Just Do It...!!

by Puneet Sancheti
15th August 2015


Planet- Anika

Travelling in bus

Riot going in certain area, bus halts over a signal

Seat No. 13- a window seat

Describe the visuals taken place outside the bus and around you.

It is a delightful and a pleasant morning. Sun has just shown and felt its magnificent yellowish-orange prominence from the horizon, trying to make way for its sparkling rays from the altocumulus clouds. It was an unusual drizzle for last two-three days, but somehow there has been a break in it, from the morning. The Rockku birds are chirping and singing making things so gratifying and flattering. It is the indication of passing away of spring season and welcoming the summer. There was always a curiosity and a sense of excitement, whenever I use to see in the skies. I always use to think is there a planet same as the planet I live in, i.e., Anika, in our universe. This thought always use to make me feel so eager and thrilled. Well, I am a thinker so; these kinds of questions always come in my vigorous mind.

I was waiting for the bus, standing outside my house, as usual. It was 7.45 a.m. in my watch, but somehow it stopped. Generally the bus arrives at around 7.50 a.m., so I had the time to go and change my watch. So, I went and changed my watch, till then bus just arrived. I boarded the bus and went inside and I saw that made my day, the ever glowing, astounding girl, with a cheerful face, as usual and such stunning and flabbergasting personality, Himari, my seat mate, seated with such grace and the best part was as if she was expecting someone. What mesmerizing persona, as if for me the time stopped by and felt like I have made myself vanished in her glittery eyes. Boy! What a feeling that was! That’s when I got a little snap from the conductor, telling me,” Sir, please have a seat,” and then I tried to gather all my consciousness, she began smiling at me and I was like all shy around. I walked right away and sat beside her, on my seat, which was no. 13th. I have to mention about the no. 13, as this is my lucky number. My birthdate comes on the 13th of Muan, I got my job on the 13th and the best part was I saw Himari for the first time on the 13th of this month. So I find it quite fortunate about the number 13.

So, talking about Himari, she was new in the town, as she arrived from Kisakana one week before, the twin city of Napekana, where I lived, but it seemed that I have known her from ages.

You know, it’s always difficult for a guy to speak to her crush. Even though I spoke to her just once, still didn’t have the courage to start. It was 8.00 a.m., in my watch, and I knew her stop would arrive till 8.30 a.m., before mine. So, I just have approximately 30 minutes to talk. Looking at her, she was expecting me to start the conversation, as usual. I took a deep breathe, and just asked, “Hello Himari, how are you?” and she replied with a very calm and a cool reply, “I am fine, thank you. How are you doing?” It was an amazing feeling. So yes that’s all it started, we had a nice decent chat and I was pretty amazed to see that she was taking a keen interest in the conversation. Then she said to me that she would be leaving the town today for some work purpose and I was like come on God, this is not fair. As we were going deep in our conversation, she looked at the indicator bar, in the bus, and told me that her stop is going to arrive in 5 minutes, and I was so terrified thinking how these 30 minutes passed away? But in the end I was blessed by the almighty as I got the number of her mobile. She took a pen and tore a paper from her diary and in a very overjoyed and delighted manner, she wrote her mobile number and gave it me, and I was like why the hell is she writing it on a paper? She could have taken my number and saved in her cell or maybe she could have given her number and I would have saved it in my cell. But I guess, she was in a hurry and quite astounded with the conversation and probably forgot to do it my manner. But nevertheless, I was so happy and rejoiced. She just gave that piece of paper to me and bid adieu to me, as her stop arrived. And me too shook hands with her, greeted as a proper gentleman, by standing from the seat and said see you later. She gave me a very pleasant smile and just walked down the bus, and I was like wow! Now that was unexpected. It was the happiest moment as I sat down on my seat and began to take a look at the piece of paper, which Himari handed me over an began to think that is this real or it is a dream. Different thoughts started enter my mind like was she the girl was looking for, will she accept me as her lawful husband, one sec! Am I going too far? Will she accept me as her boyfriend, first? I brought my mind to a pause and stopped thinking about all those stuff and rather began to rejoice about the current situation.

The bus began the journey with a big smile on my face, thinking about Himari. I was holding that piece of paper in my hand, as I didn’t note and saved in my cell. I don’t know why I kept holding that paper in my hand. As I was looking from the window, the historic lake Shingdoh passed nearby, and all of a sudden it appeared to me quite lovely and beautiful. I began to smile thinking love is in the air!

