
by Anastasia Shapurko
14th January 2013


Венеция.4 April. 2006 00-25 San Street – Marko. Bar ‘Dark nights.

I poured a heavy rain and its drops flew down on my person, and the strong flaw tried to throw out me from a gondola in a dark chasm of water. The fog which shrouded the city without that gave a gloomy picture. I didn't want to hide from a rain, and on the contrary I hoped that they will cool me and will give to confidence in tomorrow. I sat and looked through a fog and saw anything, as well as in the life. Here I felt blow it is a gondola about something hit. I looked back and saw that we came on pier. Having risen and having paid off with the gondolier I raised the head in the gray sky not giving hope and having sighed I whispered angrily:

- What to do to me?

- What senhorita? – the gondolier with astonishment asked me. Anything to it without having answered I resolutely I went on the dark street without looking back back. The wind hit to me into a face and tears welled up on eyes, having turned the corner I wiped tears raised highly a chin resolutely went further down the street. I regained consciousness from the thoughts only then when came to be in the dark lane without a uniform lamp. Before my look I appeared the huge thrown building. Having approached closer, I saw a huge oak door. One its look frightened and bewitched. I resolutely pressed a call. The sound of a call reminded a call for help and fear. The ordinary person would escape and quickly would forget about this house, but not to frighten me the fear for the life and I again sufficed me even more resolutely and more strongly pressed a call. The door hard opened, and there was a huge security guard as if the rock, with an awful scar on a face which came to an end where – that about a pole at a throat. It was dressed in worn jeans and a white undershirt. Eyes were black and cold as ice.

- It is the closed party, - the security guard told a hoarse voice, having looked angrily at me.

- You that, Tom, were stunned! Old acquaintances you don't recognize? – I answered angrily and having removed it resolutely squeezed into the room.

- Excuse Alex, I didn't recognize.

- It at itself?

- Yes. I won't show, you know the road, and that to me ordered to protect here from strangers.

- It is clear, I wish good luck, – I answered, began to go down on steps. Only having opened a door, music deafened me in comparison with silence of the street there is such roar. I began to pass through crowd of people to a door at the end of a hall. Who would know that in such small building there can be so much not honor.

- It is so much sweet, - I whispered having licked lips. I TRIED to CONSTRAIN the THIRST to KILL THEM. The hunter in me was out for blood and their sins flashed in my head thirst woke up from that in me to break off them on part and to enjoy blood. I stirred up the head and resolutely went to the purpose.

- Hello Alex! You will keep the company? – shouted from crowd dancing суккуббы.

- Hey, witch! And what you here do? – the man the vampire standing behind a bar counter asked. I sharply turned the head and impaled him cold with eyes that at him the glass dropped out of hands. Having approached to the door and having pushed with her foot, I entered into the room where it was silent and dark.

- Alexander, I am glad you to see, what destinies you to me brought? – I asked a man's voice in a far corner of the room. The man lit a night lamp and looked at me. I was high sometimes it me terribly irritated, a braid of the dark chestnut hair, hanging down to my waist, and huge green eyes, shined my simple pretty person.

- Hello, the vampire, didn't know, what you aren't glad to see me? – I answered, having looked at the man sitting in a chair. Fair short hair stuck out in different directions as needles at a hedgehog. Thin with long legs, it was dressed in a tuxedo, but without a butterfly on a neck, and on a snow-white shirt there were no buttons. High cheekbones, straight nose, cunning gray eyes which stared at the girl as though read her mind.

- You know me, I am always glad you to see. But lately, when elders entered the set of rules where it is said that different magic creatures can't be crossed yet for the compelled reasons, – the vampire told, having shown on the card on a wall. It was the world map. Where on each ground there was a tag of different color. – I am slightly surprised?

- Yes I see, what even Tom didn't recognize, – I answered having burst out laughing.

- Yes it lately became too suspicious and not for nothing. We are killed as small insects by us will become soon a dying look. The most important we don't know who it does and for what, – with a sneer the vampire told. – But jokes jokes as you passed borders?

- Calm down, the vampire, as ordinary people who live on this earth. These elders think that can, watch and the nobility where we are. But they couldn't think that now 21 eyelids and not what magic isn't necessary to appear where you want. I sat down aboard the plane and forward, on Jamaica.

- But you not in Jamaica you here, the hunter. Really you have a new task?

