A Knock On The Door - Chapter 1

by Josie Crampton
8th January 2014


"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stand a little taller, doesn't mean I'm lonely because I'm alone." - Kelly Clarkson: Stronger.

I watched the door in front of me. Tapping my fingers in a steady rhythm. I was nervous. More nervous than I would let on to anyone, he was going to come through that door and take my soul for himself. Make me his was a more appropriate way of putting this. I breathed in deeply, every breath I took thinking it would be my last. But it never was. Of course, I couldn't just say that he wouldn't come through the door. I could sense his presence. But how had this all happened. Thousands of years of running and trying to build a new life. That is how it had happened.

I jumped suddenly at a noise that came from behind me. I grabbed the embodied dagger that was sat next to me and I held it close. I knew that it wouldn't kill him but it would give me enough time to escape him again. Hopefully. I seriously doubted it, but you never know until you try, right? I walked slowly towards the sound, making sure that I didn't disturb the silence of the house. I slipped when I got near the door frame leading to the kitchen, closing my eyes before I touched the floor. Bracing myself for the blow. But it never came. Instead, cold muscular arms clasped around my waist pulling me up abruptly.

"Careful." He chuckled slightly, I had let go of the dagger which meant my chance of escape had fell to zero. I was in his clutches now. I breathed in heavily and looked him in the eye. His black orbs twinkled in delight at the meal (me in other words) which laid sprawled in his hands, in front of him. A smirk danced upon his lips making me grimace in disgust.

"Oh there you are, finally caught up with me then." I tried to plaster a fake smile on my face but it was crooked and forced which aroused his amusement even more than it had already. He nodded, his black eyes looking deep into mine. I tried to pull my gaze away from his but I couldn't, it was one of his tricks. One of the things he could do to anyone, never breaking gaze his hand crept up my back which made me cringe.

"Well my dear Gemma, you can never get away from me for too long. You know you belong to me." He chuckled coldly and I rolled my eyes, he moved his arms from my waist and let me stand up straight. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to escape now. I laughed in my mind at the way he thought. See, I was prepared. Or so I thought.

"I don't belong to anyone." I stated as I glared at him coldly, slowly backing away from him. He matched my every move making me even more nervous. I scanned the room quickly searching for the dagger. He noticed what I was doing.

"Looking for something my pet?" He smiled, looking me straight in the eye. I noticed that he had his hand behind his back and my breathing started to get louder as my heart quickened.

"Maybe, you're looking for this?" He pulled my dagger from behind his back, the one that I had dropped when I had slipped but not fell. The one I had stole from him when I escaped after years of torture. I gulped suddenly and all my courage had immediately been flushed down to the very pits of my soul. The soul that was about to be taken from me. The same thing that happened to my parents twenty years ago was now about to happen to me and I wouldn't be able to stop a thing.


I woke up suddenly, my body temperature raising to above normal. Heck, what was I talking about? I didn't have body temperature. I was one of them things that was all cold and deadly because of him. I loathed him. I wanted him to pay for what he had made me become. I hissed furiously and ripped the sheets from my body. People say vampires can't sleep, they actually can. They just don't dream, they have nightmares of how they became vampires instead. I hissed again and walked out of my room.

"Morning sleepyhead," I heard a low voice growl. I turned around and came face to face with him. My master, the one I was bound to. The one who I hated so much but could not kill. He smiled at me, a knowing look in his eye. He knew what I wanted to do, he also knew that I wouldn't be able to bring myself to do it. He was wrong of course but I wouldn't be able to do it because I was bound. If I tried to kill him, I would pay the price and die as well.

"Morning master." I said through roughly gritted teeth, my canines aching because of the pressure I was beginning to put on them. I was hungry but I wasn't allowed to feed yet. I had to feed him, even though I was a vampire like him, I was still his blood slave. My blood was rich and different to other vampires which made me even more difficult to protect. I sighed in frustration as he eyed my neck and I moved my auburn hair slowly to the side giving him full view of the defenseless vein that pulsed through my body.

"Oh no Gemma, I don't want that." He indicated to something below it and I immediately snapped at him. He flinched back but regained control, standing up straighter. Showing me that he was the one in charge and he would not have me being like that. I stood up straighter showing denial. He smirked coldly. Then in one move he grabbed my upper arms and pulled me to him. He pressed his lips against mine roughly, full of passion and lust. I didn't respond which made him restless. Finally he pulled away and growled in frustration. "You're mine Gemma and until you can deal with that, you're going to get a whole load of pain." I watched his deadly black eyes form into slits which glared deep into my soul, the same soul which he had made his own.

"I am not yours. I will never be yours. You made my life hell and expect me to fall to your ways because you stopped me from feeling anything. You disgust me." I started then turned around and returned to my room, slamming the door shut and falling onto the bed. Beginning to weep my loss.


I haven't really been interested in vampire stuff before to be honest but this had me intrigued! Can't wait to see what happens next :) x

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freya bailey - law

I didn't find the sentences too lengthy and liked it very much. Has a nice flow to it well done

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damien Isaak

Simply loved it :)

There's a few sentences that are a bit lengthy. Try reading it out loud and shortening some of them?

Otherwise, really captivating :)

Debbie x

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