I Sing

by James Cragg
29th April 2017

I sing to my tree

And he sings to me

As the clouds billow

The windy willow

Rocks and sways

An old hound bays

In darkest night

As bats take flight

And owls seek prey

Then skies turn grey

The plump sun rises

And God disguises

Its presence with clouds

Like tightly wrapped shrouds


James Cragg


I clicked on your work because of the title 'I Sing' as I am a singer myself. I didn't know what to expect and although initially disappointed as the reference to singing was fleeting I found myself drawn in to your poem.

It strikes me, and I'm not sure whether this is your intention, that in the space of your poem we travel from singing, which is usually a joyous pastime to allusions of death in 'Shrouds'.

To me this conveys the fleeting nature of life and how it can turn in an instant. Today of all days with the terrorist attack at a concert in Manchester, I found it very moving.

Well done.

Profile picture for user suzanne._51823
270 points
Developing your craft
Suzanne Winter

Nice work, will put together!

For fear of sounding like I only care about syllables... there are two words I'd remove:

Seventh line, make it 'In darkest night'

Ninth line, 'When owls seek prey'

I think those changes preserve the rhythm, but its just a tweek. You could add a syllable to the following lines for the same effect.

If in doubt, ignore me and crack on!


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