It was all going good and unexpectedly the bus took a halt. The moment it stopped, everybody was up on their seat as it halted in a very awkward and abrupt manner. It was a long traffic jam. So the first thought that came in my mind, how can there be a jam on this route, because it’s been ages that, there was no jam. And secondly I thought maybe there would be any kind of emergency or something. So I called at my office, which was almost half an hour away from the current stop, and informed about it. I called my associate that I will be not reaching on time because of unexpected jam. But then my associate suddenly asked me “Where are you?”, and I replied, “I crossed the Shingdoh lake,” and he screamed with a jolt and said,” Dude, you are in a big trouble,” and I asked him why and then he said with a very depressed and shocked heart that, “There are some community riots going on out there, maybe 4-5 kilometers away from you, as its being telecasted on television. You please go out from there.” I was numb, speechless and terrified. I could not speak a word after that. The conductor and the driver began to warn everybody that everyone should leave from this bus, as they came to knew through the radio. I began to collect my things after a minor trauma I went, and began to just think what to do and whom to call. That moment of anxiety and terror led made my heart pound above the normal speed.

As I was thinking about everything suddenly Himari appeared in front of my eyes and I thought to call her. Just as I took my cell out of my coat, I began to search the name Himari, but all of a sudden it struck my mind that I didn’t saved my number in my cell. I then began to search everywhere in my pockets, but I didn’t got it and suddenly a roar came from everywhere and I was very petrified and horrified by the roar. Suddenly, the violent and hostile crowd just bumped it into the bus and tried to take people out of the bus. They were occupied with guns, rifles, different types of knives and spears. At that point of time, there was nothing that I could do. There were every kind of people on board, there were children, and there were old people. It was panic all over the bus. Some of them approached me, hold it from my collar and threw me out of the bus, with the rest of the people. They began to thrash and hammer every single person, not leaving the children as well. One of the people tried running, and they shot him, and I was like, what just happened. I was absolutely shocked. I thought maybe this is the last time I would see myself alive. The only person that came in my mind was Himari, I began to think about her the whole time. The extremist came near by me and said “Get up” and I stood up very hesitantly, there was fear in my eyes but that person was very intrepid male person, maybe 6’2 inches with muscularly built, asked me my name and I replied, “ Neptue.” He said, “Are you ready to die,” and began to mock me with his other extremists, and I got more tensed and a fear of adrenaline rushed my veins and I courteously replied, “Can I call a person,” in a very low and very upsetting voice, thinking of Himari so that I could just talk to her once and say I love her so much. But the destiny wanted something else for me and precipitously I was been shot. My life darkens, slowly and slowly my soul began to sink, like I am being drowned in the water and could not do anything. I fall unconsciously on the ground whispering “Himari …Himari…Himari…!” and then my life succumbed to death, just could not do anything. Could not speak to Himari and tell her I wanted to be with her and make her feel that she was special to me. But I was not able to do it. And in a very sluggish manner I slowly began to close my eyes and that was my end.

And suddenly alarm clock rang and I woke up exaggerating and breathing heavily. I was sweating severely. And I saw myself so terrified all over. I rushed to my mirror and saw myself with excitement, loaded with overjoy “Yes, I am alive.” Boy that was the most awesome feeling that I got this morning. And then I thank the almighty it was all dream. For making me live for my beloved Himari. You cannot expect anything more from it. That was the time I thought to be feraless in my life. Don’t be hesitant about anything you love the most. I thank my God and went to bathroom for getting ready, to be going office.

And it was again a delightful and a pleasant morning. Sun has just shown and felt its magnificent yellowish-orange prominence from the horizon, trying to make way for its sparkling rays from the altocumulus clouds. It was an unusual drizzle for last two-three days, but somehow there has been a break in it, from the morning. The Rockku birds are chirping and singing making things so gratifying and flattering. It is the indication of passing away of spring season and welcoming the summer. There was always a curiosity and a sense of excitement, whenever I use to see in the skies. I always use to think is there a planet same as the planet I live in, i.e., Anika, in our universe. This thought always use to make me feel so eager and thrilled. Well, I am a thinker so; these kinds of questions always come in my vigorous mind.

I was waiting for the bus, standing outside my house, as usual. It was 7.45 a.m. in my watch, but somehow it stopped. Generally the bus arrives at around 7.50 a.m., so I had the time to go and change my watch. So, I went and changed my watch, till then bus just arrived. I boarded the bus and went inside and I saw that made my day, the ever glowing, astounding girl, with a cheerful face, as usual and such stunning and flabbergasting personality, Himari, my seat mate, seated with such grace and the best part was as if she was expecting someone. What mesmerizing persona, as if for me the time stopped by and felt like I have made myself vanished in her glittery eyes. Boy! What a feeling that was! That’s when I got a little snap from the conductor, telling me,” Sir, please have a seat,” and then I tried to gather all my consciousness, she began smiling at me and I was like all shy around. I walked right away and sat beside her, on my seat and thought of that dream, but I didn’t get scared, rather I spoke confidently, and then……..

And then you all can understand what happened next...!!

"Happy Endings"


Cute story

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Its needs some drafting done but over all you have a good story line keep up the good work.

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