- Yes! I here also will tell any pleasure I don't receive from it. And here into the task account you are right. You represent the sorcerer comes to me yesterday home …

- Yet really? ? ? – the vampire burst out laughing. Wait let's me pour cognac, I feel it will be interesting. And what he wanted? It is still live? - the vampire burst out laughing.

- He began to tell and offer one businessman, gave these photos and left. The vampire took photos and began to look through them.

- What will it give you if you find them earlier? – the vampire asked having frowned.

- And here, generally, such miracle. He promised freedom to me and my sisters.

- You think, they will release you? Hunter? You? ? ? Which for them performs all their dirty work, that which they to be afraid and don't trust. Alex! – the vampire called. I turned to the vampire and looked to him in eyes.

- I don't know, it is possible to trust it. But when he told this word, I couldn't, about anything to think. You know, for each magic being, this word - simply a gift it means to live, as ordinary people. Any shadowing to worry that will kill your family if it meets the wizard or will casually cross border.

- Alex! You won't be able to begin new life even if suddenly they will keep the promise. You are trained since the birth to kill and where you will put the force, ability to talk to animals? You won't be able. I here, for example, don't complain that I am a vampire. Yes I and sometimes dream to see the sun. But I know that the sun will kill me. And you are Alex. Striving for freedom of which you think and you dream, you don't reflect that it is freedom can kill you.

1 head.

Miami on May 25, 2010. 13-35 . SW of 40 St.

The man very high with improbably broad chest, he was similar to a bear when it to become on hinder legs. Blue eyes a straight dark hair fell down on shoulders a smooth wave. On a square chin the bristle and densely squeezed lips was seen. It went down the street the assured and frightening gait in one hand it bore car keys, other hand thrust into a pocket of black trousers. The man stopped and got accustomed to houses and inhabitants, breathed a full breast, and nostrils of his straight nose extended. Having risen on steps, he called in the house No. 3. But a door, nobody opened. The man called once again. The door opened at once. And the man was met by the little boy who looked at him huge brown eyes and with an open mouth.

- And you who? – the captivated voice the boy asked. – You likely the superman whom show on TV? You received my letter! Hurrah!! ! ! Mother! Go rather here, to me the superman came, – the boy shouted. The man only wanted to tell that he any not the superman as the boy escaped in the house.

- Mother you has to see it, – the boy persistently spoke.

- If you don't calm down, we won't go to a zoo. It is clear to you? – the female voice answered the boy running to a door. The boy ran up to the man and took by hand.

- Go, the superman you have to get acquainted surely with my mother, – the boy told, conducting the man in kitchen.

- Mother get acquainted, it is a superman, – the boy with pride told. The girl thin, small growth with a shock of red hair which were tied in a hard tail. With white skin as though it never was on the sun stood at a plate and gathered sandwiches in a bag. But when she heard the son, turned to him also I saw the man I stood. On her face seemed both fear and surprise, and in green eyes rage.

- I said that the superman exists. And you didn't trust me, – is excited the boy told mother.

- Chris! – the girl the scared voice added. – Go to the room play, and I will talk while to your superman. Well?

- Well it is fine, only it is short, I too want to talk to it, – the boy told and trudged upward. The woman looked attentively at the man and asked:

- What you here do? Wizards are forbidden to be in the territory of witches!

- Hello Ms. Koneri. I have one business with which only you will be able to help me. I was younger at your sister, but she couldn't help therefore ….

- What did you make with my sister? – the girl asked the scared voice.

- Anything, you can not worry. It is live and healthy, – the man answered. Connery's Ms. grabbed and began to dial number. The man approached and sat down at a table.

- Your sister isn't present the house, she is at us.

- What? – Yes as you dare! I will complain to elders, and you not поздоровится" the Wolf", – the girl exhaled angrily.

- I see, you know me Christina therefore you can trust me. With your sister all will be good, and shortly we will release her.

- Who doesn't know Jack of "A black wolf", only the idiot. The most influential and dangerous, strong and rich wizard, – the witch exclaimed angrily.

- It is better to you to help me, instead of to begin war which you will lose, – Jack answered angrily, approaching to Christina who wanted to throw into him a fiery sphere. – If you want that your son and the sister remained are live, – he seized her by a hand.

- What it is necessary for you? – Christina the scared voice asked, and, looking in a corridor that the son didn't come here.

- Here, it already other question, – answered a wolf and sat down at a table. – Sit down, Christina, we will have a long conversation. The girl approached the village opposite to it.

- I look for your sister.

- You that, became crazy, it at you? – the girl bellowed already angrily.

- Another, average.

- You precisely mad everything know that my sister was lost four years ago when performing task.

