him was Dirk, His face had took on a rotten Grey colour, Dry brown skin had formed around his eyes, Grass had started to protrude out of the sides of his mouth and nostrils and ears. Dirk was not dead as Richard looks after the things in his garden.

`My price cabbage, Time for your Beverage, Soak it up Dirk, soak it up...Because soon it will be time to cut you out. Dirk could not speak, But he tried `GuRrRRrRicharradadaddDd.

Richard stood over and started to water Dirks dry rotten head.
