by Pearl Marie
20th October 2016

I would climb the highest mountain, swim the deepest of seas;

take on the world of obstacles, just to have you next to me.

I would cross the driest of deserts, get drenched in the pouring rain;

I would do all of this and so much more, just to hold you once again.


There is nothing I wouldn't do, no price i wouldn't pay;

because all i want to do, is tell you,

"I love you."


I would enter a pit of snakes, walk over the coals on fire;

just to get it through to you, you are my one true desire.

I would hand you the stars, i caught just for you;

along with the sun and the moon, if you asked me to.


There is nothing i wouldn't do, no price i wouldn't pay;

because all i want to do, is tell you,

"I love you."
