Jasper and the Tiffikins Chapters 1&2

by Gail Russell
12th April 2018

Jasper and the Tiffikins

Chapter 1 - Inside the coffee pot


Jasper Handersen was small. I don't mean he was a head shorter than you or I, either. No, Jasper was 12 years old and measured exactly six inches high. He knew exactly how tall he was because he'd measured himself only this morning against an old wooden ruler he had propped up against the wall, hoping to see that he'd grown even a little overnight. He hadn't.

It was a lifelong dream of Jasper's to wake up and find he was the same size as the children he saw playing outside his bedroom window. He was sure that if he were taller, he could be their friend and join in their games instead of watching at the sidelines, longing to feel included.

Maybe if he was bigger he wouldn't have to work at his Father's coffee shop any more either; wouldn't have to reach his tiny hands inside the hot machines to make sure no coffee grounds were left in there each night. His Father, who everyone knew as Mr. Grind because that was the name of his shop and who had adopted him when he was a baby, kept him hidden through the day and let him down into the shop only at night to work non-stop until morning. Then he’d be chased upstairs again to hide out in his bedroom, watching the people pass by from his window, wishing that they at least knew about him so he could wave as they passed. But they didn’t, so he sat there day after day, year after year, watching everyone below laughing with their friends, hugging and having a good time and never looking up to see him there, alone.

There was no two ways about it; Jasper was sad and he didn't think he'd ever be happy as long as he stayed this size.

“I wish I was as tall as everyone else,” he sighed that night for the millionth time as he gazed up into the first stars that had appeared in the clear night sky. “I really, really wish it.”

Jasper climbed down from his usual spot on the window ledge where he had been sitting, with tears in his eyes and cramps in his legs from sitting still so long, and got ready for another night of crawling through those hot and steamy machines. He felt like he couldn’t breathe properly in them, and he got coffee grounds stuck to his clothes that itched him until he could head back upstairs and take them off. He hated his job and his life, but what else could he do? Mr Grind kept a watchful eye on him at all times and anyway, even if he could get away from here, where would he go? He sighed and prepared himself for another long night. Only, before he made it to the door, something caught his eye. A movement from the other side of the room made him stop and turn towards the box in the corner where he slept through the day while the rest of the world was awake and alive. To his astonishment, he saw that his bed was occupied. There was someone very small and very colourful sitting on top of it. Jasper jumped and let out a yelp of surprise. How had this person gotten into his room? And… wait... she was small like him! 

His curiosity got the better of him and his fear left him as he walked towards the figure, taking in the sight of her. Her. She was a girl, but despite her size she was not like Jasper. Her skin glowed bright pink and a set of blue wings not unlike that of a dragonfly peeked over her shoulders. She smiled, showing off a set of bright white teeth and beckoned for Jasper to come closer.

“Don“t be afraid, young Jasper.” Young? She couldn't be older than he was, could she? She certainly looked the same age, with her bright eyes and smooth, glowing skin. “You made a wish on my star and I have come to answer it.”

“W-what?” spluttered Jasper. “What do you mean? Are you... are you a… a fairy?“ He felt silly for even suggesting such a thing, but there was no other way to describe her. He'd seen pictures of fairies in storybooks and the girl in front of him looked just like one.

She giggled and the sound echoed around Jasper’s room like chimes in a breeze. “Yes, I am a fairy. My name is Amethyst, and when you made your wish on my star you called me to you. You are sad, young Jasper, and I know just what to do to help you.”



Chapter 2 - Amethyst the Star Fairy


“Can you make me big like everyone else?“ Jasper shrieked, then slapped his hands over his mouth, hoping that his Father hadn't heard him shout. (He didn't want to wake him. How would he explain that there was a fairy in his room? He didn’t want to; he wanted to keep Amethyst to himself and he couldn’t risk Mr. Grind capturing her and keeping her here, too.) “Can you really do that?“ he added, more softly.

“I can indeed help you, if that is what you wish, but before I can produce the potion that will change you, you must do something for me.“

Jasper listened, wondering what he could possibly do that would help a magical fairy. Surely she must be able to do anything she wanted, go anywhere she wanted. He leaned to the side, peering over Amethyst’s shoulders to get a better look at the wings he was sure could transport her to magical places. What could he do that she couldn’t? He straightened up.

“Three tasks you must complete in order for me to help you,”Amethyst continued. “In the dark forest not far from here you will find a being known to those who live there as 'The Dark Knight'. Follow this map,” she waved her glowing hands and a map appeared in the air in front of her, materialising out of nothing, “and it will take you to him. You must retrieve a trinket from him; a dagger which he wears around his neck. When you take it from him, he will be defeated. That is your first task.“

Jasper didn't much like the sound of this 'Dark Knight'. He didn't think that, as a six-inch high twelve year-old boy he would be able to take him on, but he nodded sagely and listened carefully as Amethyst the fairy continued to talk.

“Next you must travel east, to the abandoned rock quarry where you will find amongst the rubble a fearsome stone Golem. A trinket you must retrieve from him, too. Use the dagger to wound him; the magic of the Dark Dagger will stun him for long enough for you to snatch the shining gemstone that he keeps where his heart should be. Once you have done this, he too will be defeated. This is your second task.“

The second task didn't sound any easier than the first, and Jasper was finding it hard to believe that creatures like Dark Knights and Stone Golems even existed. He closed his eyes and pinched himself, wondering if he'd fallen asleep on the window ledge and this was all a strange dream, but the pinch hurt and when he opened his eyes Amethyst was still there, staring at him and waiting patiently for him to pay attention before she continued on with her request.

“Your third and final task will take place back in the depths of the dark forest, where you must seek out a tree that is not like those surrounding it. It is known as 'The tree of Doom' by those who have laid eyes on it, and when you approach it you will learn why. Take the dagger and place the gemstone into a setting you will see on its hilt. When it is done, you will be able to use it as a key to open a secret doorway set into the side of the tree. Enter here, but be cautious, for although the tree stands still it has defences which will make your journey to its centre difficult. Travel carefully along the path you will find and retrieve the final item from the depths of the tree. It is a wooden trident, made from the bark of the tree of Doom, and once you lay your hands upon it the tree will become lifeless and will lose control of its defences. This is your third task.”

Jasper opened his mouth to speak, but Amethyst held up her hand to stop him. She continued on in her soft voice. “Connect the trident to the dagger with its inlaid gemstone and you will have made the final artefact. Bring it to me and I can use it to help you to become who you want to be. I warn you though, if you decide to go ahead your quest will be dangerous. It is your choice whether your desire to become like others is strong enough to take this on. I will return in exactly three days to this spot and will wait for exactly one hour. If you return from your quest and meet me here then I can help you. If, however, you do not make it in time then I cannot and will not help you and you will remain as you are now for ever.”

With a flash of blinding light which made Jasper cover his eyes with his hand, Amethyst disappeared, leaving the floating map behind her and leaving Jasper confused and with many unanswered questions.

