Half A Light

by Adrian quinton
28th May 2017

A figure of light walking away in the dark a creature of light forced to run and self harm, no lucky charm no hand on the arm, a rage way down deep, so vulnerable that you dare make a peep.


Fathers lost to the devils liquor a gun to the head but never pulling the trigger a light starts to flicker no image in the mirror.


Half a light, half a mind trying to feel whole

Half a light, half a mind let me find my way again.


You see the writing on the wall but your name is not in hearts, just the ace of spades, and the devils wage in your pocket. 


Half a light half a mind trying to feel whole

Half a light, half a mind just let me find my way home.


It`s the only road i know, I walk with fear and hope

They comfort me and weaken me my achilles heel my titanium shield both fighting it out for me


Half a light half a mind trying to feel whole

Half a light, half a mind just let me find my way home.



I`m just a figure of light... walking away in the dark, a creature of light forced to run and self harm, no lucky charm, no hand on the arm...I`m half a light.






Rock and metal lyrics, again these reflect on how i feel, I lost my family, and a person i can never replace, i write to express my negative thoughts, and i have many, many that want to end me permanently.

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270 points
Practical publishing
Short stories
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Gothic and Horror
Adrian quinton