- Well it is fine, – Jack burst out laughing. – Well, you made laugh me. Not to you to tell me what your sister. It since seven years was trained and not to the such. And a task which it had it already I carried out from ten, and here it time and was lost. Body at all didn't find? You don't find it strange and? – Jack asked rising from a chair.

- Why you me ask? Certainly, I know everything about the sister I senior in a family. And everyone can be mistaken even if at it a wide experience in such tasks you too can, and as they say, all of us mortal. Jack sighed and approached to a window. He reflected that Christina of the right can, and he in vain started it. But whereas to it to be if the sister average on the truth was lost. But here Jack looked attentively at the pool and smiled. - Communication was, and I don't refuse. Yes I didn't come to a funeral because to me it was sick. But now I got used to pain that it isn't present. Even if it is live as you speak though it not so, it could let then for so many years to me about herself know, – Christina answered with grief in a voice.

- And what force your sister had? – Jack asked, looking out of the window.

- Force? – I asked it is surprised Christina.

- Yes! As I know at you fire force, at younger water, and at average what.

- Force? Well, on - to mine, she was able to understand animals, and what?

- How often to you this raven flies? - Jack asked, showing in a window.

- What raven? – Christina asked, approaching to a window. – And, this! It is a friend of my son, it two here arrives years, and what?

- Somehow strange, it is a special version of a raven, they aren't found in America, and especially in Miami, – Jack murmured, going outside.

- What you think, my sister turned a crow?

- No, I want to tell that your sister by means of animals communicates with you. You, didn't guess at all that about you she knows everything, – Jack explained, creeping to a raven which sat on a lawn about the pool. Only Jack approached a raven as that waved wings and departed.

- Here, the devil, departed, – Jack exclaimed angrily, shaking off trousers from dirt.

- I don't know, it everything nonsense. And I don't want to hear it. I ask leave in an amicable way, – Christina told angrily, showing on an exit from a garden. Jack, at all didn't pay any attention to the girl, took the cell phone and began to call.

- Hey, Kesh! Ask younger witch Jessica, she drives animals in the apartment or not? Well I will wait for a call. Ms. Christina you don't treat me whisky? – Jack asked.

- No, I want that you left, now!

- I won't leave yet I don't learn, your sister is live or not. Really you don't want to learn it?

- I want or not, this my business, and yours - to be cleaned from my house, – Christina was indignant with rage.

- As tell, but here my number, call if want to learn.

- And how my sister Jessica?

- Don't worry, it already goes home.

Christina looked how Jack gets into the car and leaves. It breathed sigh of relief that got rid, at last, from this dangerous wizard and entered into the house.

- Chris! Where are you? – Christina of the son shouted.

- Yes mothers, – the boy shouted, running from a ladder with drawing. The boy turned the head, looking around at the mysterious man. – Mother, and where superman?

- About? Darling, he left, but he promised as soon as will save the world, he will glance to you, – Christina told the son.

- It is a pity. And I wanted to present the drawing, – the boy answered, showing to mother where the superman was drawn.

- You will surely present it. And now go to the room and collect things, you will go to the grandmother.

- To the grandmother? And how zoo? – the boy asked.

- The grandmother also will take away you in a zoo, and I had urgent affairs. But I promise as soon as I will finish them, we with you descend where you will want, – Christina answered, taking the son on hands.

- And I for a long time mother to the grandmother? – Chris asked.

- No, weeks on two I promise, no more. I will call, – Christina answered, kissing the son.

- All right, I will go to collect things, – Chris told, rising upward.

Christina being nervous, I approached to a desk where phone lay. It the dearest hand dialed number of younger sister. In a tube there were long beeps, but, eventually, took the call.

- Hallo! – the female voice answered.

- Hello Jes, is Christina.

hi! You don't represent that to me happened. You simply won't believe, – younger sister told.

- No, I represent. Wizards brought you home? – Christina asked.

- Yes, but I didn't want to stay at home therefore I will go to girlfriends I will tell everything to them, and then on shops. You know, I didn't know that so nice Black wolf! ! !

- It is clear you and managed to see it. I call to ask you that you on the way of Chris's visor and brought to the grandmother. Well?

- Certainly! In five minutes I will be at your home then we will talk.

- No, wait! I won't be when you will arrive. I urgently should leave on affairs, – Christina answered, collecting things and documents in a bag.

- Something happened the sister? – Jessica surprised with an act of the sister asked.


Sorry but I find this very hard to follow

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