I'm in love with everything round

by Tasneem Aliakbar
23rd October 2016

The alarm clock by the table so round and red

First thing I look up when I'm out of my bed

Its cheerful and helpful both at a time

And helps my lazy bones to be up before 9


I rub my eyes and draw the curtains

The celestial orb salutes for certain

Its a new day with millions of new hopes

And tons of pending work that needs to be coped


Down at the table the breakfast is ready

Dad's shouting at the top of his lungs already

I rushed quickly down the circular stairs

And hugged‘em both, my two cuddly bears.


The breakfast is full of delicious meal

With donuts, muffins and eggs to deal

Their scrumptious roundness is hard to resist

I devour 'em quickly not a thing to be missed!


The curtain flew and I caught her sight

The girl next door, so chubby and bright

Her brother always blocks my way

But a glimpse of her just makes my day!


She's neither a Barbie nor a doll

 But cute as a teddy and round as a ball

She chitters and chatters and is whole lot of fun

But golly! Weighs more than a hundred ton.


Now off to work in my favorite car

The ride is tough and the office is far

But the curvy Beetle is sure a bliss

Without which I'll be out of my wits.


There is a roundabout along my way

Where lies by the roadside a certain café

Whose round, juicy burgers are a must eat

I often stop by to buy myself a treat


I reached the office just in time

Where I am often light of the lime

My rotund boss loves me, I'm Apple of his eye

Hated by many, as he treats them as a fly.


There's a pretty darn girl who falls for me

Loved by everyone, a symbol of beauty

Calls me often by JB's name

Yikes! Did you compare me with Beiber's fame?


She giggled and laughed at my funny gesture

Proclaimed she never meant Justin Beiber

Shared a li'l secret of you I m much fond.

 JB stands for the irresistible James Bond.


How on earth could I possibly tell her

In terms of likeness how much I defer

What really makes my heart go pound

 Are cute, chubby things that are actually round!


May it be a plumpy baby in the pram

Old, fat Donald and his flabby ram

Curls of Lucy or a lollipop in hand

Blowing trumpets or drums of a Band.


Yarns of wool and soap water bubbles

Oranges and melons or a box full of truffles.

Everything that is pointless and round

Even mother Earth where life is found.


Granny's hugging arms or curve of a smile

Apart from the world's ugly, gray and guile

And to posses a beautiful soul for a healthy karma chakra!

That makes life blissful on this earth and hereafter.







